We all create our reality with our thoughts and feelings....literally from the Inside---out! Our feelings and thoughts manifest into what we call our "reality," in other words, our "life situations/experiences," or whatever you wish to call them. Sounds like a big responsibility, but whether you wish to realize this, or ignore it, it IS a choice, as is everything. If we relax into the knowing that we are responsible for our life, then we have the power to change it. Blame to others and to situations that cause problems only leaves us feeling powerless, and actually renders us powerless (as you cannot give away anything that you do not "own"). For, as said in the movie, "The Secret," by Rhonda Bryne, "Whether you think you can't or can...either way you are right."

By taking the initial step of consideration that our thoughts and feelings do indeed create our reality, you have begun to start the experience of a wonderful, joyful, abundant and happy life...that is, once you get the true "feeling" of understanding.

Our thoughts are unlimited, and hence, so are we. We are true reflections of God, which is Love...the Source of Everything, and the only "Real" and true Energy in the Universe....Life, Love, Truth, Abundance, Peace....all these things are God, and we are That. We, therefore, have that "creative" power to create our reality, and we do that simply, effortlessly, and oftentimes, without realization that we are creating our reality, literally all the time! We will create reactively and unconsciously, that is, until we don't; until we are conscious of that truth.

And this concept and realization is my reason for starting this blog. To inform, give to our community, to all of you, to uplift the planet's consciousness, to create a better Now....which is actually giving to myself, as we are all connected...truly there is only One Supreme Being sitting here, and our reality consists of that glorious Being manifested into individual units of Loving Energy, called "Souls," "Life Forms," etc.

We are all on this journey together, to discover this wonderful realization and then to manifest the most glorious experience of Life possible!

This, I know for sure.

Connecting to Source, realizations will occur....we can all do this, and we do...the only question is are we doing this consciously or unconsciously? The more awareness we place on what we feel and think, the more we will be able to create Consciously, rather than unconsciously, or reactively.

Join me to view some realizations that have literally occurred from "The Inside---Out!"

Many Blessings!

Ellen Angelica Pendergast

Sep 21

So many new age writings point to our emotions as the ‘culprit’ for why we are having a hard time with life; that our ’emotions’ are dictating our outcomes. We are told time and time again, that if we think a ‘bad’ thought, a bad outcome is your experience; think positive and good comes to you!

This is in part true, but not for the reasons given….for there is a much deeper reason that we think as we do….and the creations that come from those thoughts are started at a much deeper level than realized.

For our Universe is a “FEELING” universe, and that means much more than thought. To get to the root belief and solve the manifestation question, we must go to the First Thought, which is our PERCEPTION; in other words, how we look at something….our ‘opinion, so to speak of ‘whatever is going on…’

Life happens to us, and we get to decide what it means….what we wish to BE about it all. That observation is called a PERCEPTION, and THAT decision to view it a certain way, forms our perception. It also can, and often does, become our ‘state of Being,’ which can create bad and good experiences, depending how often we ‘perceive’ our reality a certain way.

Once we have that, it then becomes our PROSPECTIVE, and that is what changes our VIBRATION. Our vibration then produces emotions, which can be negative or positive, depending ON OUR PROSPECTIVE. And of course, we then feel and think a certain way. This is all caused from our first perception of a life experience.

So the the whole thing has not been looked at deep enough, for so many are trying so hard to change their thoughts/feelings, without addressing how they came about in the first place! And that can be SO DIFFICULT, because…..

ALL that is truly needed is to understand why we choose to view things a certain way. Much of how we view the world is TAUGHT to us, by our upbringing/domestication. This is not about placing blame on parents, family, friends, community, cultures, etc. The purpose is to merely understand WHY we see things the way we do.

Usually a questioning of our belief system is what it takes, and WHY we REALLY see things how we do. Self reflection and introspection is one way we can do this when ‘conscious.’ The other way, is through meditation.

Once we have explored these avenues, leading to why we observe as we do, we can decide to make a new choice. This change IS everything because that ‘new choice’ changes our perception, which changes our prospective, which changes our vibrations, which produces a new emotion/feeling. And as we cultivate a new way of viewing our life, family, community, country, and world, our vibration will change, producing new emotions, which produce new thoughts, which will change our life; we therefore become the “Change in the World we wish to see,” as Mother Theresa stated.

So many Spiritual writers and teachers are basically addressing this issue.
Gregg Braden is one such writer, who has recently published a book, called “Resilience of the Heart,’ which basically points out that connecting ‘brain to heart,’ produces a coherence that when applied with ‘Love” creates positive outcomes in our reality/life. Why? Because that coherence changes our ‘perception,’ and with that, our emotions become positive, which then affects our manifesting a world that we can then call ‘Heaven on Earth!”

Many blessings!

Jul 29

I realize how temporary all this is…meaning the ILLUSION of our reality…not illusion of LIFE, because Life always goes on forever and ever, for all eternity….because WE ARE THAT. But I write of the shift that is happening now in our World, and in many people’s reality…..ASCENSION IS NOW and A New Earth IS appearing.

So, how to get to that place…called ‘Ascension?’ And what does Self Correction mean in this case? How ARE they connected?

The first step is to decide to become awakened to certain negative ‘patterns’ that have repeated in ones’ life.

I believe we MUST pay attention to the repeated patterns, whatever they may be, in order to dissolve them. We are shedding lifetimes, (yes, LIFETIMES) of negative emotions and deeds in the form of resistance, fear, anger, avoidance, etc., and when they surface, they must be consumed. How? First we must always look to LOVE/GOD/SOURCE/I AM PRESENCE; for that is a sure way that they permanently dissolve.

We will only keep them in place if we avoid or resist looking at what may show up in a negative form or way. Without realizing, when we avoid anything, we are saying ‘It’s there and I will ignore it!‘ Meaning, when we are in part thinking/feeling, or saying ‘IT’S THERE,’ that vibration keeps IT THERE!

