We all create our reality with our thoughts and feelings....literally from the Inside---out! Our feelings and thoughts manifest into what we call our "reality," in other words, our "life situations/experiences," or whatever you wish to call them. Sounds like a big responsibility, but whether you wish to realize this, or ignore it, it IS a choice, as is everything. If we relax into the knowing that we are responsible for our life, then we have the power to change it. Blame to others and to situations that cause problems only leaves us feeling powerless, and actually renders us powerless (as you cannot give away anything that you do not "own"). For, as said in the movie, "The Secret," by Rhonda Bryne, "Whether you think you can't or can...either way you are right."

By taking the initial step of consideration that our thoughts and feelings do indeed create our reality, you have begun to start the experience of a wonderful, joyful, abundant and happy life...that is, once you get the true "feeling" of understanding.

Our thoughts are unlimited, and hence, so are we. We are true reflections of God, which is Love...the Source of Everything, and the only "Real" and true Energy in the Universe....Life, Love, Truth, Abundance, Peace....all these things are God, and we are That. We, therefore, have that "creative" power to create our reality, and we do that simply, effortlessly, and oftentimes, without realization that we are creating our reality, literally all the time! We will create reactively and unconsciously, that is, until we don't; until we are conscious of that truth.

And this concept and realization is my reason for starting this blog. To inform, give to our community, to all of you, to uplift the planet's consciousness, to create a better Now....which is actually giving to myself, as we are all connected...truly there is only One Supreme Being sitting here, and our reality consists of that glorious Being manifested into individual units of Loving Energy, called "Souls," "Life Forms," etc.

We are all on this journey together, to discover this wonderful realization and then to manifest the most glorious experience of Life possible!

This, I know for sure.

Connecting to Source, realizations will occur....we can all do this, and we do...the only question is are we doing this consciously or unconsciously? The more awareness we place on what we feel and think, the more we will be able to create Consciously, rather than unconsciously, or reactively.

Join me to view some realizations that have literally occurred from "The Inside---Out!"

Many Blessings!

Ellen Angelica Pendergast

Jul 31

We are told that we all have free will. It sometimes is sadly used to impose guilt such as in telling someone that when they make a mistake, it is their ‘free will,’ in that they could have chosen better.

When this happens, the other often deep inside feels badly, because it causes the obvious question to Self, if I have free will, why would I choose to be That?

We are also told that God gives us ‘free will’ and that all we choose is up to us; therefore, if we do something wrong, (whatever that may be, relative to belief systems), it is solely our fault, and we must be punished for it!  Many religions thrive on this so called ‘rule,’ to impose guilt, shame, and blame.  What kind of free will is that, if we are punished for choosing other than what someone else desires?

In the ‘eyes’ of God, we can do no wrong. (That is a very radical statement, IF one looks at it on the surface). But if viewing from the perspective of seeking clarity and looking deeply at free will, we find that it is a truth. For how can God punish us for giving us a choice? And if we are to only follow one rule, then what kind of choice/free will is that?

For in the eyes of God, we are all on a journey of evolution; free will is merely a tool to create Reality; without it, there would be no choice, and no opposites from which to choose from. As in the book, “Home with God,” by Neale Donald Walsch, everything is always a choice, even after we ‘transcend.’

Free will allows us the experience called life. Free will also allows us to grow from our choices. Without free will, there is nothing, for free will implies that we may choose from an assortment of behaviors, creating many possible outcomes. If you do not have choice/free will, you cannot choose, and therefore have nothing to choose from…hence no reality of opposites to experience life.

Free will is a blessings, no matter which way we choose, because God lives through us, and therefore can only experience life through our choices…Free will is therefore choice, and can never be judged…it just IS, which causes an outcome, an experience, called Life.

When one chooses something that does not serve them well, it still is an opportunity for growth, which is what the Soul is up to…observation, choice, experience, evolution….and no matter the outcome….this IS LIFE.

Therefore, curse not the darkness as the Masters tell us, for to have Free Will is the greatest gift ever bestowed upon us, and necessary for our experience called life, no matter what outcome shows up.

Because we all have free will to choose in this reality, whatever you choose, whatever the outcome, accept the Now as it is, and strive to LIVE a life with meaning, clarity, determination, and expansion …through your free will, all is possible; hence through God, (Love/free will/life) we exist as something, and thankfully through that choice, we can CHOOSE to experience the Greatest, Grandest version and vision of who we Really are….unless we don’t; but either way….it’s ALL GOOD!  God lives through us; the question is, how do you decide to Live this life that you have been given?  All is opportunity for evolution in our experience called LIFE.

