We all create our reality with our thoughts and feelings....literally from the Inside---out! Our feelings and thoughts manifest into what we call our "reality," in other words, our "life situations/experiences," or whatever you wish to call them. Sounds like a big responsibility, but whether you wish to realize this, or ignore it, it IS a choice, as is everything. If we relax into the knowing that we are responsible for our life, then we have the power to change it. Blame to others and to situations that cause problems only leaves us feeling powerless, and actually renders us powerless (as you cannot give away anything that you do not "own"). For, as said in the movie, "The Secret," by Rhonda Bryne, "Whether you think you can't or can...either way you are right."

By taking the initial step of consideration that our thoughts and feelings do indeed create our reality, you have begun to start the experience of a wonderful, joyful, abundant and happy life...that is, once you get the true "feeling" of understanding.

Our thoughts are unlimited, and hence, so are we. We are true reflections of God, which is Love...the Source of Everything, and the only "Real" and true Energy in the Universe....Life, Love, Truth, Abundance, Peace....all these things are God, and we are That. We, therefore, have that "creative" power to create our reality, and we do that simply, effortlessly, and oftentimes, without realization that we are creating our reality, literally all the time! We will create reactively and unconsciously, that is, until we don't; until we are conscious of that truth.

And this concept and realization is my reason for starting this blog. To inform, give to our community, to all of you, to uplift the planet's consciousness, to create a better Now....which is actually giving to myself, as we are all connected...truly there is only One Supreme Being sitting here, and our reality consists of that glorious Being manifested into individual units of Loving Energy, called "Souls," "Life Forms," etc.

We are all on this journey together, to discover this wonderful realization and then to manifest the most glorious experience of Life possible!

This, I know for sure.

Connecting to Source, realizations will occur....we can all do this, and we do...the only question is are we doing this consciously or unconsciously? The more awareness we place on what we feel and think, the more we will be able to create Consciously, rather than unconsciously, or reactively.

Join me to view some realizations that have literally occurred from "The Inside---Out!"

Many Blessings!

Ellen Angelica Pendergast

May 26

How often have you felt as if you have no feelings at all? How does that fit in with all the ‘talk’ of gratitude, peace, and yes, even Love? How about when you read or hear someone being so positive, and you just ‘can’t seem to feel it?” What do you do?

Some pray. Some yell and scream. Some live in quiet desperation. Some strive to be ‘good,’ and make it…some don’t. Some push on and some give up. Who are you being right now? What are you being right now?

Because…no matter who you are Being, you are NOT THAT! Even at your best, you are not JUST THAT! NO! You are so much more! So much more! Yes, I stated that twice for clarification and to make a point, and the point is this: No matter what you are Being, in other words, whatever you are feeling, thinking and demonstrating through actions, producing life experiences/events, it is not really your True Self. For your True Self is all Abundance, All Goodness, All Perfection,….All Love. And though you may be that at times, please know that the Truth of your Being, is that you really ARE THAT, all the time!

You may not feel that way, but in your highest and most natural state of Being, you are Love.

It doesn’t matter how you feel now; it doesn’t matter if you do not believe these printed words, and it doesn’t even matter if you deny this Sacred Idea…for the Truth is this; You are a Loving, Eternal Reflection of God…the Most Loving Energy…You are Love…and, so is everyone else!

And……it doesn’t matter if you do not believe it, because some things are true whether you believe them or not.

But, why not give it a try? Why not give it a thought? Or better yet, a feeling! Yes, for one moment, imagine how it would feel….to Be Love. You will experience, immediately, feeling better…even if it’s just for one second. And that Truth about Who You Really Are….should you decide to carry it with you, longer than ‘a second,’ will eventually become your reality…you will one day know the Truth of your Being, of Who You Really Are…for as the saying by C.S. Lewis goes, “You do not have a soul….You ARE a Soul!” And the most Loving Soul of All….You are All That IS….A True Reflection of God; that same Loving Energy…that Same Substance…..why? Because that is All There Really Is; all else, is an illusion.

May 20

Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real….if ANYTHING causes fear, it is NOT REAL…a mere illusion. Therefore, fear NOT; all is well….If anything causes fear, it is not of the Light, and therefore has no power; think and feel only Love…Love is God, and only Love is Real.

We are all Safe; we are All Love, and we are All Loved, Always, in All Ways!

Blessed Be…and So It IS!


May 12

Living in the past….re-living the past….bringing up the past….

Unless we enjoy the reprimanding, the pain all over again, no one, without exception, likes when someone brings up the past. Now in this context, I am referring to unpleasant memories, uncomfortable situations, and/or just plain painful experiences.

There are of course, many pleasant and good memories, but even those are not always the best to bring back to the present moment. Why? Because they bring also with them a sense somehow of longing or wishing for the ‘good ole days.’ Usually this occurs at an age when some life experiences have accumulated, but also I have witnessed even children (early teens, early twenties) wishing to be ‘young’ again…immersed in childhood once again, and without a ‘care in the world.’

But for this writing, I am speaking of what happens to us each and every time we have a life experience…yes, each and every time. With every moment, we retrieve information from our ‘past data bank,’ to find a match. (This concept is clearly illustrated in a book called, “When Everything Changes, Change Everything,” by Neale Donald Walsch). We do this by memory, and this is on either a conscious or an unconscious level.

When we react to a situation, any situation, (we) within seconds, recollect past data, (memories of a similar or exact situation) and call to us, or rather, pull to us, thoughts and feelings, (especially feelings) to the present moment of this new experience. Hence, we really do not experience that particular life event in it’s purest form, and sadly, often react more negatively than we had wished to or planned. This even happens when something is done to us or for us that is positive…we still evaluate it based on the ‘match’ of past data, we had previously experienced. (A good example would be flowers….it can be a joy to receive, let’s say roses, but if a lover whom has left us, and on bad terms, always gave us roses during that past relationship, our new found love can send us the most beautiful bouquet of roses, and there would be a ‘past data’ match, that however we might wish to feel, there would be some uncomfortable or negative feeling attached to this ‘positive’ and loving gift).