AVOIDANCE IS ACTUALLY PURE ACKNOWLEDGMENT THAT IT’S THERE, (but that we won’t look at it!) and so it MUST STAY in our life experience/reality.

Substances such as alcohol and any drugs is an ‘outer’ tool used for AVOIDANCE; some find it so easy to do, excusing the use as ‘social.’ But in truth, it IS a technique for avoiding, which brings one to nowhere, regarding spiritual evolution. This is not a judgement; it is an offering of information. We all must decide what we wish to be in relation to it all.

I have realized that all adversity comes as a GIFT/OPPORTUNITY to force us, so to speak, to turn our attention to back to SPIRIT/GOD; in other words, to our MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE (God in Action -within us). We are all to become CHRISTED BEINGS, for that IS our natural state of BEING….GOD IN PHYSICAL FORM. JESUS THE CHRIST had shown it was possible. His message was clear in his statement, ‘…what I can do, so can you, and you shall do even greater things than I…’

The only way, is therefore, not through avoidance, complaining or judgment, (which we all have done), but instead turning to God for help, by asking for these negative feelings to be CONSUMED and TRANSMUTED into LOVE; deciding to actively BE that will eventually stop this pattern, as we rid ourselves of these feelings of disharmony forever. Only with Love; Love of Self and BEING the PERFECTION (GOD) that we truly are, will this occur.

And the reason for this writing? To assist in giving information to obtain and to KEEP that Perfection, which is the MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE/GOD/SOURCE/LOVE.

I have also come to the understanding that when we do say the words ‘I AM,’ we “light up/turn on the electrons in the atoms of our cells; our ‘vibration’ then raises, which causes our Being to match the CHRISTED STATE, and with enough attention given to that, it is TO STAY.

With this practice, ASCENSION, COMES THROUGH US, not ‘to us.’


The NEW EARTH is a dimension, and through ASCENSION it is reached; we match the vibrational frequency and once we do so, through us the NEW EARTH appears. That is what Jesus meant by ‘He will come again, and there will be 1,000 of Peace.’ For I have come to understand that He meant THE CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS,’ not just Him coming back, but all that are ready to “ASCEND,’ (to match their Vibration to the New Earth; that we ALL become CHRISTED).

Many feel that they are ‘working’ towards this ASCENSION, but please remember, for Jesus the Christ also stated, ‘As you saith, so shall it is,’ meaning that if you feel you are ‘working’ towards ASCENSION, you will only experience ‘working’ towards it, and not ASCENSION, but the working towards it. Feelings are literal in that they match and create the experience of EXACTLY what we feel; nothing more and nothing less.

Therefore, the wisest and fastest way to experience ASCENSION is to first FEEL this statement:

‘I shall now decide, at this moment, to KNOW and to be SO GRATEFUL that even the ‘working towards ASCENSION IS NOW OVER; for I know and choose now to KNOW AND EXPERIENCE BEING ASCENDED!’

It is difficult to connect to this line of thinking and feeling when patterns from past emotional and physical trauma get in the way. Most of us, in some way or another in the past have experienced patterns; many of us have even felt angry with OURSELVES, for when those patterns had kept happening, we realized that we were doing this to ourselves!

It is so important now to NOT be angry with SELF any longer, because to be in a State of Perfection, means that we must allow ourselves to BE..and that Is LIFE. To be gentle with Self is the first step towards Mastery; Loving Self, and all others.

The more that realization and loving self happens, we get stronger to LOOK at it our patterns and self, rather than avoid. So my question right now to all of you is this: ‘Has avoidance in the past, caused you to have stayed in something that you had not wished to? Is it something that you are still doing?’

I do realize that avoidance one of the worst behaviors we can do, because it keeps ‘it’ in place, (whatever ‘it’ may be), and with NO chance of it healing and going away; the same as having a problem and ignoring it….it never goes away, does it?

Sometimes things resolve on their own, which is tricky, because it sounds like I am saying ‘get into it,’ and yet NOT. I believe things only truly resolve when we stop looking to others to solve them for us…meaning that blaming and thinking “if someone changes,’ then I can be happy, is somewhat avoiding our power that we are creating ALL OF IT! And remember, until you ‘own’ it, you can’t ‘it give away,’ (meaning anything that you ‘don’t own.’).

Acceptance of our Self and others is always the solution. But acceptance of others does not mean we accept abuse. Acceptance in this case means that we look at something, and accept our responsibility of having placed it in our lives.

Usually, we just have kept hoping and looking to OTHERS to be nice or to fix thing to help us to be HAPPY!

Wow, think about THAT! We have a hard time changing OURSELVES…so how can we expect others to change? We keep thinking, if they didn’t do this or that, then I CAN BE HAPPY…..this definitely is a pattern, isn’t it? Have you noticed this in your own life?

A good feeling/thought to have is this:

‘I am GRATEFUL to NOW be free of these patterns.’

Once we are ‘on our way to ASCENSION,’ we will realize that we cannot leave a situation feeling bad or needy, (or seeking to have someone fix or save us) because as long as we still have been carrying that feeling of looking to the “OUTER self” and world for that happiness, often in the form of ‘someone, we are missing the vibration to ASCENSION, for it MUST come from inside of us.

As Jesus The Christ stated, ‘….the Kingdom of Heaven, is Within…’

In that level of understanding, is UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. Many confuse unconditional love with ‘tolerance.’ But the two are quite different. Tolerance is basically putting up with something unpleasant; Unconditional is staying in your perfection, regardless of what is going on, but it does NOT mean to ‘tolerate’ anything that brings sadness or abuse. You can love from afar, so to speak.

When we are so calm inside that whatever is going on, we STAY In that PERFECTION of the “MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE;” then of course, everything BALANCED and GOOD comes to us, and we give to another out of wishing to also enhance their life. This is not tolerance, but seeing through to the Perfection of the other.

And the more we feel that loving calm inside and ABOUT LIFE, the more we stay in HARMONY INSIDE, keeping THAT PERFECTION INSIDE, so it MUST reflect back to us, forming our outer reality.

