We all create our reality with our thoughts and feelings....literally from the Inside---out! Our feelings and thoughts manifest into what we call our "reality," in other words, our "life situations/experiences," or whatever you wish to call them. Sounds like a big responsibility, but whether you wish to realize this, or ignore it, it IS a choice, as is everything. If we relax into the knowing that we are responsible for our life, then we have the power to change it. Blame to others and to situations that cause problems only leaves us feeling powerless, and actually renders us powerless (as you cannot give away anything that you do not "own"). For, as said in the movie, "The Secret," by Rhonda Bryne, "Whether you think you can't or can...either way you are right."

By taking the initial step of consideration that our thoughts and feelings do indeed create our reality, you have begun to start the experience of a wonderful, joyful, abundant and happy life...that is, once you get the true "feeling" of understanding.

Our thoughts are unlimited, and hence, so are we. We are true reflections of God, which is Love...the Source of Everything, and the only "Real" and true Energy in the Universe....Life, Love, Truth, Abundance, Peace....all these things are God, and we are That. We, therefore, have that "creative" power to create our reality, and we do that simply, effortlessly, and oftentimes, without realization that we are creating our reality, literally all the time! We will create reactively and unconsciously, that is, until we don't; until we are conscious of that truth.

And this concept and realization is my reason for starting this blog. To inform, give to our community, to all of you, to uplift the planet's consciousness, to create a better Now....which is actually giving to myself, as we are all connected...truly there is only One Supreme Being sitting here, and our reality consists of that glorious Being manifested into individual units of Loving Energy, called "Souls," "Life Forms," etc.

We are all on this journey together, to discover this wonderful realization and then to manifest the most glorious experience of Life possible!

This, I know for sure.

Connecting to Source, realizations will occur....we can all do this, and we do...the only question is are we doing this consciously or unconsciously? The more awareness we place on what we feel and think, the more we will be able to create Consciously, rather than unconsciously, or reactively.

Join me to view some realizations that have literally occurred from "The Inside---Out!"

Many Blessings!

Ellen Angelica Pendergast

Jul 30


We all walk along, throughout our lives, and live our days hoping that  ‘all goes well.’

We stress about life experiences that do not seem pleasant, and focus on how bad things are, or the possibility of them getting worse, and then, we manipulate all we can to do our best to ‘solve’ the problem.

It doesn’t matter if you consider yourself a ‘bad guy or a good guy’ (no gender differences intended here!)…. we all do this.

Remember, “bad people” do not know they are bad….they are asleep, and also wish to have things going ‘good’ for them. The difference between the ‘good and the bad people’ is that the good want things also going well for others, as well as themselves. The ‘sleeping souls,’ are only interested in their own life experience. In other words, a microcosm of separation (asleep), rather than Unity (enlightened).

We come into the world innocent, and the environment is either hostile, loving, or somewhere in between. Seemingly, it all appears to depend on how we ‘act.’ If we behave ‘well,’ ‘compliant,’ ‘obedient,’ etc., usually, but not always, we are not reprimanded, or at the worst,  abused.

But what about those times that we ‘do nothing wrong,’ and are punished, sometimes severely. The child who is beaten because his or her alcoholic or drug addicted parent had a bad day, and transfers all onto that child. Or the child or spouse who innocently does something that they really don’t realize would upset their parent or spouse, and is cruelly reprimanded, either emotionally, physically, or both.

We walk along throughout our lives, trying our best to stay away from loss, pain and humiliation, and yet time and time again, we often have it come right into our reality. We usually get frightened, feel anger, or sadly just adjust to it, waiting for it to return, as part of our ‘normal life.’

However, the Truth is this…..there is only Love. Anything other than that is an illusion. The fear that creeps in, the error of peoples’ ways, the abuse, etc., are all just ‘points of reference,’ to help us create the OPPOSITE in this ‘reality.’

It is what is known as “The Contextual Field.”

The more advanced a society is/a Soul is, the more the point of reference or ‘contextual field,’ will be further away in our life experiences. In other words, it is there somewhere, but not in our reality, called our LIFE.

How do we do this? How do we keep that point of reference out of our way, so to speak?

It’s all about  perception of everything, every life experience, and everyone. It’s all about then, how you are FEELING. And, finally it’s all about what your thoughts appear as, based on your feelings, and finally, what you decide to BE about it all (and possibly what you ‘do’).

That is why all great Masters and Messengers of  the world are always telling us to ‘Be Love.’  This will keep the ‘point of reference’ far away from us. Another term noted and heard of many times, is “being in the world, but not of it.”

How do we do this? How do we let hard challenges just not touch us?  One way is by reminding ourselves until it becomes ‘second nature,’ (actually IT IS our ‘nature’) to be Love; to know our freedom as Reflections of God/Spirits having a human experience/dream.