Many Blessings,

Jan 4

I have made an absolutely wonderful discovery and wish to share this with all:

Health is our true wealth….so many are suffering today and feeling their only hope is to look outside of themselves, going to doctors, paying BIG PHARM to get them back to wellness. It is understandable, and while allopathic methods have their place, we ALSO have a healing system within our bodies, minds, and our Soul.

I have been introduced to a wellness device that I can personally attest to works!

I have had a sore throat, cold, chest cold, etc., and all the signs of the flu, and running this device for 8 hours, I awoke completely recovered, with absolutely no signs that I had been ill.

I have a friend who has such bad arthritis that her knuckles were swollen and she could not play her musical instrument. I ran this frequency device on her for l l/2 hours and the next day she texted me that not only did the swelling do down, but she played, pain-free, and has been that way ever since.

It is called the GENIUS INSIGHT HEALTH APP, and can be run on an IPAD or Android device. It sounds incredible, but can be basically called ‘Frequency or, ENERGY MEDICINE. It runs by frequencies of our bodies and helps us bring ourselves back to wellness, as we match the wellness frequency it emits and raise our emotions, we bring our physical structure back to the frequency that is NATURAL, COMPLETE health and balance.

WE are doing this OURSELVES, by matching the frequency it emits to regain our natural state of good health and well being.

While it is normal, but not natural to be skeptical, it is understandable. Please consider how this works; here is a simple yet good comparison:

We have a wireless cellular phone. We can call Japan from this device. The phone number or FREQUENCY, goes into the air, hits a cell tower, bounces to a satellite, and then bounces from that satellite to a cell tower in Japan, and to the EXACT cell phone, and ONLY THAT CELL PHONE WILL RING. Yes, in the whole world, that phone number is the ‘frequency’ for only that cell phone.

This principle is a very simple explanation in that this device works the same way. We all vibrate at certain frequencies, and based on our emotions, will vibrate, matching either illness or wellness.

This device sends out a frequency just for that individual that is scanned, using only voice and photograph. It measures your ‘frequency,’ giving information on what is not in balance, and then can be set to send a vibrational frequency to help one balance back to wellness, by matching to what is being sent.

As Einstein stated, “Everything is energy; match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get this reality….it can be no other way; this is NOT philosophy; this is PHYSICS.

Still skeptical? People didn’t believe X-RAYS could do what they do….😉Now, they are commonplace.

If you wish to private message me on Facebook, my name to find me is “Ellen Angelica Pendergast.” Private message me and I will give you more information and proof of how this does work.

I am also available to scan any individual, and can do this by SKYPE because it works from anywhere and can go to any place in the world….(just as you can place a phone call to anyone from your cellular device…it works the same way to send a wellness frequency).

Here is the link:



Dec 27

We have heard the term “Master.” We usually think of someone who is proficient in some field, such as a Master Carpenter…even a Master of Disguise.

But being a Master is much more than being ‘good’ at something, for to be a Master implies that one has overcome some challenge; there is an ease, a grace to their life regarding that field or subject matter.

So what IS a Master of Reality? Years ago, I believed that it meant merely ‘getting your way…’ having things GO your way, in your reality. But now I realize that it means something quite different.

To be Master of One’s Reality means that you now understand what reality really is (created by Self) and that you have made peace with it. In this state, one has come to the understanding that nothing (no-thing) really matters, and in that knowledge, becomes accepting of everything.

Therefore, a true Master of Reality is a Master of their OWN PERSONAL REALITY, and is completely aware that the only thing that is truly important is that awareness of their own creative power, which IS GOD, made manifested in our experience…., for to Master one’s own reality is everything.  A Master therefore blesses all and every circumstance, for they realize that THEY put it all there! A Master also stays calm; never appearing ‘elated,’ nor discouraged. A Master observes and accepts, and in this acceptance, remains in Peace.

This peaceful state creates a peaceful life……and all others then ask, ‘can you give me what you have?’

When one Masters their Reality, they no longer look for gratification, as their entire life is gratifying. And that is why in the face of calamity, they remain calm; in the celebration of life, they remain serene.

