We all create our reality with our thoughts and feelings....literally from the Inside---out! Our feelings and thoughts manifest into what we call our "reality," in other words, our "life situations/experiences," or whatever you wish to call them. Sounds like a big responsibility, but whether you wish to realize this, or ignore it, it IS a choice, as is everything. If we relax into the knowing that we are responsible for our life, then we have the power to change it. Blame to others and to situations that cause problems only leaves us feeling powerless, and actually renders us powerless (as you cannot give away anything that you do not "own"). For, as said in the movie, "The Secret," by Rhonda Bryne, "Whether you think you can't or can...either way you are right."

By taking the initial step of consideration that our thoughts and feelings do indeed create our reality, you have begun to start the experience of a wonderful, joyful, abundant and happy life...that is, once you get the true "feeling" of understanding.

Our thoughts are unlimited, and hence, so are we. We are true reflections of God, which is Love...the Source of Everything, and the only "Real" and true Energy in the Universe....Life, Love, Truth, Abundance, Peace....all these things are God, and we are That. We, therefore, have that "creative" power to create our reality, and we do that simply, effortlessly, and oftentimes, without realization that we are creating our reality, literally all the time! We will create reactively and unconsciously, that is, until we don't; until we are conscious of that truth.

And this concept and realization is my reason for starting this blog. To inform, give to our community, to all of you, to uplift the planet's consciousness, to create a better Now....which is actually giving to myself, as we are all connected...truly there is only One Supreme Being sitting here, and our reality consists of that glorious Being manifested into individual units of Loving Energy, called "Souls," "Life Forms," etc.

We are all on this journey together, to discover this wonderful realization and then to manifest the most glorious experience of Life possible!

This, I know for sure.

Connecting to Source, realizations will occur....we can all do this, and we do...the only question is are we doing this consciously or unconsciously? The more awareness we place on what we feel and think, the more we will be able to create Consciously, rather than unconsciously, or reactively.

Join me to view some realizations that have literally occurred from "The Inside---Out!"

Many Blessings!

Ellen Angelica Pendergast

Dec 24

This Christmas season, this holy season is very special. Why? Because where there is war on this planet, in the past, we have created a ‘cease-fire,’ just because of that day. We all have decided that for that one day, we would be at peace with each other.

Within all of us is that spark of Divinity. We know for one moment, perhaps, but we do KNOW that there is so much more to us than just a body or a brain.

The Christ taught us that what He can do, so can we. The message was and still is about the Divinity within all of us. The Truth of Whom We All Really Are.

The Gift was to demonstrate that Awareness, and to help us become Aware, so that someday, we too will do his works and greater.

This Christmas, this Holy season, whatever religion you may be, it is a blessing to help someone else remember that Divinity within themselves simply by Being That.

For Gratitude and Love uplift not only those you interact with and oneself, but bring that Awareness, that Gift that was demonstrated through The Christ, to all, to the whole massive Consciousness…One Planet, One Life.

Blessings for a most Merry Christmas, a most Happy Hanukkah and a very Happy, Healthy New Year to All!

Dec 6

Ever hear that expression, “over the limit?” We usually think about credit card balances, or some other kind of excessive situation that just seemed to get past us. And…there is usually some kind of fine/fee charged.

Over the limit never usually means anything positive. It implies some sort of indulgence that we are to be reprimanded for.

Limits are something we make up. We decide what we can have, be, or demonstrate; we then usually impose this new ‘law/limit” on others. I suppose this somehow makes the ‘limit’ more acceptable if we can get someone else to take on this limit too. When others do not comply, we usually provide some kind of punishment or consequence because of this non-compliance, ie., they are not agreeing with our purposed ‘limits.”

Limits are set, based on our perspective of life, and thus, of ourselves. We sometimes make them to keep ourselves in ‘check,’ believing that too much of a good thing can somehow hurt us. We stop dancing, eating, playing games, having fun, even stopping our own dreams from manifesting, all because we set a limit on what we can have or deserve to have.

The biggest limit we set is how much Love we will give. We usually ‘limit’ loving to our immediate family, and sometimes even place a limit on that, or the amount of Love shown. We set a limit on what we will give to another, and sadly, base it on what we are getting from them.

Limiting Love is limiting Self. When we limit the Love we demonstrate, we are limiting the Love we are receiving. Why? Because once again, Everyone Is You. We are all One, and what you do to another, you do to yourself.

Love is many things; has many aspects to it. Love is also abundance. When you limit what you will give, even monetarily, you are limiting the flow of money or material items/experiences, coming back to you. The more we give, the more we receive, for both are infinite.

True giving is limitless. It does not mean you allow someone or some situation to take advantage of you, in that you are giving and being abused, or giving to someone whom did not ask for it, or does not honor and enhance your life also.

It does mean living in the knowing that to limit oneself always implies fear of some sort; living in a state of lack, or placing limits on someone else or oneself; both situations are always due to some kind of fear from ‘past data/past experiences.’ …..for to limit is to believe that there is not enough to share or to have; to believe that the supply is finite, and that you will not receive what it is you desire.

God is Infinite. God is All There is. God is limitless…..God is Love….AND….
we are That also, as we are true Reflections/Ideas/Spirits of God.

Therefore, we are truly limitless!
