We all create our reality with our thoughts and feelings....literally from the Inside---out! Our feelings and thoughts manifest into what we call our "reality," in other words, our "life situations/experiences," or whatever you wish to call them. Sounds like a big responsibility, but whether you wish to realize this, or ignore it, it IS a choice, as is everything. If we relax into the knowing that we are responsible for our life, then we have the power to change it. Blame to others and to situations that cause problems only leaves us feeling powerless, and actually renders us powerless (as you cannot give away anything that you do not "own"). For, as said in the movie, "The Secret," by Rhonda Bryne, "Whether you think you can't or can...either way you are right."

By taking the initial step of consideration that our thoughts and feelings do indeed create our reality, you have begun to start the experience of a wonderful, joyful, abundant and happy life...that is, once you get the true "feeling" of understanding.

Our thoughts are unlimited, and hence, so are we. We are true reflections of God, which is Love...the Source of Everything, and the only "Real" and true Energy in the Universe....Life, Love, Truth, Abundance, Peace....all these things are God, and we are That. We, therefore, have that "creative" power to create our reality, and we do that simply, effortlessly, and oftentimes, without realization that we are creating our reality, literally all the time! We will create reactively and unconsciously, that is, until we don't; until we are conscious of that truth.

And this concept and realization is my reason for starting this blog. To inform, give to our community, to all of you, to uplift the planet's consciousness, to create a better Now....which is actually giving to myself, as we are all connected...truly there is only One Supreme Being sitting here, and our reality consists of that glorious Being manifested into individual units of Loving Energy, called "Souls," "Life Forms," etc.

We are all on this journey together, to discover this wonderful realization and then to manifest the most glorious experience of Life possible!

This, I know for sure.

Connecting to Source, realizations will occur....we can all do this, and we do...the only question is are we doing this consciously or unconsciously? The more awareness we place on what we feel and think, the more we will be able to create Consciously, rather than unconsciously, or reactively.

Join me to view some realizations that have literally occurred from "The Inside---Out!"

Many Blessings!

Ellen Angelica Pendergast

Oct 27

Greed, implies separation, which is one of the highest statements of fear….for to not give to another, is not to give to Self.

So many of us, not meaning to hurt or abandon, do so out of conditioning….yes, ‘domestication’ from our society and family upbringing….hoarding, self-centeredness, blind ambition, competitive creation…all these indicate thoughts of separation, and come from fear, produce more fear, and actually push away all desires, all good, Peace and the experience of Love.

For Love has no greater ambition than to give; the actual expression of Love is to always give, and that is why a truly Loving and Godly relationship with one another AND with Self, is best experienced by enhancing the others’ life….which enhances Oneself.

….for we are all One, we are all part of the same Energy, and to ignore this, is to experience ‘lack’ in the truest sense, for it means that you are not giving to Self when you deny another….

….for truly, what blesses one, blesses all!

Oct 24

So how do we get to Mastery? What is the ‘magic’ word? The answer: Acceptance.

So many times we view our lives in retrospect, looking back and thanking God for us not marrying that ‘one special person’ we thought we could not live without….or so grateful we ran late, and missed that accident. So many whom were delayed that day in going to work at the World Trade Center on 911, attest to their gratitude for a sick child keeping them home, or a delay in traffic….in other words, ‘thanking God for unanswered prayers.’

Now what does that story have to do with ‘Mastery?’ Everything. A Master is always grateful for all life experiences, AND WITHOUT EVEN KNOWING THE OUTCOME OF WHAT IS TRANSPIRING AT THAT MOMENT. That is the big difference. We, on the other hand, usually are grateful AFTER we see the ‘end’ result, whereas, a Master is grateful without having to have experienced the ‘end result.’

Why IS THIS? Because a Master knows two things; first of all, that all change is for the better, and secondly, that it gives us a chance to experience the other end of it, for to live in the world of the relative gives us free choice, and a reference point (can’t have up without down, hot without cold, etc.).

