We all create our reality with our thoughts and feelings....literally from the Inside---out! Our feelings and thoughts manifest into what we call our "reality," in other words, our "life situations/experiences," or whatever you wish to call them. Sounds like a big responsibility, but whether you wish to realize this, or ignore it, it IS a choice, as is everything. If we relax into the knowing that we are responsible for our life, then we have the power to change it. Blame to others and to situations that cause problems only leaves us feeling powerless, and actually renders us powerless (as you cannot give away anything that you do not "own"). For, as said in the movie, "The Secret," by Rhonda Bryne, "Whether you think you can't or can...either way you are right."

By taking the initial step of consideration that our thoughts and feelings do indeed create our reality, you have begun to start the experience of a wonderful, joyful, abundant and happy life...that is, once you get the true "feeling" of understanding.

Our thoughts are unlimited, and hence, so are we. We are true reflections of God, which is Love...the Source of Everything, and the only "Real" and true Energy in the Universe....Life, Love, Truth, Abundance, Peace....all these things are God, and we are That. We, therefore, have that "creative" power to create our reality, and we do that simply, effortlessly, and oftentimes, without realization that we are creating our reality, literally all the time! We will create reactively and unconsciously, that is, until we don't; until we are conscious of that truth.

And this concept and realization is my reason for starting this blog. To inform, give to our community, to all of you, to uplift the planet's consciousness, to create a better Now....which is actually giving to myself, as we are all connected...truly there is only One Supreme Being sitting here, and our reality consists of that glorious Being manifested into individual units of Loving Energy, called "Souls," "Life Forms," etc.

We are all on this journey together, to discover this wonderful realization and then to manifest the most glorious experience of Life possible!

This, I know for sure.

Connecting to Source, realizations will occur....we can all do this, and we do...the only question is are we doing this consciously or unconsciously? The more awareness we place on what we feel and think, the more we will be able to create Consciously, rather than unconsciously, or reactively.

Join me to view some realizations that have literally occurred from "The Inside---Out!"

Many Blessings!

Ellen Angelica Pendergast

Dec 28

So many talks about ‘making a new year’s resolution…’ So much guilt afterwards, when it seems that as soon as the ‘resolution’ is spoken, it so oftentimes, leaves the mind/memory completely! It’s as if ‘saying it out loud,’ somehow negates it from manifesting! Why IS that?

Creation is Thought, Word, and Deed…yes, stating something usually helps it to manifest. In THIS case, however, stating something that you really do not want, or rather, stating something that you feel a ‘resistance to,’ or worst yet, dread, will help it NOT to happen. The reason being, your ‘vibrational frequency’ is vibrating at a ‘feeling state’ of “I really do not Wish to do this….” The Universe ‘hears’ this, or rather picks up the vibration that it is not something you wish to accomplish, or are not looking forward to ‘creating,’ and yes you DO get your wish….IT DOESN’T HAPPEN!

Therefore, if you truly wish to make a resolution, just do not! Instead, picture what you wish to experience… Imagine it! That is, IMAGE IT in your mind, feel GOOD about it, and then Let It Go!

An example: Do you wish to lose weight? So many use that one as a “New Years’ Resolution.” Instead of telling yourself how many foods you love but will NOT eat….just picture yourself at your ‘perfect weight.’ Image yourself feeling good, feeling happy at that weight, and how thankful you are to feel healthy and happy. The rest will manifest…it is Universal Law. (As stated in the book, The Secret,” by Rhonda Bryne, the worst thing you can say is “I need to lose weight…” The Universe will then just give you more weight you ‘need to lose!’)

For the Truth of a “Resolution” is to RESOLVE; in other words, to “let go” to the One Mind, the One Invisible Substance/The Great I Am/ God; “Let Go To God,” and see what shows up…..

What will show up? Only Good.

Blessings and Happy New Year to All!

Dec 17

So many hidden messages…every time we blink, we place ourselves in a different frequency, and thus, a different dimension.