I suppose PATIENCE is all that is really necessary in this process; that, and SELF CORRECTION. So rather than be impatient, if we just stay in that Perfection, all that is imperfect will ‘vibrate’ out of our reality, and only Perfection WILL show UP in our LIFE EXPERIENCE.

Looking at something doesn’t necessarily mean you have to do something, but it does mean awareness to the problem; SELF CORRECTION, leads us back to our state of Perfection, whom we REALLY ARE…Spirit, The Mighty I AM PRESENCE, GOD….

Be all you can to be/feel PERFECT peace and calm inside; meaning happy; balanced; serene, poised, but not from avoiding, but rather see it all as the illusion it is.

The Master, Jesus The Christ, stayed in that vibration of Perfection inside; that reflected outside into what is called his reality; it was how he lived, and showed His way and state of BEING through his sermons and miracles.

We must realize and know that every disharmony, adversity, and discordance is merely an opportunity to turn back to our Source, to ‘allow’ God/Source/Mighty I AM PRESENCE to guide, guard, and lead us to the most magnificent outcomes.

So how do we ALLOW?

By STAYING in that Perfection.

And how do we STAY in that Perfection?


SO, here are some ‘tools’ for SELF CORRECTION,” (But please remember, when I speak of SELF CORRECTION, it does NOT mean harsh punishment or self condemnation to ‘snap’ ourselves back in place), but in this case, SELF CORRECTION means to bring ourselves BACK to our NATURAL STATE of PERFECTION, so that everything outside of ourselves (Our Reality) will return to that state of Perfection/Good Outcomes, to us in the form of experiences in our lives.)

The following are some ways that work to SELF CORRECT:

Some DECREES I have learned are as follows; they help if said in this order, all at once, or separately… and whether sad or happy:







If you think these WITH FEELING, or say them out loud every time you feel discordance, disharmony, anger, sadness, or any negative emotion, I AM THAT I AM means “GOD IN ACTION WITHIN, and it WILL improve immediately and bring you back to your PERFECTION; it will transmute and consume, raising your vibration back to PERFECTION, which is really our ‘Natural State.


Many Blessings!

Jul 27

Everyone to some extent, is seeking God, but there is NO PLACE TO LOOK! Why is this? Because God is EVERYWHERE; there truly is NO SPOT THAT GOD IS NOT! Therefore, God is EVERYWHERE, right in front of us, and yet we walk around seeking, when everyone and everything IS GOD….It’s like asking a fish where the water is? IN, AROUND, and THROUGH!

A realization such as this can be life transformational, for if there is no place to look, it means that God is ALWAYS there….everywhere!

I remember seeing a poster that read…’Some people look for God, as if HE could get lost.’ I smile now to think that the Truth is so simple, yet we tend to oftentimes miss it….. that is, until we do not.

To say you are ‘seeking God, really vibrates the message to the Universe that you have not yet found God, and that is a lie about who you REALLY ARE. For we are all God in Physicality; all Divine, Sacred, Magnificent Designs of the Universe. It does not matter what you have done, been, or experienced, for no one is NOT GOD. However, the act of ‘seeking’ God only keeps us experiencing exactly THAT….SEEKING God and not KNOWING God.

It is not blasphemy to say we are God; rather it is the highest praise of GOD, for God is all Love, and we are all Divine aspects of that Loving and all Encompassing Energy. This IS stating a bigger, deeper, and more complete expanded feeling and knowing of what God really is, which is Love…. and in everything.

Aspects of behavior that we judge or deem ‘ungodly,’ are merely aspects of ourselves that the LIGHT/SOURCE/GOD within has been blocked, and it is we who block this loving Source; not entirely….. but enough to FEEL disconnected. God is still there, but so much of the highest and grandest characteristics of our God Self are blocked, until we ask for assistance; until we go WITHIN.

There is no one, no thing, and no place that God does not exist in, through, and around…not in Absolute Truth of GOD….for God is ALL in ALL…the Great and Mighty I AM PRESENCE which is in, around, and through, not only us, but in the SPACE IN BETWEEN. This is a much more accurate description of God, demonstrating that there truly is no Separation. The idea of separation is the GRAND ILLUSION.

This illusion is necessary to some degree in order to live in this world, called our ‘reality,’ but if you do not remember WHO WE REALLY ARE, it can at best feel so lonely, and worse yet, at times very scary indeed.

But the truth is this:

…there is really only ONE BEING HERE….That is God, separated into countless energies, inhabiting and holding together a physical structure that seems separate from others, to create an illusionary reality of experiences, called LIFE. And that IS necessary to experience ‘life.’ But that PRESENCE is always with us, because IT IS US!

Why have we been created and why are we alive and here in our reality?

The answer? To observe, to know itself (GOD) in its’ own experience of everything that God is…and that is the reason for so many different aspects of God; for the energy of Love/God/Source/IAM PRESENCE then has the experience of knowing itself, as before it embodies in physicality, It only knows of Itself as a concept of the characteristics of God.. We, by vibrating at a frequency that produces a physical structure, all of us (All GOD) then get to experience GOD/Life, through the infinite number of different aspects of life forms. Hence, we all have life experiences in order to experience EVERYTHING.

However, our natural State is that PRESENCE: the essence of God, which we all are THAT. And that is why free will exist; to experience the many aspects of the Divine. However, because you must have opposites to experience, there are experiences that are unpleasant. Fear is the illusionary opposite of Love, just as we must have ‘cold’ to know ‘hot.’ Reality is set up to experience the highest aspects of our true Divinity, and we can only do that if the opposite exists, in this contextual field called ‘reality.’ And that is why reality is really subjective, in that, it’s all ‘how we look at it.’ We must have this contextual field in order to experience.

Sometimes it feels so remote from what we are being…so detached, that we question all we think we know, but the Truth is that SEPARATION is an illusion; for we can never be apart from God, because WE ARE THAT/GOD/SPIRIT/SOURCE/MIIGTY I AM PRESENCE.