Therefore a Master welcomes all change, without judgment and without fear, for the outcome is always assured…everything is always for the highest good for all, and we all, always end up “Home.”

And that is what it means to free of an attachment to outcomes……

…..to live in the world, but not of it….in the Peace of Love…. in the Peace of God.

Oct 22

Life is constantly changing. That IS Life. Oftentimes we do not like change…it feels uncomfortable and unfamiliar. Sadly, even when life situations do not feel good, we usually accept them, feeling powerless to do anything about them; changing them implies fear or doubt or it just seems plain too hard, so we usually resist it unless we have ‘no choice.’ (or at least many of us think that way; however, we always do have a choice!)

What we must realize (as stated in Neale Donald Walsch’s new book, “When Everything Changes, Change Everything) is that when any situation in life becomes unstable, change WILL OCCUR. Change MUST occur for Life to continue.

Therefore, when change happens, it is ALWAYS for the good.

Stability is necessary for life to continue. Love is always consistent; true Love that is. Often we experience what we feel is Love, and then it ends, and we think Love failed us somehow. But if we are honest with ourselves, and look at the relationship objectively, it was never Love that failed, but merely the relationship became unstable, and therefore, change occurred. That’s usually when we say, “you’ve changed!”

This change could mean many things; an altering of behavior, temporary separation, divorce, or death. But some sort of change WILL occur! It must for Life to continue.

That IS LIFE. Life becoming more and more of itself….always bringing forth more life, therefore, more change. When one is feeling Love, true Love is always constant and stable. If a life experience or issue comes up that is ‘unstable’ or ‘inconsistent,’ somehow Love/Life will adapt, and a change will be the result. A Master knows this, and thereby always embraces Change with welcoming and with Love.

Therefore, never resist Change….it is ALWAYS for the Better, Always, in All Ways.

Oct 19

When viewing this word, ‘nutrition,’ our usual reaction is ‘food;’ however, in this situation, let’s use this word to mean ‘what is good for you…’ and you may ask, “what is really good for me?”

Most of us are aware of ‘Chicken Soup for the Soul,’ a book by Jack Canfield…basically to help us ‘feel good;’ A ‘nutrition’ book for our Soul…..However, so many of us do not feel good; anxiety, stress, depression, sadness, anger, fear, etc….all emotions that do not feel ‘good.’ And we muddle around, not really knowing what to do about it. Some self-medicate through legal and illegal drugs; others eat when they are not hungry, drink alcohol to alter their moods, gamble away their money, or just accept less in a job, relationship, etc.;  living in quiet desperation.

The sad truth is that they are altering their ‘creation machines,’ in other words, their brain. We use this organ to ‘think,’ and fooling around with this creation machine only complicates our lives, as our thoughts create our reality.

Many are not willing to believe this statement of thought; that we create our reality, and yet take for granted what is going on in the world around us. We sit at coffee cafes, surfing the net on our wireless laptops or cell phones…viewing pictures, listening to music, and not even thinking about the fact that these images and sounds are coming literally from the ‘air around us,’ and right into these ‘machines’ in front of us that we are viewing and listening from. THAT is considered the ‘norm’ for us…yet, when someone mentions that this wonderful organ inside our head can literally transmit energy waves/thoughts, that create our life experiences, it is looked at oftentimes with distain, disbelief, laughter, or just plain doubt/fear.

Quantum mechanics deals with these ideas. Most importantly, for those dear souls who are in need of some ‘proof,’ there is now evidence that our thoughts do indeed create our reality. If any has seen the movie, “What the Bleep do we know?” (available on DVD), or watched “Dr. Quantum’s slit experiment, (available on youtube.com), these are just a few small examples of how this information is finally reaching the ‘masses.’