With this retrieval of past information, comes a reaction. This is based on self preservation, and therefore ‘feels’ instinctual, but it is not. It is a reaction of sorts, from a previous life event, and therefore, we will usually react the same way we did as we did the first time, although people and the actual situation or circumstances, may be quite different, and may most certainly NEED a different reaction.

All of us have experienced snapping at someone, when we were really upset with someone else. We also may have not given a chance to others in a love relationship, or even a good friendship may come to an end, because we just can’t seem to trust (all based on ‘past data’ information, and having absolutely nothing to do with the present people or circumstances involved).

And, if we happen to come to a situation that IS truly unique, (one we have never experienced), because we are All One/One Mind/All that is, we actually retrieve information from what is called a ‘cellular memory,’ which is just a name that does mean, (in effect) One Mind. A memory our ancestors had, or rather, another Spirit had had, will be retrieved and ‘matched’ to the situation. We do this out of survival, so as to ‘protect’ ourselves.

Past Data is necessary for survival to some extent; it’s based on the premise that we always don’t have time to ‘think;’ so we therefore, react. It can, however, be used for a much grander purpose….it CAN be used to help us wake up to what we are deciding in every moment to Be. The easiest way to be conscious of past data is to be aware of how we feel. If you are feeling any negative emotions (hate, envy, greed, jealously, anger, etc.), then you are in a ‘past data’ experience, and need to re evaluate your circumstances and conditions. If you are feeling Love, then you are in a frequency of being in the purest and true State of Whom You Really Are….a Spirit, having a human experience, and are then in the Grand Moment of Now.

In Truth, there is only Good. The Universe/God/Mind/All that Is, is real and permanent. Anything else is an illusion, containing ‘past data’ and when looking at it straight on, will disappear, so that we may experience what and Who We Really Are, which is pure Love.

God, which is the Highest and most Loving Energy, never has any past data, because in Truth, there is only Now, and all moments of Now, represent growth, evolution, and always, in all ways, Love. And with that truth comes complete and total Trust. With Trust and Love, we experience ‘Heaven on Earth.’

To be That, brings a “Heaven on Earth” to all.

May 9

This was taken, in part, from a video based on Consciousness, found on youtube.com. Read this with Love for Self, and for all others, for we are all reflections of God/Mind/Universal Life force Energy….all part of the Same Grand Whole…the One Mind/God/Creator/All that is!

“You are the Peace Warriors of Hope and Light.

In reading the lives of great men, it is found that the first victory they won was over themselves.

You see with third eye sight; the vision of total awe. You are the ones who hold strong to the convictions of Truth. You are free of ridicule or fear of the unknown. Reality is a perception based on your own limitations. Every man is free to rise as far as he is able or willing, but the degree to which he thinks determines the degree to which he will rise. It is your Divine Wisdom that lights the path so that others may see. Shine with the beauty of your Soul!

Your presence is far beyond the superficial constraints of the ego. You are the Light of the Universe, the power of the Sacred Design, true and incorruptible.

Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others. We hold the power to transcend. We all truly are the Ultimate Creators. Know your Soul. Trust only your Soul.”***

***No copyright infringement is intended in the printing of this information.

And So It is…………Blessed Be!

May 3

Patience is a virtue, so we have heard many times, in our lives…especially when we desire something that seems to take ‘forever’ to get here! That could be in the mind of a child waiting for that ice cream cone, a graduation coming up, or someone’s life long dream finally becoming a reality. It could also involve, waiting for someone to show up in ones’ life, or waiting for ourselves to show up being that person we ‘wish’ we could be, or we wish THEY would or could be.

Patience is seen as something we do not have, and/or, a need/wish to acquire. At best, it is thought of as something that, if we do all the correct things, we will ‘achieve’ it. It is never thought of as something we are intrinsically born with, nor something that is given to us, or handed down to us. At best, it is thought that if we are patient (implying we can become this at any moment, or rather we do indeed have this trait, but just don’t realize or use it all the time), that then, by example, we will teach others’ patience; sort of a ‘role modeling.’

The truth is there is only Now. The reason for “Patience,” is to help us realize that since there is only Now, everything we wish for is already here….therefore, the ‘patience’ we are displaying is just basically an ‘allowing’ something to come into our reality that is already present (as a ‘possibility’).

How to allow? Once again, gratefulness….to be grateful for what you already have, or search for a trait that you gratefully notice in that Significant Other. Realize that everyone and everything is made up of Pure Potential, and then ACKNOWLEGE that it is there! That alone will result in more things to be grateful for, and more things to be grateful for will then be coming into your life, including the traits you love in that person, amplified considerably!

Patience is truly all about allowing. It is realizing that there is NO TIME; that all is in the Eternal Now; that we have nothing really to ‘wait,’ for, but to only become Aware that it ALL already exists right now. If you do not see it in another, you cannot see it in yourself. If it appears to not yet be present, then look at what you are doing and being to yourself, and you will find that ‘missing’ trait or quality is there, all along, waiting to be realized and noticed. For what you see that you love in another, that is who you Really Are….What you do not like in another, you are doing to yourself.

The more we choose to see everyone and everything as the truly Perfect Being they are…Reflections of God/Spirit/Mind/All that is, the closer we come to seeing who We Really Are….For truly there is only “One Being” sitting here…..patiently waiting for Us to realize that there is only this One Grand Moment of NOW, and that everything is already Here Now, just waiting for us to Allow it’s showing up into our personal Reality.