When we become/decide to BE that Perfection, then we experience God in the HIGHEST, GRANDEST, and GREATEST sense.

We often oscillate back and forth between different states of Being…and that is what we are all here to do; to Master Our Reality, meaning ourselves. When we have mastered our emotions, (not in resistance) but in understanding who WE REALLY ARE, we will self-correct (meaning not reprimanding ourselves), but transforming back to our MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE. That state of perfection (if you are patient), will produce the perfection outside of ourselves, into our ‘reality,’ called our LIFE.

With this Truth lies the greatest peace and contentment, for then we are without need. And that expression; that VIBRATION, of ‘being without need,’ produces a life that is without need, meaning all good/God which then naturally becomes our life experience…for as Jesus the Christ stated, ‘As you saith (Speak, feel), so shall it is!


Mar 25

I have been studying St. Germain’s Teachings/ Ascended Masters, and especially Jesus and his teachings, and I find that we are all on PURPOSE here; to become and BE that CHRISTED BEING, ASCENDED AS THEY ARE, which is our natural state…God In Action through US all!

Many experiences have occurred to assist in the transformation with many, including myself.

We are all and have/had been, in a process of that transformation; I feel I have completed mine in many ways, and we are forever evolving to higher and higher states of BEING….that explains all the past pain and trauma, and now the Utopia (New Earth) that is occurring and HAS occurred….being NOW ASCENDED.

One wonderful “Utopia/Euphoric ‘tool’ is to ‘know’ deep inside to BE HAPPY; feel GOOD, and enjoy LIFE….that keeps one in a frequency of good health and abundance, happiness, and Love…..all states, aspects, and characteristics of God.

I have come to a good outcome in my relationship with EVERYONE, and I AM SO GRATEFUL, because it has now affected my health in such a wonderful, good, and positive way; it IS all about ME…and I don’t mean that it was my fault in that I was the ‘problem;’ or in anyway self centered… I mean that all I see is ME…in all different forms and I realize that staying in my State of Perfection, BEING Love to myself and all others (Which IS the Mighty I AM PRESENCE/God, in all of us; to be conscious of that, of WHO WE REALLY ARE, produces that same perfection outside of myself, called ‘my reality. ‘ Truly Love IS reflected in Love….BECAUSE Love is PERFECTION, and when experiencing LOVE on the INSIDE, the Perfection of Love, manifests on the OUTSIDE (our realty…Perfect Outcomes; peace and harmony).

This may sound pretty unusual, but when you really read my words, I know that when you connect to your Higher Self, you will know this to be TRUTH.

And that is why Jesus The Christ, stated, “..the Truth will set you free……all you need is Love…and I can of my own Self do nothing (outer self). …for the Father is Within…
To stay CONSCIOUSLY in that PERFECTION, which is GOD/the GREAT I AM, does produce that same perfection in every area of our outer ‘reality.’  

That I know for sure…


There are many ‘tools’ to help one to CONSCIOUSLY connect back to that Perfection. One is to state, “I AM!” That statement is the Highest form of declaration, the Mighty Presence of God In Action, within us; that statement “I AM” transmutes all negativity, all errors of feelings/thoughts, and transforms it all into Love…into Perfection. With that statement, your inner Self is Love/Perfection, and holding that ‘frequency,’ your world will reflect that State of Being. Patience is all that is required, and a willingness to be CONSCIOUS of what one is feeling/thinking.

For more information, there are several books that are available through the St. Germain/ I AM Foundation, and online; the most documented authority are the books by Mr. and Mrs. Ballard.

Many Blessings!

Nov 17

Realization #179 – 2020; Perfect Vision

So many are distraught; from viewing social media sites to various articles on the internet; on almost any social interaction, whether online, web searching, or personal interaction; many are besieged with our community lamenting over this year, 2020.

And aside from our experience of those in shock and negativity, we are having OPINIONS of what others wish us to believe pushed upon us at every turn; from media online, written articles in magazines and newspapers; television, etc, too many opposing ideas and information to choose from!

Where there were once ‘reliable’ sources, or so it seemed, now such reporting agencies such as FOX news (now taking the Republican’s stance; CNN – basically for the Democrat) ….everyone seems jaded to either one extreme side or the other.

Many tell us, it’s just reality, but what IS REALITY?  Many believe there is only one reality, but reality is subjective.  It really is ‘all about how you look at it!’

And we call that ‘perception;’ perception is how one looks at something; well, it’s NOW time to view this year DEEPER, to see the WHOLE picture of what is, and what has REALLY been going on.

For the truth of 2020, like perfect ‘2020’ eyesight…. is that this is a year of transition, and that always leads to evolution! And THAT means CLARITY!

The gift of 2020, yes, the true GIFT is that we all now have the opportunity to SEE SO CLEAR!

For one thing, many now see what is truly important; suddenly ‘rich’ people could not spend any money on material items or travel due to the quarantine….many realizing that their money, power, fame, really meant nothing if one could not use what they had amassed.

Children were taken care of by their parents, and brought closer with home cooked meals; many sitting all together for EVERY meal, and as a family, since both Mom and Dad are (and were) home with them. This was not the norm before the quarantine.

Couples spent more time together, and while not all families or couples enjoyed their time, still they finally ‘saw’ what they really have together, or a lack of, while others felt a unity they had somehow lost with their busy schedules, career centered focus, and with caregivers taking over parenting roles.

Fast take-out processed foods became a thing of the past as the standard diet for many; the constant putting off family time until a possible Sunday or weekend (usually those were also filled with so many outside ‘obligations,’ and separate activities) also stopped; how many had much or any quality time together…..until now?

Aside from families and relationships with others changing and/or improving, something even bigger than mere meals together or time spent interacting was taking place, and still is for many. It is that the enjoyment, the Love, and the unity of being together re-surfaced!

The joy of being unified with those we love is such a strong connection, and despite the physical medical ‘masks’ needed to be worn, there still is unity among us all, for we have banned together, a reunion has been created on many levels, with agreeing on one thing…..we are more compassionate with each other.