Once again…..it’s all about Gratitude, and if you cannot do this for someone, whatever you wish for, cause another to have it, and it will also be yours. Why? Because we are All One. What you do for another, you do for you. As long as the intention is pure, which means that you really wish another to prosper, you will also be given that gift you are giving.

And yes, there are children whom are abused. You may ask what could they have done to deserve this? This is not about right or wrong, or judging in any way, but about understanding. Expanding ones’ perception to remember that, as The Christ demonstrated, every little Soul, comes into this world to  Be something, in order to evolve and help others to evolve. In other words, Love enhances. And it may just be that a child or an innocent person whom has done nothing wrong but suffers, has decided before birth to Be a victim to someone, in order for that ‘perpetrator’ to grow, to wake up, to evolve. Therefore, that child may be a Master, whom has come, just to ‘save’ that Soul; to allow that person the experience of being the perpetrator, so that they will realize what they will never wish to be again.

For as stated in many books….no Soul can do anything to another Soul  without their permission. Of course, this is on a metaphysical level, and many do not remember the ‘agreement’ before birth, but each Soul is on it’s own journey, and this is truly between them and God/One Mind/Love, involving their own Spiritual evolution.

As stated , and asked, ‘Why didn’t Jesus heal the whole world, as he could have?’  Why?  Because they didn’t ask.  Jesus, as a Master, knew that every Soul has it’s own ‘agenda’ so to speak, and understood to not intrude, but rather allowed that Soul to develop and grow according to it’s own choices (free will).

The contextual field exists, as simply a point of reference, so that we may have the experience of choosing, in relation to something else. For one cannot experience hot, unless knowing cold; up unless knowing down, and Love unless knowing fear.

There is only Love. The rest is an illusion in which to create yourself in your Grandest and Greatest Vision and Version you have ever had about yourself.  Therefore, it’s important never to dwell on what is NOT happening, on what you do not have, nor any negative thought, for you bring about to yourself, what you focus on.  (Energy Flows Where Attention Goes!)

Instead, focus on the Truth of whom you Really Are; a Spirit having a human experience; a Magnificent Sacred Design of the Universe/One Mind/The Great I AM, and allow the reference point of error  to be only existing as a tool to create the opposite of it.


Jul 20

Unity brings clarity; despair is a result of feeling left without options…..feeling alone.

It is an illusion to feel alone; we are never alone, but part of the Grander Whole.

But, what to do when one feels despair? The usual ideas of calling a friend, looking for support, etc….well, they may work for a while….that is, until one is alone again, either tucked into bed, with the lights off, or just by oneself. Either way, no matter whom you are, or what you do, there is a time during the day or evening, or late at night, when one is considered “alone.” Even if you have a life partner, and are tucked into bed with that person, once they fall asleep, that feeling, at times will come back…..that feeling of being all alone. And this feeling of ‘alone,’ is amplified when one is in despair.

When we have a problem, we usually go through endless possibilities to solve it. Our brain works that way. But when we ‘run out of ideas,’ so to speak, there is One Source that can be turned to, or rather, for us to ‘tune into.’ That Source is God/Universe/One Mind/Love.

When all is said and done, and no matter what religion, or without religion, there is always one prayer that is Universal; that prayer is a simple asking and THANKING for “HELP.”

With Gratitude comes an instant peace; for that prayer of gratitude means “hope.” And as long as just one has that hope, all not only will be well, but IS well.

For the One that always has “hope,” is God. And, we ARE THAT; a True Reflection. You may not be aware of it, but it is the Truth of whom we all are.

The next time you feel despair, acknowledge it, see through it, feel it without doing anything, and then Thank God/Universe/Mind/All That Is, for help.

It will be given, for as it is said, “…even before you have asked, I have answered.”

A true prayer is a prayer of appreciation rather than supplication. For it is stating that it is already there, and the Universe complies with “yes, it is!”

Thankfulness replaces despair. Love replaces Fear.

And feeling all alone, is after all, just a state of the mind. Perception is everything, and truly
everything is Perception. Remember, every problem is really an opportunity in disguise; a chance to decide what we wish to be in Relation to it.

Despair, too, is a state of ‘mind.’ And so, once again, all is a choice; seeing something, and deciding how we will perceive it, and then what we will decide to be in relation to it.

The good part is, we can always change our perception. All it takes is the awareness….always, endless possibilities.


Jul 15

Many well meaning individuals feel that to demonstrate criticism is THE way, and the only way to help someone learn, develop or realize their errors. Criticism has been used to get someone to do what is asked; to obey, or to just plain feel badly enough about oneself, that they are expected or motivated to correct whatever seems to be considered ‘wrong.’

