We all create our reality with our thoughts and feelings....literally from the Inside---out! Our feelings and thoughts manifest into what we call our "reality," in other words, our "life situations/experiences," or whatever you wish to call them. Sounds like a big responsibility, but whether you wish to realize this, or ignore it, it IS a choice, as is everything. If we relax into the knowing that we are responsible for our life, then we have the power to change it. Blame to others and to situations that cause problems only leaves us feeling powerless, and actually renders us powerless (as you cannot give away anything that you do not "own"). For, as said in the movie, "The Secret," by Rhonda Bryne, "Whether you think you can't or can...either way you are right."

By taking the initial step of consideration that our thoughts and feelings do indeed create our reality, you have begun to start the experience of a wonderful, joyful, abundant and happy life...that is, once you get the true "feeling" of understanding.

Our thoughts are unlimited, and hence, so are we. We are true reflections of God, which is Love...the Source of Everything, and the only "Real" and true Energy in the Universe....Life, Love, Truth, Abundance, Peace....all these things are God, and we are That. We, therefore, have that "creative" power to create our reality, and we do that simply, effortlessly, and oftentimes, without realization that we are creating our reality, literally all the time! We will create reactively and unconsciously, that is, until we don't; until we are conscious of that truth.

And this concept and realization is my reason for starting this blog. To inform, give to our community, to all of you, to uplift the planet's consciousness, to create a better Now....which is actually giving to myself, as we are all connected...truly there is only One Supreme Being sitting here, and our reality consists of that glorious Being manifested into individual units of Loving Energy, called "Souls," "Life Forms," etc.

We are all on this journey together, to discover this wonderful realization and then to manifest the most glorious experience of Life possible!

This, I know for sure.

Connecting to Source, realizations will occur....we can all do this, and we do...the only question is are we doing this consciously or unconsciously? The more awareness we place on what we feel and think, the more we will be able to create Consciously, rather than unconsciously, or reactively.

Join me to view some realizations that have literally occurred from "The Inside---Out!"

Many Blessings!

Ellen Angelica Pendergast

Nov 30

All this “feeling good” stuff….how hard is it when you do not “Feel Good?” Very hard.

That is, until it is not.

Many wonder…what does that really mean? We hear it quite often…we will do something, until we do not. It means that until we realize what we are ‘Being,’ in every moment; until we are aware, we will continue to do the same thing over and over and over again…without fail, until we finally ‘get it.’

So, getting back to this ‘feeling good/feeling bad situation…when we feel bad, we are literally, and I mean LITERALLY, projecting ourselves into a different dimension…yes, you read correctly, a different DIMENSION….meaning that how we ‘FEEL’ vibrates at certain frequencies, and we literally project ourselves into a dimension that looks like the same place, but is quite different. Different meaning that we will experience a different outcome than another dimension that looks just like this one.

This sounds “make believe,” or “something from a sci-fi book,’ but the truth is that frequencies are very real, and as a book called “Frequency,” by Penney Peirce, states, “We don’t have to go anywhere. We are living in a global initiation chamber, with these geophysical conditions occurring on a worldwide scale…”

So, we basically ARE a time machine….we just didn’t know it. We go about, allowing life experiences to ‘cause an emotion,’ that we feel completely powerless over, and then we REACT, and then we have a feeling about it, sometimes a very bad feeling, or sometimes a very good feeling, depending on the event. We then look at it a certain way (our perspective, which become our perception), and THINK about it, and FEEL a certain way about it, and then we literally “blink” and we have transported into a dimension that we have no idea we have projected into…..So, we go about our day, and sometimes we have these “great days,” and sometimes everything that can go wrong, does….and we ask ourselves, “why.” Or worst yet, we start complaining about it to everyone, and then we continue to feel bad about it, and then we have another bad day; and sadly sometimes it continues….ALL OF OUR LIFE!

We are Energy. We are a completely Loving Energy. What we feel we create, that is, we transport ourselves into a dimension that matches our ‘feelings,’ and that can be very bad or very good. And in each dimension, different outcomes, different events occur; also different treatment from the same person can change, and does.

As Jesus Christ stated, “in a blink of an eye…” And “what I can do, so you will do these things and greater.”

