We all create our reality with our thoughts and feelings....literally from the Inside---out! Our feelings and thoughts manifest into what we call our "reality," in other words, our "life situations/experiences," or whatever you wish to call them. Sounds like a big responsibility, but whether you wish to realize this, or ignore it, it IS a choice, as is everything. If we relax into the knowing that we are responsible for our life, then we have the power to change it. Blame to others and to situations that cause problems only leaves us feeling powerless, and actually renders us powerless (as you cannot give away anything that you do not "own"). For, as said in the movie, "The Secret," by Rhonda Bryne, "Whether you think you can't or can...either way you are right."

By taking the initial step of consideration that our thoughts and feelings do indeed create our reality, you have begun to start the experience of a wonderful, joyful, abundant and happy life...that is, once you get the true "feeling" of understanding.

Our thoughts are unlimited, and hence, so are we. We are true reflections of God, which is Love...the Source of Everything, and the only "Real" and true Energy in the Universe....Life, Love, Truth, Abundance, Peace....all these things are God, and we are That. We, therefore, have that "creative" power to create our reality, and we do that simply, effortlessly, and oftentimes, without realization that we are creating our reality, literally all the time! We will create reactively and unconsciously, that is, until we don't; until we are conscious of that truth.

And this concept and realization is my reason for starting this blog. To inform, give to our community, to all of you, to uplift the planet's consciousness, to create a better Now....which is actually giving to myself, as we are all connected...truly there is only One Supreme Being sitting here, and our reality consists of that glorious Being manifested into individual units of Loving Energy, called "Souls," "Life Forms," etc.

We are all on this journey together, to discover this wonderful realization and then to manifest the most glorious experience of Life possible!

This, I know for sure.

Connecting to Source, realizations will occur....we can all do this, and we do...the only question is are we doing this consciously or unconsciously? The more awareness we place on what we feel and think, the more we will be able to create Consciously, rather than unconsciously, or reactively.

Join me to view some realizations that have literally occurred from "The Inside---Out!"

Many Blessings!

Ellen Angelica Pendergast

Sep 28

Remembering….to re -member, or go back or re -unite…all words that indicate something you already know or some place you have ‘already been.’

How many of us feel powerless; feeling like we just don’t really know what to do, what to say , or how to do something? Some feel that we are on a journey to nowhere…always something to ‘get in the way…’ But we are on a journey, not to anywhere, or any place, but rather on an ‘inward journey’ that is the greatest adventure of all…Discovery of Self….for Being that Loving Energy, means that we already “Know” everything…we need only to remember, or as “Conversations with God, Book I,” points out, by Neale Donald Walsch, we have only to Re-Member…to get back to “who we Really Are..,” to remember THAT.

…And the best part of all this, is that we do not have to ‘learn’ anything, but rather, just Remember. Yes, remember who we REALLY ARE, which are Loving Beings of Energy;transforming, evolving, becoming more and more of our natural state, which is Pure Love, or rather, Re-Awakening, Re-Membering…becoming the Christed Beings we truly are.

This ‘remembering’ is sometimes done through a sudden life change/realization, or many small, more comfortable, subtle realizations that uplift the vibrational frequency, until Transformation occurs. In either case, once transformed, your journey continues, ever onward, to become more and more of your God-Self, actualized in Physicality.

This ‘remembering’ (not ‘learning!) comes from starting with, yes, the one simple step that we all oftentimes take for granted…Being Grateful, and FEELING GRATITUDE.

For the Whole Secret Key to Transformation starts with sincere FEELINGS OF GRATITUDE…and with that comes the Re Membering of our True Form…A Loving Spiritual Energy having a Human Experience….

The more we remember of who we Really Are, the more Heaven we experience….

For truly, Heaven is already here…we just must choose to Remember…and that too, is a choice.

Sep 22

Failure…a word almost everyone avoids…many do not even like to say it aloud, for fear of it ‘sticking’ to them somehow. How many have received a red “F” on their paper in school, feeling that it was literally burned into their skin…no matter what anyone tells them, it still hurts.

Failure in life is an unbearable thought. Words such as ‘loser,’ ‘failure,’ ‘stupid,’ etc….all lead to one thing, feeling BAD. It doesn’t matter what the word really means, or even who said it, it cuts like a knife, and the wound seems never to completely heal. It’s almost as if the thought is burned into the mind, always there, like an ugly scar..one that doesn’t show from the outside right away, but as their life transpires, manifestation of problems and chaos in that person’s life attest to the label they received long ago.

It comes in the form of broken relationships, lost property, lost children, lost loves. These sad individuals oftentimes self medicate through drugs, alcohol, or other addictions, creating more situations to ‘fail’ at, and eventually just fade away, or run away, literally or figuratively.