Most all of us have been criticized. Many parents and spouses do this constantly to their children or partners, all within the ‘guidelines’ of feeling this is the best way to handle any situation that calls for compromise. Whether the criticism comes from control, hate, caring, or even most saying it comes from “Love,” the point is that it never makes one feel good. It usually doesn’t even cause the one doing the criticizing to feel good either, let alone the one getting the criticism. Causing someone to feel bad may temporarily get ‘your way,’ but in the end, that person has not been enlightened or loved, and will continue having more unpleasant experiences showing up, as they are then feeling badly about themselves. Sadly some start to then treat others the same, and the ‘son suffers the sin’s of the father,’ so to speak.

Where does it come from? The answer is fear. We try to control out of fear, and literally if we cannot physically restrain someone from doing what we don’t wish them to do, we will turn to using criticism as a means to ‘tie them up,’ emotionally. We feel that if we just say the ‘right’ thing; something that will really ‘get to them,’ and they feel badly enough, whether that ‘bad’ feeling is out of guilt, or just feeling ‘not good enough,’ many think that will be the motivation that will ‘spark’ that person into IMPROVEMENT.

That thought is like painting a picture, ripping it up, and thinking it will have improved the appearance of that painting. To ‘shred’ someones’ self esteem and self worth by criticism only keeps that pattern of whatever they are doing, to continue. It is Law. What you ‘put out there’ in thought, word and deed, will manifest into what you are placing out there. It will return again, and again, and again. And not only to the one you are criticizing, but also to the one who is being critical. It will show up as getting more things to feel critical about.

To improve anything and anyone, there are just three words to remember: Love Reflects Love.
(For more information on this please consult the book “Science and Health, with Key to the Scriptures,” by Mary Baker Eddy.)

Love heals. Love is the Energy that we all are. It is also our Source. The best way to help ourselves to keep away criticism and to Be Love to all is to remember the following:

“If someone could read your mind, knowing exactly what you were thinking of them, would they be healed by it?

Remember, Love Reflects Love.

And what you do to someone, you do to you…..the circle is complete, as We Are All One.

Jul 6

So many times we wish to hold on….holding on to a person, a situation, a feeling….the past.
We actually view our past experiences, usually in fear of them repeating, and sadly they return again and again and again.

What we must realize is that we bring them back to us through our fear. We remember what it felt like and imagine how awful it would be to go through it all again, and then of course, we do! Why?
Why do we keep experiencing the same problems, the same life experiences over and over?

Remember, we are the Essence of God in physical form. We are truly Reflections of Spirit/God/All that IS, and so our FEELINGS and our THOUGHTS create. Therefore, it is essential that we realize that our Past Data (past experiences) are nothing more than something that HAS happened, and if we look deeply into what we were feeling and thinking before whatever originally occurred in our past that we dread so much, we CAN change our future to a new and better experience.

How we do this is by changing our perception of why it happened in the first place. We so often choose to feel resentment, anger, frustration, fear, and/or pain, in relation to a bad experience. We usually do not consider that it is ‘all good,’ in that it is always for our Highest Spiritual Evolution.
A Master knows that all is Good. Everything happens because, we wish it to, (whether we are conscious of this wish or not), and that nothing can happen without “God’s permission.”

This may feel alien and upsetting to many, but the truth is this: if you believe that God is all Good, All Loving, and All Powerful; if you believe that God is an Energy, called Love, then there is no room for anything ‘bad’ to ever happen. It is an illusion. Everything that one may call ‘bad’ is based on a perception of the situation, and no one knows what evolutionary experience a particular soul may choose to realize Who They Really Are, which is Love/Spirit/Energy/God in physicality. The saying, “if God didn’t say it, it didn’t get said,” is exactly that…Love/God/Spirit/Mind is all there is…all else, an illusion.

Nothing is bad or good, except for how we perceive it. And our perception leads to our feelings, and then our thoughts.

Change your perception of what is your Truth. Change your feelings about why Change itself occurs, and you will then change your future to a future of Peace, happiness, and Love. (A wonderful and enlightening book with these ‘steps’ and information is called “When Everything Changes, Change Everything,” by Neale Donald Walsch).

All Masters know this, and that is why they embrace all change. Life IS change, and life will adapt to whatever it needs to keep on ‘living.’ If you look at any change in your life, really look, you will notice that on some level, whatever was going on was not working…was not supporting ‘life’ in keeping with it’s grandest vision and version, which is Loving Happiness. Changes happen, therefore, to keep Life existing in it’s Highest and Grandest Form.

So, the key is to ‘hold on” but to let go; enjoy your time here, but know who you Really Are, and embrace everything as something you have sent yourself to experience yourself in the Grandest and Greatest Vision and Version you have ever had of yourself…..or as Jesus Christ mentioned, “to be in the world, but not of it…”

And, once again, as this younger generation tell us, it’s always, “all good!”