A Master understands that it is all an illusion, made up by himself/herself, and therefore blesses all.

You will know how close to Mastery you are when you stop reacting, either negatively or positively to any given situation. Acceptance to everything means allowing, and a Master will always allow what comes, for they know that ‘everything is ok in the end; if it’s not ok, it’s not the end.’ (paraphrased John Lennon).  They also stay serene during joyful times, as they know that everything is temporary and an illusion.  They may enjoy the illusion, but have no attachment to it or the outcome, no matter what it is concerning, and whether it is considered by others as bad or good.

How do you know you are on your way to Mastery? You start noticing you ARE reacting and you stop. (This in no way means you ignore or stop caring; you merely are comfortable and do not expect a certain outcome). Why? Because you KNOW that you created it all, and therefore, do not ‘curse’ the darkness. You instead become a beacon of Light in that darkness, remaining calm and serene.

And…still shining that light even when it is ‘bright’ in your life, as a ‘Candle in the Sun.’

Many Blessings for a most Joyful New Year, filled with Mastering One’s Reality….for that is Our True Blessed, and natural state!

Nov 14


How many times have we heard the expression, ‘ you have to give it all up to have it all…’

I have to admit that I had never understood that statement; it seemed contradictory somehow, and just didn’t make complete sense.

Not until a recent personal experience of loss did I realize what that statement truly means.

Letting go is ‘giving it up.’ Letting go means to let go of something that is blocking your highest potential to live your life; being happy and serene. It is a blockage of energy that one holds, and it usually sits in the ‘heart chakra.’ This has an effect on the lungs, heart, and breast.

This blockage of energy can be in the form of grief for a loved one who has left; a death, loss of a relationship, or even of one’s own youth. Holding onto these feelings of grief, sadness, fear, etc., is keeping a negative form of energy that blocks connection to Source, which is Love;  the flow of God/Life.

So, until you ‘give it up…’ you cannot have it all…meaning…until you release what is no longer serving you, you will be blocked to experiencing your highest good, potential, and a truly joyful life.

How does one ‘give it all up?’ Many ways are possible for this to happen. Sometimes it is simply a decision. Something may happen for this decision to occur, or it can be a conscious choice. If it is a problem that has been ongoing, it may call for a deeper introspection. Counseling may be needed; journaling, speaking out about it; confrontation to oneself and the other, or in the case of deep grief, just having someone to cry to, holding you close for as long and as hard as you may need; this may help release the blockage.

Once the energy is released, the blockages will usually disappear, (it may take a few times to clear this, depending on how long one has held onto it). However, it will then help to allow and experience their truth; the truth that they are complete, whole, and a Sacred, Magnificent Design of the Universe, always connected to Source; this is true because we are all THAT.  This is who they Really Are, before the blockage appeared.

The infinite intelligence that permeates every part of our Being; all around and through us, is Love/God/Life, and releasing of any emotions that has caused a blockage will once again return us to experiencing that complete joy, peace, and Love that we all truly are.

It is much like a cloud blocking the sun; the sun is always there. Once the cloud passes, the sun will shine brightly once again.

Therefore, once we ‘give it all up,’ we can then ‘have it all;’ that ‘all’ is Joy, Peace, Happiness, and Love, which is who we all REALLY ARE!

And we are all here to experience that.

Many blessings!

Oct 30





So many of us feel alone; we feel that God is not there…we see and sometimes experience in the world so much pain, or feel that pain ourselves in the guise of not feeling good enough, feeling less, and/or feeling unloved….and wonder where God is…Prayers seem to go unanswered, and some feel both lost and alone.

But the truth of our Being is that we are God, being the true essense which is our very Soul!  Many of us have forgotten this Divine aspect of ourselves, for as the Christ stated, ‘I and my Father are One,’ and, ‘What you do to my Brethren, you do to me…’, for we really are ALL ONE.

I have read that if you cannot feel better, cause another to feel good, and you will also be uplifted. This is true and does work because ‘what you do for another, you do for you,’ as there is nothing else but you.

If we do not see the goodness and Love within ourselves, then we are blocked to see it in another. When we see that Light in ourselves, we cannot help but to see it in all others. When we see and Love ourselves, knowing we are that Sacred Magnificent Design of the Universe, we cannot help but to see God in everyone; we All Are Sacred; that is truly ‘knowing God.’

