Going beyond belief; true faith is a knowing….a knowing that in the highest sense, God is always taking good care of you and all others.
Faith is knowing that all is well….it goes beyond anything else for faith is knowing that all is good no matter what the outcome; that there is only One Spirit/One Mind, and that that One Spirit/One Mind is all Good, and because of that, all outcomes are always good.
Another way to say this is: “God is, This Isn’t, and That’s That!”
That is true Faith……and true Knowing.
Life is change, and therefore, since God is Life, Change is always Good. True Faith is more of Knowing that God is all there is and Always Good. No matter what occurs, the Knowing that God is always taking care of you, is therefore assured.
Consequently, it truly is….All Good!
A Heartfelt Thanks to All for your taking time to read this blog….
and…..A wonderful and Happy Thanksgiving is wished to Everyone….For all of you, I am so very grateful!