The truth is we do not go anywhere…we vibrate in and out of dimensions, while standing in the same space. We do this based on ‘what frequency’ we are ‘in.’ We do this daily, and that is what is meant when it is stated, “Heaven is Here Now.”

Imagine what is possible if we are in the most loving state of mind…Loving everyone and everything and……loving ourselves?

Blessings to all…..and remember………….FEEL GOOD! For the “thousand years of peace” is a dimension that is entered into by feeling good and feeling/Being…….LOVE.

Nov 24

Thanksgiving—to give thanks? The meaning seems so clear, and so simple, yet so many mouth the words and pay no attention to its’ intrinsic meaning,” for to give thanks is to give ‘something;’ it is a feeling thought/energy that emits out to the Universe and never stops…attracting more like thoughts.

Therefore, to give thanks implies an energy of Love that attracts more Love, imprinting on the ‘Invisible, Formless Substance (some call God/Love), and is saying, “I appreciate all I have…” and the Blessed Universal Energy/Love/God, replies, “yes, you do…” and gives you more life events to express ‘Thanks’ for.

It is always there, works all the time, and returns to you all you think and feel….A feeling of Gratitude is purely Love, Expressed.

Happy Thanksgiving To All….for It is All and Everything that I am truly thankful for….Blessings!

Nov 21

So many times we limit ourselves…delay our good, make excuses for our lives and why we can’t or won’t allow happiness, abundance, peace, and/or Love into our life experience….Why?

It’s always about ‘fear;’ we want but do not feel ‘ready.’ We go under the guise of ‘it’s not time,” or “I need to heal,” or “It just has to wait until the right time,” etc. The truth is that there is no “time.” There is only Now. And if you choose to delay your good, but saying it’s not time, or that you need to heal, you are merely postponing and limiting your life experience to experiencing less moments of Love and happiness…that is All you are doing, and you are Being in the World, and OF it, rather than being in the World, but not of it. In other words, you are being a human whom is limiting your own good, and you will do that, until you do not.

We do this because we have forgotten the REAL reason we incarnated to this Planet…to experience life, and that means, to LIVE! We come here filled with enthusiasm and joy and wonder and excitement, and then allow others, their views, their experiences, their thoughts….to influence us, and worse yet, we STOP being Happy.

Yes, we stop Being Happy, and then wonder why more things to be sad about show up! The truth is that bad things sometimes happen (and in this writing, Bad being used as a relative term, as there is really nothing ‘bad,’ save for the definition we give it!), but nevertheless, we decide how we are going to respond to a situation/ event, and then we basically build a ‘life’ from there. We decide to react to something we call ‘bad,’ and then ‘feel’ badly about it, because it is expected. By whom, you may ask? By US. We cannot possibly hear bad news and just cast it off, at least not openly. We hear of a death, and immediately go into a somber mood, mostly for the other person’s benefit, and secretly glad it’s ‘not us.’

As stated in Neale Donald Walsch’s new book, “When Everything Changes, Change Everything,” the truth is that life is all “PERSPECTIVE,” and we then “PERCEIVE” our world accordingly, (and oftentimes that includes placing ‘limits’ either on ourselves, or others). We then experience EMOTIONS based on how we perceive, and then have a THOUGHT about it. Next, we exhibit some sort of BEHAVIOR in relation to that emotion, and then our REALITY/life experience shows up….which, by the way….leads us again to a PERSPECTIVE….and the circle is complete.

Therefore, the most important thing you can do is to first of all DECIDE what your perspective is….in other words, what are you BEING in relation to any given situation? Are you Being ‘limiting,’ “abundant,” “sad,” “happy,” etc.”

Remember, your perspective becomes your perception, which becomes your emotions, which become your thoughts, which become your behavior, which becomes your life experience…..

How to first change your perspective? No matter what happens, seek Gratitude….no matter what the situation, ……and once again, that truly DOES changes EVERYTHING!

Nov 15

Forgetting usually implies a negative connotation. If we forget an appointment, date (such as an anniversary or birthday), we usually experience guilt or are treated in a way that we feel very uncomfortable. We are even fined oftentimes if we forget a dental or doctor appointment, and the justification is that we ‘wasted’ that professionals time, in that another patient could have been seen in our time slot.