Therefore, to know God means to see God Everywhere; for that is where God is…God is in everything and in everyone.  The Truth is that there is ONLY GOD. When we Know God, and all we see IS God, that is the experience of ‘Heaven on Earth.’

There are many ways to ‘know God.’ One way is in honoring the Light in someone that you also honor in yourself; that is Namaste. This can be done in many ways and with many different relationships, whether romantic or not.

On a romantic note, one can ‘know God,’ by honoring their partner through a sexual practice called Tantra, which is done through the practice of Tantric Sex.

To learn more about tantric sex, Mark Michaels and Patricia Johnson, authors of ‘Great Sex Made Simple: Tantric Tips to Deepen Intimacy and Heighten Pleasure,’ have opened us up to the real workings of tantra — and how everyone can use tantric techniques to take their sex lives to the next level with tantric sexual practices.

There are certain ways to help us to feel the oneness of a physical union, and thereby experiencing the ‘energy and sacredness of the Soul/God/Love ‘ through this practice.

In the classical sexual tantric ritual, the participants worship each other as embodiments of deities. It is encouraged for people to bring an attitude of reverence into their lovemaking and to all their interactions. The tantric approach has far more to do with your mental approach than with technique. It certainly has nothing to do with longevity in a session or ‘staying power.’

It starts by honoring the Divine Light/Presense of God in that person; and the easiest way is by also honoring Self.  For when you honor yourself in the healthiest and highest way, you would also honor your partner, because you would realize that there IS NO SEPARATION.

We are all one Energy called Love, and to honor that Divine Presense in the other and the Self produces the experience of TRUE CONNECTION.  Combining the physical act of sexual lovemaking, will bring upon both the experience of a complete union in all three aspects of Self:  Mind, Body, and Soul.

It is all about awareness: deciding to be aware of that person; their needs, desires, and who they Really Are, as well as your own awareness of YOU, and what they and the relationship mean to you.

In a romantic relationship, Tantric is that practice that may help in creating a Divine experience of connection through Love for both parties and of  Self, as Love is the only true connection that really exists.

Blessed Be.

Aug 28

Sadness is one of the worse emotions to carry; reason being that it lowers the immune system, affecting the Heart chakra (heart, breast and lung areas).

Grief is the super emotion to sadness, and those feeling this emotion, if not channeled properly, place themselves in danger of manifesting disease, usually within that area, affecting those organs and those parts of our body.

Feeling sadness usually comes from an outside situation, such as loss or feelings of unfulfillment. Grief is felt deeper, seemingly in the ‘core’ of our Being. Grief feels heart-wrenching, as if the heart is broken, and medical experts have now concluded that ‘broken heart syndrome’ is very real, indeed; the heart feels all the symptoms of a heart attack, but fortunately there isn’t any damage actually done to the heart. A ventricle narrows, causing the pain, and the person feels all the pain, tightening, etc. as if they are going through a heart attack. Over time, however the heart can actually be damaged, and a heart attack can result…if the grief persists.

Depression is different than sadness, because with depression comes a feeling of hopelessness, which is very debilitating. Many believe that depression comes from surpressing anger you don’t feel you have the right to have; in other words, anger turned inward.

If we do not suppress our anger, and express it openly, anger is actually at the root cause of fear announced. Anytime we feel fear, we often express it by either pushing it out (Anger) or surpressing it (depression), so actually on a scale of the bottom of feelings, it is far worse to feel depression and sadness, than it is to feel anger. Anger also does surpress our immune system, but anger has a negative effect even more so on the liver, stomach, and pancreas, rather than the heart, lung, and breast. The chakra below the Heart Chakra is called the Solar Plexus chakra, and anger affects that area more than any other chakra. Anger hurts both parties, whereas the other negative emotions mentioned, usually hurt the individual feeling them more than anyone else in terms of physical and emotion pain.

Grief, depression, and sadness; these emotions all have one thing in common; their ‘root’ emotion where they all start is from fear. Actually there are only two root emotions that we have….fear and Love, and all other emotions arise from one of these two.

And you know when you have them, which root emotion they are tied to, because one makes you feel good and one does not. The ‘negative’ emotions cause an imbalance in our chakras, and this leads us to feeling ‘ill at ease,’ or ‘dis-ease.’ Certain emotions affect certain chakras, and knowing this can help us to soothe ourselves into a state of wellness, and prevent illness from manifesting.

