We all create our reality with our thoughts and feelings....literally from the Inside---out! Our feelings and thoughts manifest into what we call our "reality," in other words, our "life situations/experiences," or whatever you wish to call them. Sounds like a big responsibility, but whether you wish to realize this, or ignore it, it IS a choice, as is everything. If we relax into the knowing that we are responsible for our life, then we have the power to change it. Blame to others and to situations that cause problems only leaves us feeling powerless, and actually renders us powerless (as you cannot give away anything that you do not "own"). For, as said in the movie, "The Secret," by Rhonda Bryne, "Whether you think you can't or can...either way you are right."

By taking the initial step of consideration that our thoughts and feelings do indeed create our reality, you have begun to start the experience of a wonderful, joyful, abundant and happy life...that is, once you get the true "feeling" of understanding.

Our thoughts are unlimited, and hence, so are we. We are true reflections of God, which is Love...the Source of Everything, and the only "Real" and true Energy in the Universe....Life, Love, Truth, Abundance, Peace....all these things are God, and we are That. We, therefore, have that "creative" power to create our reality, and we do that simply, effortlessly, and oftentimes, without realization that we are creating our reality, literally all the time! We will create reactively and unconsciously, that is, until we don't; until we are conscious of that truth.

And this concept and realization is my reason for starting this blog. To inform, give to our community, to all of you, to uplift the planet's consciousness, to create a better Now....which is actually giving to myself, as we are all connected...truly there is only One Supreme Being sitting here, and our reality consists of that glorious Being manifested into individual units of Loving Energy, called "Souls," "Life Forms," etc.

We are all on this journey together, to discover this wonderful realization and then to manifest the most glorious experience of Life possible!

This, I know for sure.

Connecting to Source, realizations will occur....we can all do this, and we do...the only question is are we doing this consciously or unconsciously? The more awareness we place on what we feel and think, the more we will be able to create Consciously, rather than unconsciously, or reactively.

Join me to view some realizations that have literally occurred from "The Inside---Out!"

Many Blessings!

Ellen Angelica Pendergast

Jan 30

We honor many situations…..from others to the incidents in our history and personal life. We make days, called ‘holidays’ that honor a situation that has occurred or honoring a deed of an individual.

But what is honor? What does it mean to honor someone or something?

Honor is Complete Awareness. All honor comes from more than expectation or belief…it is a Knowing…..a knowing that is indisputable.

To honor our bodies, is to know and provide what is needed for optimum health and wellness.

To honor our mind is to put into it only the Highest Truth, the most positive thoughts, and to take good care of our physical brain, by preventing anything that affects this wonderful ‘creation machine negatively,'(in any way), (such as addictions, ie, drugs, alcohol, nicotine, etc.).

However, to honor our Spirits, we need only to be Aware….of ourselves and all others.

For what we do to another, (As a Great Master once stated), we do to ourselves. And what we do to ourselves, we also do to another. We, by our thoughts, by our Awareness, affect all; every living thing….and so the Universe, being one Being, one living Life Force, is always in a state of pure Honor/Awareness/Love.

Evil is purely from a simple lack of Awareness. The Christ Consciousness is the opposite…. Complete and Total Awareness.

To honor oneself is to honor God, for both are the same. Our pure energy, our life force is God, whatever you conceive God to be. To Honor God, we must Honor Ourselves…in other words, to be completely aware of Who We Really Are.

Both are interchangeable. Both are the same. Love Reflects Love.

Truly there is no other Being sitting here, but One.

We are That.

Jan 18

Love is Peace. We often go through our lives wishing for peace, searching for it, and oftentimes looking for it through another. Peace is a state of mind; it is not found in a person, place, nor thing.

Peace is what the heart feels when letting go of all thoughts of fear. Peace comes from faith that we are always taken good care of, in all ways.

How can we get to that point of feeling that, of being in that Vibrational Frequency of Peace? Gratitude comes to mind, and yet when one feels discouraged or despondent, we somehow just can’t even find one thing to feel grateful for. Immersed in our own little world, we ponder and ponder until that one thought dominates all others, and we feel anything but peaceful.

Many try to maintain or find peace outside of themselves; drinking alcohol, ingesting drugs, both legal and illegal, gambling, having sex without feeling anything…all these are ways outside of oneself that many feel they will find, or can keep peace in their lives.

And yet, it eludes us. Peace usually does not come at all during those ‘artificial’ highs, and if it does, because it was brought about from something outside of ourselves, which is neither permanent, nor even real, it quickly will slip away and once again, we become and experience a state of turmoil or uneasiness; again we continue looking and searching for that one person, place or thing that can bring us everlasting tranquility.

That’s really all we truly wish for….to be happy, loved…peaceful.

The solution is to Be Still. Calming oneself, and at the same time, being aware of what our feelings are showing up as.

Whatever that feeling is, instead of resisting it, embrace it with all the love you can. You are NOT wrong to feel scared, unsettled, abandoned, betrayed or used. You are Love, and all those negative states of being are very temporary and unreal. Breathe in deeply, and just Observe it all. At that moment Peace will uplift you, for you are becoming the Observer, and you cannot be something and observe it at the same time.

Peace will then show up, and stay.

Love, Peace, Goodness…..by being Still, you are being good to yourself; you are giving yourself time to re balance. Love follows, and Peace shows up.

Blessed Be.

Jan 16

The Realizations on this Blog, SPIRIT-MINDED.COM are going to be upgraded to an IPHONE app, (the existing one is being re-vamped, and which will be found in the App Store, under the company name “NINJA CHEMIST!” (NINJA CHEMIST has many wonderful apps in all genres!)

The next first 50 Realizations will be available in this new App and improved with easy scrolling to read through. They are a wonderful inspirational gift to send to someone you Love or just to help a friend who may need a boost of encouragement or a gentle ‘waking up!

Helping each other is my intention….to help as many as we can. These apps are a tool to do so. They are available for purchase for just $1.99, and at your fingertips, there when you need to be reminded of the Magnificence of Who You Really Are, and Whom We All Really Are!


Jan 3

There is only Love. There is nothing therefore to renounce. Any renouncing of anything is an untruth, for there is nothing but Love. We make up rules and regulations in order to feel we are doing ‘good’ and then punish ourselves if we don’t live up to these rules and regulations.

There is only God/Love. To renounce means you are doing your best to ‘not need’ something anymore, and in truth, you are without need.

Being in gratitude for all we have and all we are is enough…enough to keep everything we have and to need nothing (no thing).

There is no need for God in that needing implies we do not have God, and God is all we do have; all we truly Are. Therefore, we do not ‘need’ something we already have.

There is only one Being here, and that is Love….and….recognizing We Are That; we are Love, is a completeness that requires nothing else.

Pray (be in Gratitude, which is the True Prayer), for an uplifting of the Consciousness for All, including Self, for an awakening into the New Age,/the New Earth is what and why we have chosen to incarnate at this most Sacred time in our history.

All are Blessed..

All are part of this re-birthing….Welcome to this most Wonderful Year…2012!

Blessings for a most joyful new year, for this IS the year that is truly The New Age in full Glory!