We ‘feel’ for the ones that have lost loved one more than ever, and we value those whose employment serves others, much more than ever before; doctors, nurses, and other hospital staff are much more appreciated. We also feel for the people in other service oriented professions such as fireman, policeman, armed forces, pharmacies, etc., and those employed in restaurants, grocery stores, etc.

Almost everyone is now required to be working all day with a mask on, which is extremely difficult, and yet they are there for their community; if we are one of the fortunate whom can work from home and only need to wear a mask  when we grocery shop, etc., many have come to value those whom are here to serve.

We have empathy for our dear children whom have been robbed of a birthday party, graduation, wedding, and especially for many fathers that were not allowed to experience or participate or in the birth of their child, nor to be a support for their wives during the birthing process, all due to the new restrictions of quarantine.

But something on a personal level of even greater magnitude, has now surfaced. Many are now addressing their own existence, moral views of gender, ethnicity, and most importantly, looking at our world and other countries in a different way….for they are turning within, seeking their own spirituality! And, for the first time, maybe ever, they are seeing all on the planet as one…because no matter where or whom you are,  all have been affected by  COVID-19, in one way or another.

For 2020 is a year that everyone finally ‘SEES;’ sees what our society has been, and many now see what they wish it to become, and more than ever, on global scale.

Transition, change, growth…evolution; for it is evolution of our race, our human existence, our ability to transcend into a better reality; that quest is FINALLY and APPROPRIATELY at the forefront for so many now!

There are those whom have chosen to ‘transcend,’ through passing on from the COVID-19; there are also those whom have now chosen to transcend through turning within to their own mission and reason for BEING, as many are now appearing to help and to be of service. Several are turning to understand and create a better Self, and a better life experience for themselves.  Still others such as Dr. Joe Dispenza’s GOLOV-20 meditation practice, and Gregg Braden’s new book, ‘Wisdom Codes; many other spiritual writers and Masters are showing up to be of service as well.

There are others whom have chosen to view this year as a horrible year filled with loss, stress, shock, and sadness, wishing it away…..but….

We do all have a choice. We can choose to Love; yes, even Love this year for what it has brought to us…which is CLARITY.

How to Love? It is a choice….all choice; one way is turning adversity into blessings, which is all about perception.

There are no coincidences nor mistakes; this year, 2020 is just that….as in 2020 eyesight, we can take this year 2020, and turn it into an opportunity to ‘see perfectly’ ……AND, TO SEE THE PERFECTION of this year!

We can choose to utilize the greatness of the Universe, and most importantly to trust that as Jesus The Christ proclaimed, there WILL be 1,000 years of peace. For this is a birthing of that glory, and to view this year with Love and with clarity; to view it as a gift. Reason being, the experiences of this year have, and are continuing to open so many eyes; for what we choose to ‘see’ is always our choice.

We can see the good, and choose to focus on the good; the awakenings, the family time; viewing our career as an opportunity to improve; making new choices; viewing our financials in what we really need, and what we truly desire; asking ourselves what do we wish to BE in relation to all of this?

Or we can choose not to.

To regain that power of creating a wonderful outcome to this year of transformation, we can choose
to be of service to others…..AND TO OURSELVES.

What do we really wish to become?

For this year has been full of gifts to help us all AWAKEN! And to what? To our good, to our truth, to the Love we Really All Are, and to spread that love to all.

It is also a time of SOLUTIONS! So many problems in the past that are now re-surfacing and are READY FOR A SOLUTION have appeared!

And that IS what we need to do; to focus not on the problems, but on the solutions!

Focusing on what we wish for, and not what we do not, that is all we need to do.

2020 can be looked at as the greatest year ever in the history of humanity, because it IS the Gateway to the 1,000 years of peace, and focusing on that, will cause it to be actually HERE NOW.

We just have to choose to experience that…and we do it by focusing on solutions!

Perception is all it takes….how are you perceiving 2020? It is, as always, a choice.

Many blessings for a truly magical and happy perception, and choosing the rest of 2020 to be a healthy and happy one!

Jul 23

I always thought that ‘manifestation’ meant creating, or bringing into our experience what we desire…almost as if by ‘magic!’ Whatever we desire, all we had to do was to visualize and that would manifest it!

Many feel that the “law of attraction,’ is basically that; some desiring, visualization, and it happens, but that is not the case in its entirety.

The part that many miss (or are not aware of) is that it is all about our state of being; of what we are deciding to be based on how we are thinking and FEELING. And many do not realize or think they have this power, but we CAN consciously choose our state of being.

How? By becoming and choosing to be aware of that which we are thinking and feeling, and if it doesn’t feel good, to re-focus our attention to what DOES feel good.

Awareness is the key.

I have come now to understand that manifestation is NOT about bringing to us what we desire (car, house, a person, etc.)….no nothing like that at all!  Many have it backwards, for they think that they will accomplish what they want by working hard, studying, sacrificing; that they will get what they want and they will THEN BE HAPPY….. just by DOING.

However that is only one third of creation! It is basically three-parts: thought, word, AND deed!

For to have anything we desire, we must feel good FIRST; feeling how it would feel to have it; to have that enthusiasm that we will get it and/or it’s on it’s way, and that nothing can stop it…. least of all, us!

Anyone who has accomplished their dreams, if they really think about it will realize that they didn’t know how it would happen, but that it WOULD! They were BEING what they wanted to experience, and the rest just showed up!

Manifestation basically means that whatever we are BEING; whatever we are FEELING, THAT is what WILL be made real/manifest in our reality/lives.

If we are “Being” poor in our thoughts and feelings, we will manifest experiences that keep us that way, and give us the experience of being poor. If we are BEING happy, we will manifest experiences in our lives that bring us happiness, and continue our state of being happy.

Manifestation is the experience of what we are BEING; nothing more, nothing less.

And THAT is the most crucial part of manifestation; our state of BEING!