For the most, forgetfulness has been looked upon by our social society with distain. But let’s take a good look at what the term ‘forgetfulness,’ can, and does, also mean.

When we incarnated into our physical structures, we had placed a ‘veil of forgetfulness’ upon us. Why? To insure that this ‘life experience’ would be pure as possible. If we remembered who we Really Are, in other words, where we were before (in the Absolute, where only Love resides), we would not be able to experience life events in their purest form, meaning completely innocent and with wide-eyed wonder.

For, how can we ‘wake up,’ unless we are first asleep?

Once we ‘become aware, and wake up to the truth of who we are (a Spirit having a human experience), only then can we create and EXPERIENCE awareness, and Heaven.

So, as we forget, let us enjoy that experience, for the life events that happen, whether good or bad, help us to accomplish that awakening/remembering, and then the ‘fun’ truly begins!

For, as stated in Neale Donald Walsch’s book, ‘The Littlest Soul and The Sun,’ no matter what the circumstances, or life events, or how many times we (or someone else) may forget and hurt us, either intentionally or unintentionally, “….We are given nothing but Angels.”

Nov 11

To challenge someone, let’s say in a duel, means that you are being called upon to show ‘who you are;’ and in that sense, life’s challenges are just that….only with life challenges, we are called upon to display who we Really Are….

The capitalization of those two words, “Really and Are,” basically mean our Real Self…our Divine, Higher Self; some call it a Soul…some call it “God” in physical form. Whatever the name, we are referring to that True Self; the Divinity that we Really Are.

A challenge, therefore is nothing more than an opportunity to show US that part of Self we often are not even aware of, unless we are… For to Experience ourselves in our God-State, or what some may refer to as our “Christed Self,” or Christ Consciousness is truly what we are ‘up to.’ And that is because our pure and only Real aspect of who we are is…A Spirit Having A Human Experience.

As challenges may come along, and as we are incarnated as a Human Being, we get to decide what we wish to be in relation to that challenge, with the ultimate goal: to choose and decide to Be that Divine Self, that which some call Love. To be Loving at all times is what a Master is, for a Master sees all the world as aspects of his True Self, for in reality, there is only One Being sitting here….and we are all part of that Oneness, called God. Therefore, a Master never ‘curses the darkness,’ for he/she knows that it is all Sacred, all Divine, and that fear and darkness are but illusions; they, and other life experiences and challenges, are sent to himself by himself, to define Self.

For when it finally comes to what we are doing here, we are living a life that is filled with ‘challenges,’ which are really only opportunities in disguise, to help us experience, “Who We Really Are,” and all life’s events are based on our perspective of that Holy Perception….for when you know who you Really Are, and live that, you then experience Heaven….

And that Nivana, that Holy Place sought by all, is truly in our “One Mind,” which is always with us, and is always……..Here Now.

Nov 8

We recently have heard, from many self-healing books, seminars, workshops, and both Messengers and Masters, that Gratitude is the key to a good life. Many, however, cannot seem to feel gratitude when hard times hit. The reason being, we usually tend to focus on what we do not have at that moment in our lives, rather than what we do have. In other words, we just cannot seem to feel happy when things are not going our way, when we are not getting what we want, or when something ‘bad’ happens, etc. (Sadly, some do not even feel grateful when something good has happened, but that will be saved for another time!)

We instead, when something happens in our reality that we do not desire, actually focus on it consistently, forgetting everything else around us. This not only comes in the form of forgetting that we do have our good health, if we do, or that we have our children, spouses, family, but we even forget we have a place to live, enough food, a bed to sleep on, or just the fact we can walk around, hear, see, talk, etc. We seem to fall into a feeling of ingratitude…not even seeming to care about what we DO have….that is, until those things we do have suddenly go away…then, of course, more focus on what we had lost, etc.

How to stop this pattern? Can you really get to that place of gratitude when things are NOT going well?  (for a complete guide to establishing gratitude in our daily lives, please view ‘The Magic,’ by Rhonda Bryne).

This past weekend, I attended the “Celebrate Your Life” conference, thanks to a dear friend’s early birthday present to me. It was a joyous occasion; I sat in from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. with one of my most inspirational and favorite author’s Neale Donald Walsch, and met with many like-minded, spiritual individuals, selling their wares, informing many ways to heal and focus on self-help, etc.