The point of all this is to inform; to help get the message sent that Masters have been giving for centuries; that we do create our reality with our thoughts; that there is an ‘Intelligent Formless Substance,’ some call ‘God,’ “Mind,’ “force,” “Love,” etc., and from this Substance comes all forms. And by thinking a thought, it is impressed onto this Invisible Formless Substance, and that thought, form appears in our reality. If you look at Nature, you will witness how this Intelligent Form pushes out it’s Thought to create trees, animals, and Us.

There is great power in this statement, for it means that we are the ones who can do this also, as we are also that Intelligent, Formless Substance, from whence we came; (and that statement is made clear in the Bible, when The Christ proclaimed, “I and my Brethren are One”; (we are all from this Intelligent Formless Substance!)….therefore, we can and do, create everything and anything. ‘Good and Bad,’ ‘right and wrong’, up and down; depending on how we are ‘feeling.’ Because many of us are unaware or have a disbelief about this statement, we usually, and unconsciously, allow our thoughts to ‘run wild;’ that is, without giving them a ‘thought!” We literally think all these negative thoughts; say all these negative statements; complain about our lives, start feeling ‘bad,’ and then wonder why things stay the same, or actually get worse!

We listen to ‘well meaning’ friends and family members, who also have no idea that THEIR thoughts are creating their reality, and we allow them to literally intrude on us and become, worst yet, our thoughts, and then we blame the world for our problems, when all the while we have the key to creating our life, and correcting errors/mis-creations.

To experience life is to go forward. It means to become the best you can be/evolution. If you do less, then you are not giving to your community, your loved ones, to God, and to yourself, for your true value and worth are immeasurable!  Therefore, to honor yourself is to honor God.

Nutrition of the Soul….good thoughts, good companionship, good books; in other words, we need to feed our Body, our mind, and our Soul. With what? With the thoughts of good food, good books/intelligent conversation, and good feelings. To think and feel less, is to experience less.

How to start? Nothing can come to you without gratitude, for  Gratitude tells the Universe that you have something to be grateful for, and the Universe will harmonize with that statement of thanks, and give you more to be grateful for.

The Intelligent Formless Substance will give you exactly what you think….for as we have heard somewhere,  many times before…

‘…for as you have asked, I have answered…’

Oct 13

Mistakes….we make them, and usually make ourselves ‘pay dearly’ for them. We do this in many ways…self punishment, guilt, accidents, blame, condemnation, endless suffering, illness. And then, we oftentimes do the exact thing again! Constant repeat; constant stress, and then literally and figuratively, ‘kicking’ ourselves for our decisions/choices…again, and again, and again…….WHY DO WE DO THIS?

Once again, we do have “endless second chances.’ We secretly and most likely, unconsciously know we are really a Spirit, having a human experience. So we mess up time and time again, and the great part of all this is that we do literally have ‘all the time in the world!” Yes, that is true! We are on a journey that is really going ‘nowhere,’ or rather we are ‘now here.’ Same spelling, just a ‘different’ way of looking at the word. (Yes, this was in the Conversations With God series, by Neale Donald Walsch!)

The point of this topic is to bring to Awareness the truth of our Being; that we are Spirits on an Evolutionary Adventure, to decide what we wish to experience and to decide what we wish to be IN RELATION to that experience. There are quite a few states of “Being” to choose from….victim, villain, apathetic, angry, happy, peaceful, etc. What we decide is always up to us. We may blame others for our reactions, but in truth, we are entirely responsible for our reactions, and our creations, i.e., our Reality/life experience.

So, now that we live this every day, and in truth have ‘endless second chances,’ all it really comes down to is to understand that you can take the short way or the ‘long way home,’ and either way, it’s fine. It truly doesn’t matter, not to God/Universe. The reason is that there is really nothing else to do! WE are all experiencing our life in this physical form, choosing and creating and choosing and creating, and we get to do that FOREVER….forever and ever, world without end…Amen.