Failure is a result of fear; first of all believing that it’s true, when it is not. No one is a failure and can never be. Why? Because everyone is an Energy called Love; a true reflection of God/Love/Life, and can therefore, never fail.

Anything that looks like ‘failure’ is simply a picture of a movie or story that is not quite yet done. A ‘leading’ to someone, somewhere, or something…a story not yet finished.

If one fails, something was still gotten from it, and that is…. …EXPERIENCE, for on a Soul level, evolution is always taking place and that ‘failure,’ that exact experience was needed, created and planned for by that Soul for it’s own growth, understanding, and realizations.

Therefore, no one can fail, no one ever has, no one ever does, and no one ever will. It is quite literally, impossible.

A true Master embraces all experiences and understands that they are sent for always the Grander Good of that individual Soul, and for all.

Truly what is good for one, is good for all…what blesses one, blesses all. Failure in one, is really an evolution for one, and therefore, Spiritual Growth/Spiritual Evolution for all.

For as the modern term states, it truly is ……”All Good!”

Sep 19

How many of us remember the song by Carly Simon, “Anticipation?”
…all about not being sure what is going to happen; hoping, praying, fretting, and overanxious about a possible outcome, hope or dream. Sound familiar? Haven’t we all, or presently, been in anticipation over something, whether we wish for it or do not?

Impatience is something that is part of fear…False Evidence Appearing Real…we anticipate that we will be happy or sad, and cannot understand why we are even thinking about it..but thinking we do…over and over and over again, usually until we work ourselves into an ‘outcome’ that has not yet manifested in our reality…at least, not yet! Usually, when something then ‘shows up’ that we do not want, we actually wonder how it got there! However, if we examine our thoughts and FEELINGS prior to that outcome, we will realize that we indeed, did create it and bring it to us, good or bad experiences; your thoughts will bring to you what you are thinking or feeling…consciously or unconsciously!

Anticipation is healthy if it’s a “I wonder what is going to happen” attitude…quite another if the feelings are, “why isn’t it happening faster? When will it be here? or I don’t want it to come or happen,” etc…

On Earth, as we are here in this realm, Time appears to be real, but in Truth, there is only one grand moment, with different vibrational frequencies constantly in motion, and we are all vibrating to different frequencies that place us in different realms, experiencing our own ‘private’ realities. Therefore, it does not matter how much we ponder or fret or worry or anticipate about a possible outcome; in Truth, you and I and all of Life are making it up as we go along….so to worry or get going on a re-occurring thought that brings one around and around, just is a simple waste of  ‘time’ and energy.  Our thoughts will produce one of countless possible outcomes, as Quantum Physics has stated time and time again.

Whenever you ‘catch’ yourself (and that is a very good thing to become… the “Observer” of your experience) anticipating about an outcome that has not yet occurred, it may serve you to instead, picture/image the outcome of your desire; yes, literally, STOP thinking about how to get there, or what you can DO, and simply picture in your mind your already having it, and FEEL happy. Do this until you can feel elated, happy, joyful…then just release it to the Universe and do everything in the Moment of Now.  How? By ‘listening’ to that quiet voice inside (some call it ‘intuition’ or God), and do what you can in the Moment of Now to reach your goal/dream; most importantly, feeling GOOD while doing so.

It works every time, never stops working, and is fun, once you practice imaging/visualization because it is the purest way to create, effortlessly bringing forth the  Life experience you wish to have.

…And that is why the Master, Jesus said, “What I can do, so can you…” he said this because he knew the creative power of our thoughts, and the power of visualization.  When he was asked to heal…he simply pictured that person as the perfection they Really Are, and the illusion of ill health vanished immediately, restoring that Being back to perfection.

And, as stated…..”As Above, so Below”…what is possible through Love, is possible for All.



