Searching on the internet, which appears to be the Source of All for mankind right now…that is how it appears looking at the “outside.”
Viewing information from all avenues; many are feeling confused. It appears that now anyone can ‘prove’ anything to be “TRUE or FALSE.” There is information on every subject imaginable, and also information that appears contradictory in nature to every idea, problem solved, and question asked or answered.
The other day I was searching to see if eggs were really good for humans to ingest. So many ‘authoritative sources,’ suggested both pro and con. What is the REAL TRUTH?
As I searched, and found so much conflicting information, I realized that the only AUTHORITATIVE SOURCE…..’ is ME!
Yes, the Truth is different for everyone! There is NO RIGHT AND WRONG….and that is the precise reason that some diets work for some, but not for others. There are so many different people, life styles, stressors, body chemistries, cultures, etc.
We all search for the one and only ANSWER…and it is a search that is in vain.
For the answer lies within US, for ourselves, and for no one else.
We are told that we know nothing. If we are ill, we are told to run to a health practitioner whether allopathic, alternative, or a healer on a Spiritual Level; we are told that the answer to our healing must and only can come from a source OUTSIDE of ourselves.
This is just not true! Why?
Because there is only YOU! Meaning there is only ONE..and that Truth, when we ask, will come to us for our own personal needs, from the Source of All, which is God/Universe/The Great I AM….in other words, the Unity we All Are. Diversity is what life is, and so are the answers to every problem.
Rest assured, you are that SOURCE. You are part of ALL THAT IS.
If you feel ill, meditate; connect to Spirit…and if you get the message to go to someone for help, then honor YOURSELF, but only yourself.
Not what you are told; not how you were raised; not what others think or feel…but only what YOU FEEL is right for YOU!
Keep fear out of it….if you feel afraid and making a choice from fear, then it is not TRUTH. Because TRUTH feels freeing, loving, and most certain. AND THERE IS NO FEAR WHEN YOU ARE MAKING A DECISION THAT FEELS GOOD.
Blessings to re-unite with YOU….that is all there really is..and it is ENOUGH.
We all deserve to live in happiness and good health; enjoy your life….WHY? Because you deserve it…not because you did anything special…but just because you BREATHE!
Many Blessings!