We are that instrument, as we are both the creator and the created….we will continue to manifest what we decide to BE in every moment of our existence, which is forever and for all eternity. This can be horrible if we are BEING scared, mean, fearful, resentful, or feeling unworthy. It can be heavenly, if we are BEING joyful, in a state of peace, giving, grateful….Loving.

We are always creating; we are always in a state of Being…being something.  The important part of this is to decide to choose to be AWARE; to be conscious of what we are feeling and therefore, BEING.

Most are ‘unconsciously’ creating their state of being, thinking they have no power over circumstances and therefore, no power over how they feel or in what they choose to be in relation to any given situation. They instead feel that their emotions are something that just shows up…and they are correct!  But NOT because it is the only way; it is merely a LEARNED reaction, and CAN BE UNLEARNED through awareness.

All life experiences come to us through our states of BEING; they are then made manifest in our life experience…our reality. For as Jesus the Christ stated, “As you saith, so shall it is!” This also means as you FEEL and THINK, (so shall) it will show up in our lives!

Just think about what is now possible knowing this!

As Shakespeare stated, ‘to be or not to be…that is the question…’ To be happy or not to be; to be sad, or not to be…to feel fear or not to be that fear…to feel Love, or not….all is a choice, and therefore a question we MUST ask ourselves; meaning that we must decide to become aware of what we are thinking, feeling…and BEING.

The ‘Being’ part is where the manifestation begins and brings forth to us that life experience we are BEING.

So what are you going to decide to BE in relation to this writing?

All is a choice…… Happy Manifesting! (and I mean that LITERALLY!) 🙂

Many Blessings!

May 6
I have taken a bit of time before writing this Realization regarding the ‘virus’ because there are so many out there doing so; the information seems endless, and yet basically what is addressed to our population seems to be split into three groups; those that believe it is a hoax, those that are taking ‘necessary’ precautions, but taking it in stride (so to speak), and those that feel scared, vulnerable and powerless. This Realization will help no matter which ‘group’ you may ‘fall’ into.
By definition, a virus is not a living thing; it lives only off the host; sort of like an ‘unwanted house guest,’ who will not go home, and to whom was never invited in the first place…..
But on some level, we HAVE invited this ‘unwanted guest’…..by our consciousness; our feelings. And whether one gets sick or simply experiences others getting sick, either personally or thru the media, the truth is that on some level if it’s in ones’ reality, we have had some part in creating it….and not by any means am I suggesting that this had been, or is done ‘on purpose,’ but rather by our focus and our feelings.
Sadly, we usually don’t even realize that we are contributing to plights in our society, but we are, for every time we focus on the bad and/or complain about what is happening that we do not like or wish for, or get into the story of someone else complaining, we (although not consciously) are creating it along with others whom are like-minded.
Why? For as Jesus the Christ stated, ‘…. what you saith, so shall it is.”
And that does NOT mean just with words, for we constantly are ‘stating and saying’ things with our thoughts and feelings, are we not?
There are also other ways we do focus on what we do not want, though oftentimes and usually, it is not intentional. For how many times have we read through the media that this society is ‘going downhill?’ How many times is there ‘bad news,’ about politicians, doctors, Big Pharm, and our society in general? How many of us tune into the broadcasted news on the TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, the internet….and even listening thru social media? And just in general, engaging in negative conversations with others each and every day?
Is there a ‘good news channel?’ Does it even exist? Do we even seek one?
It is not that these people are foolish or have a low intelligence level either…it is usually just about the fact that they do not know that they have any power to influence their reality at all.
And WHY is this? Why do people focus on the bad news, and then repeat it to all they may know? It is not done with bad intentions, but rather thru a not knowing of who they Really Are…and who we ALL REALLY ARE.
The truth is this:
Our thoughts and feelings DO create our reality, including what is going on right now. Please look around and face this, because only in ‘owning’ what we have, can we give it away. How can one expect to stay well if only focusing on illness? How can one be happy if only focusing on what they are sad about?
There is now enough scientific and documented proof that we do create our reality with our feelings and thoughts. It is only a matter of deciding and choosing to look into this subject matter to fully understand and easily apply this new knowledge and universal laws to our lives, in order to create a better reality for ourselves and everyone.
A few wonderful books are:
To read these books and so many others that are available; to study Quantum Physics….that choice WILL empower to help one realize the true potential that Jesus The Christ, and many other Masters have taught; you may also seek the wise ones from our previous past centuries such as Einstein, Newton, Tesla, etc.
In having hope and in focusing on the good and what we do wish to happen, others may criticize us, as they are not knowing their power or ours, and they may claim that we are in ‘airy-fairy land,’ merely just running away from ‘reality.’ But so called ‘reality’ is subjective, being it holds the meaning you give it. (perspective).
Therefore, this is not about avoiding or ignoring…no!
This is about facing our feelings; figuring out WHY we do have them, and deciding and CHOOSING to FEEL a different way. It is NOT about ONLY educating ourselves about the virus, but rather educating ourselves about the power WE all have, so that we do NOT invite this unwanted guest/experience into our home (or body) subconsciously!
Inviting implies that we are ‘letting in or allowing in.’ WE all allow unwanted guests so to speak (ill health, bad experiences or outcomes) in our life…and how? We do this through fear.
So, how NOT to do that? How not to be afraid? The first step is gratitude and then choosing to change our direction by instead focusing on good health; focusing on happiness (in other words, what brings us joy). Even if it’s looking at a plant or flower; listening to music you love; writing if that is your passion; woodworking, etc., anything that brings joy, peace, and tranquility, will produce a state of good health, and THAT also means not allowing anything else we do not want to become our focus. This is not as difficult as we may think, for you cannot feel gratitude and joy and fear at the same time.
In other words, focus only on the highest emotion, which encompasses all the other positive ones above, which is LOVE…Love of Self, and Love for one another.
Many may still argue that one MUST feel and focus on the bad in order to fix it, but that only goes to a certain extent. Yes we must know of the problem to come to a solution. The real problem is that most only dwell on the PROBLEM, for they feel they cannot come to a solution, or are not capable of making that solution happen. And THAT is because they are feeling powerless.
Why? Because they are forgetting who they REALLY ARE, which is God/Love/Life made manifest into an individualized unit of energy, called a Soul…and hence, mankind is made manifest from this energy…the energy of God/Life/Love, and with the SAME creative power…for we are the CREATED and the CREATOR.
Jesus also stated, ‘what I can do, so can you…’ He also stated, ‘I and my brethren are ONE.’ He knew we all have that power to heal; to create a better reality and world, and his mission was to enlighten us all to that level he was; to understand, and to know; to be and live the TRUTH of us ALL…of who We Really Are.
That is the real reason and meaning behind when it is said that Jesus came for our salvation and to ‘save us.’ To save us from the ignorance of not knowing who we all Really Are. And isn’t it true, that when we Love ourselves, and others that same way, we are then feeling and thinking the best? And doesn’t that ‘feeling Love/feeling good lead to all good outcomes? Of course, for it lines up and matches another good outcome/life experience…hence a better reality!
And now on a personal level: we house our body, keeping it ‘together’ with our Soul….and this body IS taken care of by our immune system. What many need to be aware of is that more than food, our body’s immune system is completely affected by our feelings, which turn into our emotions.
Our immune system is fueled by our emotions; therefore, happiness, gratitude,, and most of all, Love….they are the real supplements that will always work to keep us resilient and free of any illness.
So this all comes down to once again, feeling good and feeling Love.
Many ask how do we do so in such a time as this right now in our world? And the answer is about perspective..how we look at it all. And whether you realize or not, we DO all have a choice in that NO ONE can make us choose how we look at something, and how we feel.
Our experience creates our perception (which is how we CHOOSE to look at something); our perspective is based from our perception (how we decided to view something that happened to us). Our perspective creates our feelings which then an emotion comes into being from our feelings, and our emotions, created from our feelings, creates our reality, (for remember, emotions are ‘energy in motion)…which of course, again creates our experience. The circle is complete:
PERCEPTION=PERSPECTIVE=FEELINGS=EMOTIONS=EXPERIENCE and once again another perception, or perceiving the experience. And that is the circle of creation, and creating our reality.
So the whole key secret here, exposed, is to CHOOSE and decide what you wish to be about everything (changing your perception -how you wish to look at it). If you choose to be happy, changing your perception of your experience, your reality WILL change…it IS LAW…Universal Law.
At first this will seem very challenging…for how can we change how we view something? We must CHOOSE to view it differently, and that comes from choosing to BE more AWARE…more aware of all sides of a situation and the many ways we CAN look at it!. Observation is crucial in developing awareness, but we must remember to become aware of the entire picture…not just what you choose to notice and/or agree or disagree.
And that IS the challenge, but like exercise, the more we are AWARE of how and what we are choosing to think about something, the more able and good we will become at WHAT we choose…and then feel, creating an emotion that will thus create our lives.
For every choice produces a state of BEING; always remember, we are not a HUMAN DOING; we are a HUMAN BEING….being whatever we wish to be IN RELATION to our life experience.
And THAT is how we truly keep well, not only regarding a virus, but about wellness in every area of our life!
Many blessings!
Dec 18

