Realization #80 – Completion, Part 2

“Behold the Spiritual Warrior, who knows when to retreat.”

This is ‘completion’ on a different level. To know when to retreat, means to know when something is finished, done, accomplished, or even futile…..basically, knowing when to stop, and just “Be.”

Completion on this level, means that you radiate patience and Love. It means that you are Allowing; it means that you are in complete Trust that the Universe/God/One Mind is all good, and therefore, only good is real and eternal….it means showing up for your life…holding on but letting go….in other words, it means being in the world, but not of it.

It is past belief or faith…it is Trust and Knowing.

For in this highest sense of completion, it means living in that ‘Knowing’ that everything is already done, and vibrating at a frequency that is Love, thereby allowing only the Real and Eternal to show up, which means “Loving Experiences,” and therefore, living Heaven ‘on Earth.’

In the truest sense of completion, there is nothing we ‘have to do;’ nowhere we have to go, and nothing we have to “Be.” …..

…..for we are already Perfect In God.

Blessed Be.

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