Sep 16

How often have we heard from others, or even ourselves….”get back to Earth; are you out of your mind? Come back to reality! Reality check!” What they are really saying is, “get out of your world, and come into mine.” In other words, ‘your dream doesn’t agree with mine…’
There are others whom are fearful, feeling alone in their reality and only feel safe if others join them, even though it may be a nightmare, or uncomfortable. It is what they are used to, conditioned to experience, or created on their own as a result of their ‘domestication/upbringing,’ in order to cope. Oftentimes, they may even ‘terrorize’ in the form of outright violence, threats, demands, and ultimatums that cause entrapment, feelings of powerlessness, victimization, or just downright fear.
Reality checking is useful in only one way..to check to make sure that you stay in ‘your own reality.’ Which means, you do not allow others to intrude on you. No matter what their action, or how hard they try, become the Observer of your own Experience…meaning, stop and tune into ‘how you are FEELING at that moment that they are trying to bring you into ‘their reality.’
Feeling anxiety, fear, embarrassed, sad, etc? Anything not in alignment with Joy, Happiness, Elation, and Love, means you are not in the frequency that matches Love/God. Anything less is to be avoided by being ‘in the world, but not of it.’ At that moment, strive for balance by doing everything you can to think of something to be grateful for….Some call it ‘finding your happy place.’ Some call it ‘counting to ten…’ The best way to Remember that only your reality matters, is to remember that literally, only ‘YOUR REALITY CAN TURN INTO MATTER;’ in other words, what YOU think, and only what YOU think will manifest, becoming your reality….SO, ALLOW NO ONE BUT YOU TO CONTROL YOUR THOUGHTS!
And that is what the Master, Jesus Christ meant, when he said, “….be in the world, but not of it.”
To be in the Christ Consciousness is to be without the need to intrude on others, nor allow the intrusion of others onto you.

Those who are choosing a state of literally “Being asleep, unknowingly, imagine separation, and then try to bring you into their world of separation/fear. Thoughts starting with gratitude will guide you back to your own Light, for when you are in the Light (the Realization of who you REALLY Are, a Spiritual Being of Energy called Love), you have no need to make someone else wrong, nor to control them, nor drag them into your Reality (that is, against their will), because you know already, that we are all One, and consequently, there is nothing we HAVE to do, nor make another do……..

…..For truly, what Blesses One, Blesses All.

Sep 10


So there you sit, right in the middle of LIFE…hard, easy, traumatic, serene…or somewhere in between, or going back and forth from dark to Light…on any given day…maybe it’s time for an assessment of your thoughts.

So many do not look ‘within.’ They keep looking ‘outside’ of themselves, for some hidden secret that can make all the ‘bad stuff’ go away. They will do this in a variety of ways; everything from blaming others, to blaming themselves and going over every detail of how it all came upon them…from victim roles, to perpetrator, to victor…to self medicating through alcohol or drugs, or other addictions….it all plays out the same…looking outside of oneself, rather than looking within.

All that is needed to ‘look within’ is to pay attention to how you are FEELING. Anxious, scared, sad, grieving, depressed? You need to re align; for being on that FEELING frequency will attract more of all THAT.

Feeling good right now? Happy, serene, tranquil, peaceful, joyful? Those feelings will manifest more of those feelings…it is the Law of the Universe…so within, so without, i.e, what is inside attracts what appears outside.

Now remember, there is a time delay in this reality, so feeling bad or good will not instantly manifest until you keep those feelings going for a while….the problem is most of us fool ourselves into thinking, “hey, we feel good…how did THAT happen?” But the truth is, that on some level, even though you may be joking, smiling, and telling the world how ‘great your life is..’ on the inside, you may be feeling any of a variety of these: not good enough, not deserving of the good that has come, anxious as to when it will end, based on others thoughts such as ‘nothing last forever,’ etc. And one of my personal favorites that through the years, during my career in providing mental health counseling to patients, the syndrome of “I would never want to be a member of a club that would have ME as a member…” In other words, if you like me, then something is wrong with YOU, and therefore, I no longer like you…etc. All these feelings, sitting deep inside, simmering, and all the while pretending they are not there…they do, however, cause you to vibrate at a certain frequency, and those deep feelings are the vibrational frequency that shows up, no matter how hard you try to hide them.

Looking at your reality, you will see where you are vibrating.  So paying Attention is the Key to solving this and creating/mastering your reality, and life experiences.

The truth is that your feelings will eventually bring you where you are feeling….a nightmare or Heaven.

So how long do you wish to feel bad? How does it serve you to worry, fret, become irritable or feeling overpowered or overwhelmed? If you are having a hard time releasing those fears or emotions, the first step is to look within…in other words, do an Observation/Assessment  of your feelings. How are you REALLY feeling today? How do you usually feel right when you get into bed, and turn off the lights? What feelings come to you when you are all alone, with nothing to do and free of all distractions…how do you feel when you are alone with YOU?

Once you decide to  look at those feelings, you can then go about which ones you wish to change. Any fear based thoughts or feelings?  Then  search the root of the cause…if it’s from childhood memories, work on remembering that it is all ‘past information’ that was given to you, by other’s thoughts, feelings and opinions, and that is all it is. If it’s present circumstances, decide whether your reaction to it is based on past similar experiences, and then know that becoming the Observer of your experience places you at an advantage, as you cannot Observe it and Be it at the same time!

Your life experiences and situations are not  you….for you are pure, loving Energy, vibrating at whatever frequency you are FEELING, and those feelings turn into your life experiences…your Reality.