How many have heard the expression, ‘lonely at the top? Seems that there are not many people who truly wish to see someone succeed; not that they are bad people; just jealous of the success of others.

Spiritual Masters have been stoned to death; dishonored, and even crucified if not physically, emotionally; for they tell the truth, and the truth is often painful to hear. It is even worse to feel, as they are somewhat feeling ‘forced’ to view their own life, just by that Master’s presence.

So many feel ‘not good enough,’ and sadly seeing someone prosper, or seeming to have answers, enrages the people who do not.

Those whom are not ‘awake’ spiritually will shun, dismiss, even attack that one who is peaceful, serene and calm. They cannot stand to watch someone seeming to ‘have it all,’ (and not even in the material sense) but if only to have a stillness and serenity seems too much for these people to handle.

So a Master will stand alone. Alone and serene in the peace that they are choosing to BE, regardless of persecution, calamity, indifference, and attack.

They come with a message, which is ‘what I can do, so can you…and you will do even greater things than this…’

We can only hope that those still spiritually ‘asleep’ will hear that message, and will awaken, but only ‘when they are ready.’

And then sadly, once that Master is gone, whether by being crucified or shunned, the one’s who did this to that Master will glorify and honor the Peaceful one, for such is the way it has been here on this Earth in the past.

This is a message to those whom are not comfortable with a Master’s teaching…be aware of this truth: ‘when the student is ready, the teacher appears.’ Therefore, when a “Master’ shows up in your life/reality, let this be a signal that you are ready to BE that peace also; that state of perfection, for as the Master appears in such a serene and peaceful state of bliss, let it serve you to know that this state of consciousness is also coming attractions, so to speak, for YOU….for you also to be a Master that you really are.  The Christ Consciousness is that with which we are speaking when referring to Mastery.  There have also been others: Buddha, Allah, etc.

Embrace the love that is offered; the assistance…..for what you resist, will persist, but what you look at, disappears.

If you choose to look at the Masters and their teachings, you will see that this peace is yours too..it is all just a matter of awareness and allowance.

If you resist, your uncomfortable feelings will persist. Surrender to God, which is your Highest Self, and the way will be shown.

Did they not call the Master Jesus Christ, the Way-Shower?

Many blessings for a most joyful and Merry Christmas, and a Happy and Allowing New Year, for all good to be yours for you and those you Love comes from awareness and allowing!

Jul 29


Our world is made up of Energy; frequencies vibrating at different speeds, each creating different outcomes based on our emotions, which match up to them as we think and feel.

Childhood trauma, abuse, neglect; all negative emotions arise from these states and situations. Anger, fear, grief, depression, anxiety; just a few negative emotions that can sit within our psyche for years..or our entire life, as a result of how we have been treated.