Sadness is the emotion that is hardest to pinpoint, because it is so subtle. We can literally feel sad for weeks, months, years,….and not take care of it or even address it. Sadness begins to feel ‘acceptable;’ it becomes our ‘way of life,’ unless we choose to do something about it. Countless marriages and relationships stay together out of convenience, need, and/or quiet desperation. We just don’t seem to know what to do, and hence, our ‘sadness’ is always there, behind that smile, laugh or even behind a good deed done or act of kindness.

We can forget about it for a while, but it’s always there.

And that is just not living a life of our highest good, nor living a life of direct intention. WE ARE LOVE and JOY….and sadness is NOT who we Really Are!

If we confess that we are sad, many may try to ‘cheer us up, ‘ and they may succeed…for a little while. However, the sadness usually returns, and instead of looking at the problem head on, and going about ways to ‘look through it,’ many self-medicate through alcohol and/or drugs, legal prescriptions such as anti-depressive medications, or worst yet just push it away, lodging it deeper within us, where it can really do some damage.

How do we solve this and uplift our frequency to a higher level where sadness does not reside?

Whether we are grieving the loss of a loved one, or sad due to something that we cannot change, it all comes down to a choice of how we wish to live our lives; on what we wish to BE.

We must look at the problem; yes, we must address the feeling we have, and WHY we have it.

We must look at OURSELVES, and decide if we even deserve this feeling and IF it can be masking a deeper need and/or opportunity to change our lives. Remember, change yourself and you change your world, literally…from the inside—-out!

And after all, that IS what this blog is all about….seeking the answers from within, where they all reside, and most importantly realizating that WE ALL have that potential and power to retrieve the information and answers we need, in order to change our lives for the better.

This blog has been an example of as Jesus stated, “what I can do…so can you…” for we are all One, and hence, we can all be the Masters we truly are. My ‘Realizations’ are really coming from all, as we are ALL ONE!  Therefore, we ALL can do this; this too is a choice. Use this information if it feels ‘right’ for you; put it aside if it does not.

As for sadness, feel it until you do not. Find out what is causing this feeling, and do something about it, and if you cannot, such as in the face of the loss of someone, then do your best to cause another to lose THEIR sadness; for when we uplift one, we uplift ourselves, as we are all Souls from the Same Universal Source/Spirit/God.

All are uplifted on some level when we choose this service to anyone whom may need assistance, including those whom are deciding to offer that service or help.

Many blessings!

Jul 18

Labeling is always dangerous as it gives one the thought that can be a false message of permanency.

The words, ‘Narcissists and Empaths,’ have become such labels.

Narcissism has been overused and abused. It has gotten to the point that anyone seeking to please oneself is considered, name-called, or labeled a ‘Narcissist.’ Because Narcissism is considered a Mental Health Personality Disorder, and can be found in the Diagnositc and Statistical Manual (DSM) which is the ‘bible’ for mental health practioners, it is even more damaging to label one as such. Reason being is that when one is labeled a Narcissist, it indicates that it is hopeless.

Searching through the internet and speaking with mental health professionals, the usual and actual advice from many sources all point to one solution…..RUN from a Narcissist, as fast as you can!

Narcissism is considered ‘incurable;’ however, I choose to see all ‘incurable’ illnesses, as simply something that means to be ‘cured from within.’ (I first heard this term while viewing the movie “The Secret’ by Rhonda Bryne, stated by one of the doctors in the film).

The question that I pondered was this: Why ARE Empaths and Narcissists drawn to each other? According to the Law of Attraction, like attracts like, but when looking on the ‘surface’ of both of these personality types, they seem as far apart as can be; actually ‘opposites!’ So how can and why does this occur?

Considering Quantum Physics, it is realized that both are on the same vibrational frequency! They vibrations match!…..and as Einstein stated, (in so many words): ‘Everything is Energy; match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get it…there can be no other way; this is not philosophy, this is physics…’ That MUST mean that Narcissists and Empaths share the same frequency to ‘match up’…..but how?

Searching more deeply, Empaths have a frequency of feeling ‘not good enough;’ they therefore do all they can to please, to be of service, and will accept mistreatment, because they ‘understand.’ Another way to say it?  They have a tolerance level that is much too high, and often return to the perpertrator with loving understanding and compliance, only to be hurt again. Feeling ‘not good enough,’ allows the Empath to continue accepting negative treatment from the Narcissist with the hope that their patience, love, support, etc., will somehow mend the relationship and heal the Narcissist…..and then they can finally ‘feel good enough,’ as they will then have that Love and appreciation returned.