How then do you wish to spend this ‘forever?’ You can spend it having the same experience, over and over again…eventually, YOU WILL GET THE MESSAGE, and stop the suffering, unless you don’t. Some enjoy this over and over again, and then one day, suddenly they have had enough! At that moment, Transformation occurs. It may take a big thing to happen, or a million small ones, but we all do evolve, and eventually will reach The Christ Consciousness…The Christed State of Being, and in that moment, as Jesus and Buddha, and Allah, and all the Masters of Our World will attest to, you will live in this world, but not of it…you will live in perfect peace and bliss, and you will know the truth of who you Really Are, which is the most loving Energy in the Entire Universe….

…..the Loving Energy called God. You are this already….many of us just have temporarily ‘forgotten,’ (that is, until we don’t!)

Oct 9

Surrendering…usually always, in someway, implies defeat, failure, or losing. Because of these implications, many refuse to ‘surrender’ to God.

The meaning that is the topic of this Realization has absolutely nothing to do with any of those negative terms, for surrender in this perspective simply means ‘letting go; to allow; to accept; to release.’

In this context, Surrendering allows for expansion, growth, evolution, acceptance, freedom and Love. To surrender to God means to allow your ‘Higher Self,’ in other words, your Spirit, (which is Loving Energy/God) to live though YOU…therefore, accepting abundance, good health, happiness, wealth, peace, and most of all…Love.

For to surrender to your Soul’s highest choice, is to say, as Jesus said…

“Not my will, but Thine.”

That is the Highest Surrender, the most Loving choice one can make for oneself…for to allow/surrender to God, simply means to choose to have your Highest Good always brought to you, for your Highest Good, is always the most blessed, as it is completely of Love.

Blessed Be!

Oct 5

How many of us have the ‘same day?’ In other words, we wake and go to sleep and each day is exactly as the last? Most likely, no one can claim such an experience!

Instead, we usually wake, either not knowing what the day will bring, dreading something we have to do or accomplish by day’s end, or get up with enthusiasm and excitement, only to be discouraged as our life that day doesn’t seem to unfold what we had hoped for….sound familiar?

Of course it is….and do you know why? The reason is that we do not chose the same thing each day! Yes, that’s right! Now at first glance, it MAY APPEAR we choose the same thing…but our moods change….we get up sometimes with a sense of purpose, and other times, with a sense of dread or indifference.

How many of us wake with a feeling of gratitude? Now, lets be honest with ourselves…unless you have been really focusing on being AWARE, chances are not many of us wake up, shouting to the Universe…THANK YOU!

So, we wake up, hope for the best, and go about “unconsciously’ creating our day…meaning, not really thinking about what we are thinking about….and then when things do not turn out as we planned, we blame everyone, and everything for things just not turning out ‘right’ (whatever THAT means!)

In truth, the first step to this ‘unconscious’ creation is to stop one’s mind from WANDERING. Yes, the truth is, if you really decide to become aware and pay attention to your thoughts, you may well find that you allow your mind to WANDER. If you wish for proof of this, and am not an avid person whom meditates each day, just try to meditate and see how many thoughts ‘creep’ in without your so-called ‘permission!’ It’s amazing just how much we allow our minds to wander.

And with that wandering, comes a life experience each day that CHANGES. And usually, not what we feel ‘we planned on.’ When in truth, we are basically given this ‘magic’ power (the power to create), and like a young apprentice, we do not know how to control this power (in other words, Our Thoughts!)

First step….upon waking, pause for a few moments to truly think of something to be grateful for; now this does NOT mean just going through the ‘motions.’ This means FEELING grateful, no matter what it is for. If this seems a bit challenging, then start out by writing a list, and each day upon waking, focus on that list, until you can really feel grateful, then simply let it go to the Universe.

Focus on your thoughts, and if that is difficult because there are so many sometimes, which seem ‘out of our control,’ then focus on your Feelings, for they will always tell you what you are thinking, just by how you are feeling.

If you are feeling scared, anxiety or ungrateful, then you are allowing your mind to wander, and with this knowledge comes your first steps to Mastery.

Remember, you cannot change anything, but your thoughts, but that truly changes Everything!