With every feeling we have, we produce an emotion. That emotion brings forth a thought, and with thought, we literally ‘blink,’ transporting into a new dimension. It looks just like the one we are previously in, but different possibilities exist. When feeling good, being Love, all those possibilities come to us as ‘events’ or ‘life experiences’ that feel ‘life is working.’ When we feel bad, feeling separate, or unloving, all possibilities of those feelings, come to us as event’s or life experiences, and life just doesn’t seem to be happy or joyful…just plain hard.

I realize that this sounds all ‘airy-fairy,’ but it is the truth of our Being. There is scientific research supporting these ‘theories.’ We live in a holographic chamber, where our feelings dictate our emotions, which dictate our thoughts, which manifest our ‘reality’ (life events’ that we experience). This includes people we meet, how we perceive them to treat us, opportunities given to us, and opportunities missed. It dictates our money situation, our business successes or disappointments, our personal relationships, both with our children, and our life partners/spouses, and our health condition. It also dictates our “world” order.

We are truly the “Masters of our Universe.” And that is why every Master, from Buddha to Jesus, and everyone else in between, has stated so many words that were meant to enlighten the Masses; to help to achieve a “Christ Consciousness State of Being.”

-“what I can do, so you will do these things and greater…”
-“In a ‘blink’ of an eye…”
-“Love they brother as Thyself…”
-“We are all One….”
-“What you do to another, you do to Me…”
-“Know Thyself…”
-“I and the Father are One…”
“Feel Good…”
“Your thoughts create your Reality…”
“Your Faith can move Mountains….”

And the lists goes on and on….the only questions is……….how many ways must we hear it, or see it, before we Know it? Before we Live it? And before we unite as the true One Being of Love, we really are….? That too, is up to All of Us.

If you are having trouble feeling good, the one “kick-start” to that feeling is to FEEL GRATITUDE….for anything, yes anything you can think of….

My wish for All this Holy Season….blessings to experience true Loving, Lasting Awareness!

Happy Holidays!

Dec 11

What is Patience anyway? How many times have we been told, “have patience?” Almost sounds like something we must obtain or keep in a jar on a shelf somewhere….

To have patience, is looked at to be a virtue…something we strive to obtain and accomplish; for when we are born, we obviously do not have patience…we cry to be fed, we cry if we are uncomfortably sitting in a soiled diaper; we also cry if we are too hot or too cold; scared or lonely…in other words, we have absolutely no patience. We do not sit silently, or idly waiting for someone to feed or change us , nor to come and comfort us…we sure let everyone we can know, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that we need something, and that we need it NOW!

Therefore, to have ‘patience’ must be more than ‘waiting;’ it must be more than developing a calm demeanor, while wishing for something and allowing oneself to be content in not yet receiving ; it also must be more than something we work on acquiring and practicing time and time again.

Patience, therefore is a State of Being. It is Serenity and without need, for it is knowing, yes KNOWING that one already has everything, and allowing it to show up in God’s Time/Universal Time. For Patience, true Patience is complete and total Love for Self and all others….not rushing Self and not rushing others to be, think or do anything that they do not wish to do, nor are ready for….And the reason you allow this is because you know that everyone has everything they need, including every experience they create , including all life events, and situations. Therefore, Patience, like knowing the end of a movie, is the RESULT of “Being in a state of Pure Peace;” and this means, “allowing.”

To be Patient with Oneself…yes, that is to know Oneself in the Christ Consciousness…is to be without need, nor want…not because you do not desire it, but because you already have it, and you KNOW this.

To be Patient, thus means to allow everything to come to you in the proper and most perfect time, which is always the right time.

For as Change is always Good, Patience simply means, “I already know it’s taken care of, therefore…

….I already have it.” And that once again, produces a true State of Being called Gratitude.

Dec 7

“That’s Impossible!” How many times have we heard THAT statement? And hearing it from like-minded Souls or people who ‘care’ about us? In other words, people that may ‘think often as we do!”

The word, ‘impossible’ is used from everything to doing a task, to choosing a certain career, to starting a relationship with someone thought of as “not the right one…, ” or “not good enough…”

We use the term ‘impossible’ to mean that it just cannot happen, or should not happen, or just isn’t feasible or practical or the ‘best for us.’ We also use it for one and only one real reason…to discourage someone from doing something we just don’t agree with, or don’t believe could happen….(and sometimes, oftentimes, it’s really about believing its not possible for US)!