The Narcissist appears to be reaping the benefits from all of this, and continues on the path of mistreatment and selfishness, only thinking of their own feelings; it certainly appears that they place themselves as top priority, thinking the world of themselves, free of any negative feelings of Self at all. However, it is in fact, really quite the contrary!

Something much deeper is going on with the Narcissist. On the deepest level, they also feel not good enough to the point that they will do all they can to feel BETTER, even if it means constantly sucking the energy out of the Empath, continuing to do all they can to make themselves feel ‘good enough,’ (meaning valued, honored, Loved). They will do this at first by being kind, but eventually by showing displeasure, being demanding, or withholding Love and appreciation, to motivate the Empath to give even more, and the Empath does comply in order to feel worthy! And it works…until it does not.

Sadly, no matter how much the Narcissist is treated well, they have the mentality of the following statement: ‘I would never wish to be a member of a club who would have me as a member…’ In other words, ‘…if you like me, then something is wrong with YOU, and therefore, you don’t deserve to be treated well…’

This is the ultimate statement of ‘not feeling good enough.’ Hence the mistreatment of the Empath.

The drama continues as both feel not good enough but go about it in different ways to feel better. One keeps giving with the intention of feeling good enough by seeking approval (The Empath), which with the Narcissist, the kind and loving behavior towards the Empath is short-lived as the Narcissist will be very charming at first to get in good with the Empath to start the relationship off, but will eventually treat the Empath bad, as a form of control to keep the Empath ‘performing.’

The Narcissist will appear to be ‘worthy’ of good treatment, but once they feel that the Empath will comply and exceed all expectations, they start to take the Empath’s loving treatment and/or obedience as a sign of weakness, stupidity, etc., for in their mind, why would someone bother to treat them well, when they do not feel good enough to deserve such good treatment (the Narcissist)?

Remember, this is all done at the sub-conscious level.

But now, what is the solution? As stated, according to our society, there is ‘no cure.’

That is unless there is. How many ‘incurable illnesses,’ are now cured? Too many to mention.

Looking deeper into this ‘destined-to-doom’ relationship, the cure must come from within, where all good resides. Our Energy is Love, which is God; the pure essense of Life. Therefore, nothing is impossible nor incurable.

Love has always been the answer, but not as we are told. It’s not about Loving the other and being sacrifical as we have been taught; rather, it is about Loving SELF; both the Narcissist and Empath must truly look within at what they do not feel good enough about, and Love Self, healthily and completely; for when one Loves Self, then one can finally Love another, and not until then.

Both must first give to Self; but NOT  by taking from another, nor by seeking approval from another.

It is about Loving Self for absolutely no reason at all, except that one BREATHES!

For we are ALL magnificent, sacred designs of the Universe and have a right to feel good enough and Loved. Why? Because our true Essense is Love, God…the Great I AM….as WE ARE ALL ONE!

If both the Narcissist and the Empath are Loving Self, then they will love and treat each other with the healthy respect and care that the relationship first stated out to be. But this time, it will stay that way!

For as we all know, Love others as thyself; Love Self as Others…no truer words were ever spoken to cure all ‘incurable ills.’

Many Blessings!

Apr 24

Often we decide to control…either a situation, ourselves, or someone else. We usually feel our intention is to help, but sadly it is seen as an intrusion on either a situation or to someone else.

Controlling usually (and eventually) leads to resentment by others; they may not see it that way at first, as many of us can attest to someone seeming to WANT us to have control over a situation, or even them because they don’t wish to ‘consciously’ be responsible for a decision), but sadly, once we do ‘control’, anger and resent usually/eventually follow.

It is said that someone whom controls always feels ‘out of control,’ so that they have a need to control everyone and everything. But it goes so much deeper than that, for on a metaphysical level, control is actually stopping oneself from experiencing life to it’s fullest, and not for the reason one may think!

We tend to view controlling people as that they always want their way, and while that may appear to be true, the truth is this: The only one that they are truly ‘controlling,’ (not giving their way to..) is THEMSELVES. This is a great truth because there is none other THAN YOU! There is only ONE BEING sitting here, split into countless units of Energy called Souls, and so, to control another is to really control SELF; in this case, stopping oneself, hindering oneself, not allowing oneself to evolve or grow!