It is very Pure, very simple, and very easy to change, IF you DECIDE to give it your Attention.

The choice, as always, is to consciously remain grateful for all feelings,  for they are the KEY to freedom, and that is why a true Master is always in gratitude for every life experience…all leads to Enlightenment, and eventually, back Home.

Sep 3

So many times we feel “bad,” and oftentimes, and thankfully someone ‘cheers us up;’ literally they are raising our vibrational frequency into a higher realm, and we ‘feel better.’ What is really happening is that we are literally being ‘raised/uplifted’ into a different frequency, which produces a different reality/life experience.

We are Energy; Loving Energy, vibrating at certain frequencies….and in each frequency is a ‘world;’ lower frequencies bring lower, unpleasant life experiences; higher frequencies bring joyful experiences.

Literally, we are Energy, vibrating, going in and out of different dimensions according to how we are thinking, and then most importantly feeling. That is why, even though your ‘outside’ reality appears to look the same from day to day, people all around are living a different life experience (or world), than you may be. They are simply vibrating at a different frequency, which is calling different experiences to them, and setting them on a different course. In many ways, similar to a video game; each frequency is a different level, providing different situations and hence, different life experiences.

How many times have we had a ‘bad or good’ day? It looks like we are in the same ‘space,’ but we are literally not; we are, instead going to different “dimensions” or levels, that look identical but vibrate at different frequencies, producing different outcomes and hence, different experiences.

The easiest way to, therefore, change your life is to change how you are thinking, and most importantly, FEELING. This will change your frequency, and uplift you to a higher, safer, more joyful vibrational frequency, and therefore change your life experiences.

Gratitude is one of the first steps to help this frequency change, as Gratitude is the first step/level in the vibration of Love.

It is SO IMPORTANT to be feeling happy and grateful, ALWAYS, for as we feel, we vibrate, and as we vibrate…. we experience.

Therefore, our State of “Being,” is our Vibrational Frequency, and to Love,  places us in the Highest Vibrational Frequency of All, which is God. (GOD/LOVE are Interchangeable)

That is what all The Masters have always said and will always say; to Love is to connect to life, which is God, which connects to all Good and Abundance; it is to vibrate at a High Frequency that allows us to enter into what many call, ‘Heaven.’

And to do this for another, to help others feel Good; to Love them, helps raise them up into a higher frequency, for it helps their vibrational frequency to rise, and in doing so, also helps the one who is being Love, keep in that highest vibration also.

For what you do to others, you do to yourself. Why? Because there is ONLY YOU, as we are ALL ONE!

What the Christ said was true…”Love One Another..” For when you do this….

…….Heaven is truly “HERE NOW.”

And the statement, ‘Love is All You Need,’ certainly takes on a deeper meaning!



Sep 1

How many of us desire Freedom? Whether it is freedom of choice, freedom from pain, or freedom from emotional trauma or stress, we all feel this desire sometime in our lives.
We wonder how we ever got into whatever we are in, to cause this feeling of powerlessness, feeling stuck, (either with a person, place or thing), or the pressure of an unbearable situation; and we usually ponder, fret, or complain about it to everyone we meet…or decide to brew about it, keeping it deep within ourselves.

In either case, it will manifest in our lives, for our thoughts create whether we share them or not…they do, however, create faster when spoken aloud.

Either way, we are creating an outcome and life experience in our reality that feels as if we are trapped, and thus continue to desire Freedom.

This state of Being, this feeling of desiring Freedom merely causes just that…more experiences of DESIRING freedom, but not the experience of Freedom, itself. It, instead causes the experience of feeling trapped, or stuck. The only way to experience Freedom, is to Know you are free, always, and that basically, as the song by the band, “The Eagles,” states, in the song, “Already Gone,” ..’so oftentimes it happens, that we live our lives in chains, and we never even know we have the key…”

The “Key” is not thinking we have to make a decision to run, or change things, as many think; but rather, the “Key” is the awareness to deciding a different state of Being.

So many times, we go over in our mind how we can change our lives…live better, change partners, jobs, etc…get more money…in other words, “do what WE want,” and yet, when we ‘get there;’ changing that partner, job, etc., we usually end up still feeling that desire for change, for Freedom.

For the truth is, you are already free, and to experience that, you must view/observe, looking INWARD at what you are really Being at that moment….

Being What? That is for you to decide, and it’s always in relation to any given situation.

The truth is you get to choose, always, and what you choose to Be, determines just how much you will experience Freedom, or the lack of it…

….for Freedom, like Heaven, is truly, not outside of yourself, but Inside.

And once again, what is Inside, will manifest outside, and become your Reality…it is a Universal Law….hence, as within, so without.

Truly, Freedom, like Heaven, is in your Mind.