Everything IS possible, for ‘believing will make it so.’ But the fact is that to use the word “impossible” is to use a very limited term, and it is meant to limit the person’s thinking for whom it is aimed.

Is it truly impossible to get what you are aiming for? No, not ever. It does not matter what the situation. All one must remember is the following, (and it should and must be stated until it becomes second nature):

***“I can succeed.” Anything that is possible to anyone is possible to me. I am successful; I do succeed, for I am filled with the power of success.”

The truth is that there is an Invisible, Intelligent, Thinking Substance that penetrates and permeates everything in this entire Universe, including Us. Mankind is a thought center, and each thought that goes out into this Substance, imprints on it, and that thought forms, and is made manifest in physical reality.

Therefore, simply and scientifically stated, ‘Nothing Is Impossible.’

It’s all about remembering who we Really Are…and who are we REALLY? We are Spirits, made of that Invisible, Intelligent, Thinking Substance, having a human experience…..

And because of who we Really Are….. thinking, WILL make it so.

Now THAT should give you something to literally and figuratively …think about! So, how are you thinking today?

***This information was taken in part from a book, “The Science of Getting Rich,” by Wallace Wattles, and was used as the foundation for the book and movie, “The Secret,” by Rhonda Byrne.

Dec 4

Holidays….a time of gratitude, forgiveness, and giving…..Why then are so many stressed, which is basically a form of fear? Forgetting who we are; forgetting that we are Spirits, having a human experience is the reason. We forget that we have literally ‘forever’ to get this right, meaning to remember who we Really Are, and that in truth, we are always safe.

Forgiveness is hard, especially when we are not forgiving ourselves. It makes no difference to whom we wronged, or even if we do all we can to get that forgiveness from someone else…we still must forgive ourselves. We usually stop that forgiveness from coming because we are fearful…fearful that we will do it again, fearful that we cannot change, or fearful that someone will find out that we are not perfect, and do indeed, need forgiveness…especially when it is about forgiving ourselves, or someone close to us.

The fear involved in all mentioned is that we somehow are ‘separate’ from God, and that we may never really be ‘connected’ to God, as we believe we should/could or would be. We imagine a punishing, critical parent in God, and then judge ourselves as we believe we are being judged. We get these ideas from our domestication (meaning family and societal influences) and then we spend the rest of our lives judging ourselves, and often much more harshly than anyone else would.

We do all this out of fear….meaning the absence of Love. Fear is not real….a few acronyms for fear are… “False Evidence Appearing Real “ and the one I prefer, “Feeling Excited And Ready.” (both appear in the Conversations With God books by Neale Donald Walsch)

We strive so hard not to fear; however resisting this emotion, like all others, only keeps it more firmly in place. It is better to ‘look at it;’ in other words, admit to yourself that you are feeling fear, and then be kind enough to yourself not to judge, but to accept it as part of your transformation into remembering that you truly are a Spirit having a human experience, and that your human experience must experience the emotion of fear to help one transform.

Many feel caution, which can be looked at as a form of fear, but it also protects one from danger. The trick here is to remember that fear is an illusion that serves you, until you have looked deep enough into it to see that it is not real, and the fastest way to do so, is to find, even in fear, something to feel grateful about.

Truly a Master blesses everything that comes, even fear, because a Master knows that they alone are responsible for everything coming to them in their life, and release their fear to the Universe, allowing it to surface and then to fade away. For fear, like Love, leads to Transformation. Even Christ, in the garden, felt fear, asking God to release him from his ‘burden;’ then re-balanced back to his Higher Self, and released this fear.

This Holiday… this Holy Season, is about giving, which includes giving to yourself…giving yourself to feel what you need to feel, without judgment, with acceptance, and acceptance leads to Peace.

For looking at fear, and releasing it is what brings Peace on Earth, and goodwill to All ….and that is the true function of why fear is placed in our reality….for remember,
“in the world of the relative, that which you are can never be, unless the opposite appears.

Blessings to All This Holy Season!