When observing a person who controls, (we may sometimes use the word, “control-freak…”) we often think that they should just mind their own business; we perceive them as that they are not allowing the other to realize something essential in their life situation. They are either over-protecting, being intrusive, or worst yet, manipulating that individual into living their dreams, rather than realizing their own; in other words, they are stopping that person from experiencing life! And what of a person that controls?  They actually are not experiencing/enjoying their own life. They become so involved in the other’s life or in a situation, that they are not free. They are always concerned, complaining or judging a situation or person, and usually refuse to look at their own life.

To be involved so deeply in another’s life story is detrimental not only to that person, but to oneself, for someone who controls robs (not only the one whom they are controlling), but also themselves of freedom and joy.

The best way to perceive anyone is to remember, ‘they were God’s child, before they were mine…’ and in that stillness, the control is lifted, freeing both the controlled, and especially, the one controlling.

And isn’t this the exact definition of God/Love, which is to allow FREE WILL? Love is truly allowing others to be free; and in Loving ourselves, we then also choose freedom in letting go of controlling those around us.

As we stop controlling others, we gain and experience our own freedom, which is another word for God, and the experience of being THAT.


Apr 3





We are all afraid to be diagnosed with a disease. We feel it threatens everything we are, making life hard and painful.

It is natural to feel this way. We all wish to continue our good health; in order to be free of disease, we must realize how it manifests.

The first ‘thought’ or feeling that begins a disease is to be in a state of ‘DIS- EASE.’ In other words, to not be AT EASE. Emotions such as feelings of being DIS-heartened, DIS-couraged, DIS-appointed, DIS-missed, DIS-contented, etc., all lead to DIS-ease….disease.

Feelings are everything. We often dismiss them, hide them from others and from ourselves; cover them up, self medicate (in the forms of alcohol and with both legal and illegal drugs), to not feel them, deal with them, etc., but they are STILL THERE. How do we know that?  Because they come back.

Feelng powerless, hopeless, and feeling what’s the use, are all forms that also bring an outcome of disease, for these feelings also put us in a state of ‘not at ease.’

In our true and natural state of Being, we are Pure Love; that is our vibration and the energy we are. We are God/Love/Energy in physical form, expressing and experiencing in this dimension as a human…. for a little while.

When we feel these feelings of ‘not at ease,’ there are several ways to turn this around and feel good.

The first thing is to address why we may be feeling ill at ease. We can blame others for our negative emotions and feelings. We can expect them to ‘make us feel better,’ but the truth is we actually do have all the power to change how we feel. It may not feel that way, but it is the TRUTH of our BEING. No one can do anything to us (metaphysically speaking) that we do not allow. I realize that this is a big step to acknowledge, but it is TRUTH. We may not consciously be aware of this, but nevertheless, we are responsible for everything in our life and how we choose to experience it.

So to start feeling better is often difficult, and you may ask how can I do this? How can I feel good when I do feel so bad?

Always the first step is to DECIDE. A conscious decision to feel good is essential. It is all a matter of choice and discipline. If you feel you do not have this discipline, then just by finding something to feel grateful for starts this process of feeling good, and eventually leads back to wellness if consistent with your intention.

If it’s hard to find something to feel grateful for, then it may even be that you have the eyes and sight to read this page.

There are times, however that we can feel grateful and still have feelings of abandonment and feeling unsupported, which can lead to those same feelings of discouragement, discontent, and eventually manifest into disease.

It is important to stop these feelings and one way is by knowing that the perception of feeling abandoned or unsupported oftentimes may come from our ‘domestication,’ and is a learned reaction and behavior; it can be unlearned. It is to change our perception and instead to realize/know that support is all around us, and abandonment is and can be nothing more than seen as an opportunity to BE with oneself and to make a decision to flourish.

If a loved one or someone close to you is displaying this type of negative behavior towards you, and these feelings arise, looking deeper into THEIR behavior will always reflect that this treatment towards you is nothing more than someone who has experienced this abuse to the point that they disconnect, and cannot feel how others are perceiving their behavior. It has nothing to do with us or our value. Finding that place of ‘not taking it personal’ brings a sense of peace and feelings of being ‘at ease.’  (for more information on this subject, ‘The Four Agreements,’ by Miguel Ruiz is a good book to gain deeper insight into this subject of ‘not taking it personal’).