Many do not know what to do with these feelings; these negative life situations and emotions that produce feelings of not feeling good enough, worthlessness, repression, anxiety; we do our best to push them into a dormant state, until ‘provoked’ by someone’s words, actions, or innocent requests. And when this happens, sadly many will go into a state of repression, denial, and regression; they may act out, appearing immature, regressing back to the state of a 5 year old, even acting out with facial gestures that represent infancy in the form of exaggerated tears, frustration, rolling eyes, pouting, etc. Violence, physical and/or emotional abuse, can occur depending on what type of negative treatment they have experienced.

Many then become attracted to ways of ‘dealing with the pain.’ Alcohol, drugs, sex, gambling, excessive, eating, etc., all are forms of a type of ‘self-medicating.

Alcohol and drugs, to name a few, vibrate at a very low frequency; when ingested, they lower our natural vibrational state of being, and we start to ‘match’ that frequency with our own childhood and past traumas; reason being, any abuse or negativity vibrates at a low frequency.

To make an example, suppose that physically being hit vibrates at a 3. Alcohol and drugs vibrating at that same #3 will ‘match’ that situation. The person then will no longer feel the pain of the past negative experience, but ‘becomes it.’ They will hit someone, abusing their spouse, child, or another who has ‘pushed that button.’ But they are only displaying those same characteristics as what was done to them, because using alcohol in this case, caused their vibrational frequency to lower, matches the memory of trauma in their psyche, and thus they display that behavior without having to feel the pain for that moment.

Hence, the sins of the father are brought to the Son, so to speak.

When one has trauma, and seeks out relief through alcohol, drugs, etc., their vibration is lowered, they match the trauma, and usually will act it out, until they are sober again, and of course, completely sorry and remorseful….until they use again, and continue the abusive/remorseful pattern, all over again.

Relationships die, families fall apart, and sadly so does that person’s health, both mentally and physically. When all it would take is a decision to seek to assist oneself to clear and heal, rather than to ‘mask’ that trauma.

When one has trauma, but seeks assistance to heal it, this will no longer happen.  

We all have our choices as to what we wish to be in RELATION to anything and everyone…that is why it is called a ‘relationship.’

Almost everyone has had some trauma; very few of us have not. However, what we decide to BE about it, is up to us.

Take a look at your life…decide what you wish to Be, and watch the results of your choices.

Either way, after everyone falls away, or runs away, you still are the one left to live the results of your choices, in your life.

One way is to seek outside help through a counselor or life coach that understands how emotions affect our need to self-medicate, and how we can be healed and free; healthy and strong

Many places can be sought out;  if you need help urgently, please call 9ll. If you are seeking outside help, or know someone who is, I highly recommend this one:


It is a SKYPE life coaching site that you can access from the comfort and security of your own home, from anywhere in the world.  Trained wellness coaches address all life situations.

Always know that there IS a way to heal.

Many Blessings,

Jul 10


Watching a video by Neale Donald Walsch, one of my most favorite Spiritual Authors, was so helpful and such an awakening for myself, that I had to share this information!

Mr. Walsch’s video portrayed 5 laws of the Universe that together, bring about manifesting. We all create our reality whether we realize this or not. He pointed out that many have heard of the ‘Law of Attraction,’ and that it has become so commonplace in our society, that too many have gotten the wrong information, or not the complete understanding; simply put, that the law of attraction is ONE part of manifesting, and not the ‘all in all’ to creating our reality. We must understand the other 4 in order to use the Law of Attraction for what it was intended to be used for….to manifest our reality into a wonderful life experience!

The 5 laws of Manifestation are listed as follows:

1. Law of Attraction – This law states that what we feel and think creates our reality; that we always get what we focus on, and there is nothing else but attraction, meaning that we attract everything we want and everything we do not want ,with our feelings and thoughts. Focusing on what we want is the most important part of this in order for our desires to materialize into our reality. Remember we get everything we focus on, good and bad, so it is stressed to do all you can to focus only on what you want, not what you don’t want.

2. Law of Opposites – This law states that in our ‘reality’ we must have the opposite of anything for the other to exist. As Neale states, ‘in the absence of what you are not, what you are cannot exist.’ An example would be, we must know cold to know hot; up to know down, here to know there, etc. Without an opposite, the other cannot exist in our relative world, as they relate to the other.

Therefore, when we desire something, many times the opposite of what we desire will show up first. In fact, this is where most become disappointed and give up their dreams, because when the opposite of what they want shows up, they often become discouraged, thinking they will not get what they desire, or do not deserve it, and sadly give up their grandest goals and desires.

It is so important to know this law because to understand it will allow one to accept when the opposite comes, and view it as a sign that what they wish for is on it’s way…because the opposite showed up first!

3. Law of Wisdom – This law allows us to make a good decision, and to discern that the law of opposites is working for us, and not against us. With this wisdom of the law of attraction and the law of opposites, we accept and allow our dreams to come to us, by staying focused on what we wish to have, despite what may temporarily show up as the opposite. Understanding this law helps us to keep on track, focusing only on what we still want, and not what we do not.

4. Joy/Wonder – The law of using joy and wonder helps us to stay on track with our desire, for it keeps us feeling good, and as the Law of attraction states, you get what you are focusing on. Therefore, by staying joyful, full of wonder, and feeling gratitude, etc., we are on the path of receiving what we desire, because our desires are something that makes us happy and joyful, and we must be on that same frequency, feeling joyful, to receive our desires!

5. Cycles – By understanding this law, we understand that everything goes around and comes around…a complete cycle/circle. This means that our truest desire and intentions will happen; we just must be patient, as everything eventually comes full circle back to us. Therefore, our truest and highest intention/desires WILL manifest; we must understand that it will come back to us as a life experience. This helps us realize eternity, and therefore, develop patience.

With many disappointed in the law of attraction, the information of realizing that these laws all work together to manifest our desires, and by using them and through the law of attraction, will help everyone to use the Law of Attraction as it was truly intended…to create the most highest, greatest, and grandest vision and version of yourself…and your life experience!

Many Blessings!

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