What I found most interesting in that so many I met, especially in the workshop I attended, seemed impatient and ungrateful for their time at this conference. Many spoke with distain and frustration, with statements such as, “how many books do I have to buy to GET IT!” Comments such as those helped me to realize that it’s not about the ‘stuff;’ it’s all about US! What does that mean? It means you won’t ‘get it,’ until you do, no matter what you buy or how many seminars you attend. I noticed how not one person expressed gratitude for the authors and speakers that took their time, to spend four days, lecturing at this conference. Nor had one person I met expressed gratitude at the fact that somehow they had received the money to attend this conference. I never heard any gratitude from anyone, except from one woman, who stood up and thanked Mr. Walsch (Conversations With God, Book 1)for his information he gave that day in our workshop, and from my dear friend whom sat next to me at the workshoop, whom always is stating her gratitude for her blessings, her friends, her children, and her life.

In other words, most of the people there had forgotten who they Really Are….that they are Spirits having a human experience, and that what they think and feel vibrates at a certain frequency, imprinting on the Invisible, Formless Substance, that some call “God,” and that when they are in a state of ingratitude, rather than gratitude, they then experience in their reality more events to feel distressed about….in other words, they are not grateful for what they have, which tells the Universe/God, “I feel ungrateful,” and the Universe/Formless Sacred Substance, replies, “yes you DO,” and so something more then eventually appears in their reality, which they again feel upset and ungrateful for…and it goes on and on until it does not.

I see people buy things they don’t need with money they don’t have to impress people they do not like. I see people buy things to have them and never touch them again once they are home; I see people searching and searching, and loving the search, but not wishing to do the research, work or give time to actually be the change they wish for in their lives…..Most of all, I see a little of all of US, in all of them….

However, this is not a ‘scolding,’ or an ‘I told you so…” No, rather, it is an Observation to lovingly, but hopefully and quickly, wake US up!

Because the truth is, we are impatient, and when we combine that with being ungrateful, rather than grateful for EVERYTHING, change is slow and suffering continues, and that just no longer has to be true for this Planet or for Us personally…… and the reason is…….

…I see a Collective Consciousness that is heading in the right direction, and frustrated at the speed they are going ….and I see, that no matter what, there is still Hope, Honesty, Love, and the willingness to carry this through.

There is a change in our Planet’s consciousness….because, most of all, rather than ‘see’ it, I feel it, and if you take some time to go within, you will feel it too! I know how “very young’ as a human race, we really are; I also know that our Souls are One Soul, and infinitely as old and as wise, much more than we can ever comprehend….for we are all “God,” in physical form, and however long it takes, it’s so important, if nothing else, to be aware….if only to just be grateful that we are breathing…if that’s all you feel you can do at this moment, it is enough for now.

Be Patient with yourself…be gentle with yourself….everything is unfolding as it should, and as our young generation states, “it’s All Good.”

And that alone, is something to be very grateful about.

Nov 2

We are Spirits having a human experience, but sometimes we just do not feel that way, do we?

No, instead we feel very much alone, separate, even from God. What to do when that feeling comes about? Does it make any difference as to the ‘why?’ No, it does not; whatever the circumstances, we just need to re-connect, to actually re-member, who we Really Are; and to do so, is to become ‘quiet inside.’…. for isn’t that where the real problem lies?

Our world is made up by our perceptions…how we perceive a person, situation, circumstance…all is how we ‘look’ at it; therefore, going inside is the only solution to fix not only what is going on ‘outside’ of ourselves, but also to fix what is going on “inside.”

Remember, everything manifests from the Inside—Out…literally; what we perceive, think, and feel, eventually shows up on the outside of ourselves; in other words, forms and manifests our ‘reality.’

Meditation is really just whatever quiets the mind….sitting quietly, in a certain posture, is just one way to meditate…there are countless ways: reading quietly, walking quietly, painting quietly, even playing a musical instrument, and being ‘quiet inside…’

Meditation is connecting to your Soul.

….And when one does connect to ones’ Soul, one is connecting to all….and something wonderful happens…

…you realize, and KNOW, that you are never, ever alone.