The most important emotion is to feel Love…..Love is always the answer; Love of SELF, Love of another.

Loving Kindness towards others is Loving SELF, for we are ALL ONE.

If you are having a difficult time doing this for yourself, do it for another, and it will be done onto you….why? Because we are all the same energy, therefore what we do affects us as well as others.

Strive for EASE….ease into the flow of life; do what you Love; what brings you joy, and causing those good feelings for another will also become your experience of feeling good.

Bring understanding and clarity to another, and you will have and experience the same for yourself.

All are blessed…..The Light of Love shines all the time….any darkness in our life is just as a cloud blocking the sun…the sun is still there, as is always Love/God/All That Is!

With that knowledge comes relief, freedom, peace,….. and EASE.

Many Blessings!

Feb 24

(This is the next step in creating Reality; please read the previous information of Realization #155 regarding beliefs below to have a better understanding of this article.)

Paradigms are basically a program in our Subconscious. They are considered a ‘mental program;’ a BELIEF that has almost exclusive control over our habitual behavior, and ALMOST ALL of our behavior IS habitual.

A Paradigm controls our Perception. And through our perception, we use our time, get in touch with our creativity, experience our effectiviveness, our productivity, use logic, and control our ability to earn/create money.

In other words, the Paradigm we all carry (and it is different for all of us) controls our vibration.

We choose thoughts that match the Paradigm we carry, and those thoughts keep us in the same vibration.

Studying Quantum Physics, and remembering Einstein’s statement, “Everything is Energy; match the frequency (with your vibration) of the reality you want, and you cannot help but GET it! There can be no other way; this is not philosophy, this is physics…’ Searching for a deeper level of understanding and knowing how to apply it, through our feelings which produces our vibration, we create our reality CONSCIOUSLY, and thus, our life opportunites. We can create life as both challenging or joyful; the choice is always up to us.

Several years ago, there became a new thought movement that our thoughts create our reality, and while this is so, there is more to it than that. What most writers did not give information on at that time is this: it is our PARADIGM that influences our thoughts, and FEELINGS, and through that, our vibration is set, creating our life. That is why so many people have misunderstood and misinterpret the message, AND why also so many do not believe our thoughts do create our reality. It is because to just try to change our thoughts is so challenging at best. Most people give up or disbelieve this information because it is not clearly explained or understood. There is a deeper level of information to manifest than just changing our ‘thoughts.’

So getting back to creation, let’s look at a Paradigm. It basically goes back to our basic beliefs. And where do we get these beliefs we have? Usually from our domestication in how we are raised. We come into this life in a state of some call “amnesia.’ We don’t remember where from we came, and therefore have the experience of life as something very pure, fresh, and untouched with past thoughts of another time. This provides a very pure experience, as an artist with a clean, white, and new canvas.

Our beliefs are mostly based on what others have told us as THEIR ‘truth,’ and we have for the most part, taken and adopted their beliefs as ours. But how many of our beliefs are really just our own, free of any outside influence? If you really examine your own personal beliefs, you will discover that probably not many are originally your own in that they come solely just from you.

If your life is not as you wish, it may be time to look at your beliefs. For that is how we change our Paradigm. The first and most important question in changing any belief is this: how many of our beliefs actually serve you? How many are producing happiness, peace, and Love? How many have produced what you desire in life? There are many Paradigms, and remember, in them are beliefs about money, our ability to logically look at a situation, managing our activities, etc.

The first step in changing our Paradigm, is to ask oneself, to really THINK, what are my beliefs and do they serve me (meaning am I happy and experiencing the life I really wish to have)?

If they do not serve you, we all have the power to change our minds, literally….to change and choose a different way to think and believe. Once we change our beliefs, our Paradigm will change. Once that Paradigm changes, we will change our feelings, and with that, change our thoughts, thus changing and creating a different and more joyful reality.

My information comes in part from viewing a video on youtube.com, which helped me to know and develop a deeper undertanding in how we manifest our reality; our life situations, opportunities, etc.

It was conducted by Bob Proctor, giving information in part in basically shifting Paradigms, and I encourage all to view it. There are many videos by this writer that are available on this subject, and I encourage you to take some time to view them.

Many Blessings for creating a most wonderful life filled with Joy, Peace, and Love, Always in All Ways!

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