We all create our reality with our thoughts and feelings....literally from the Inside---out! Our feelings and thoughts manifest into what we call our "reality," in other words, our "life situations/experiences," or whatever you wish to call them. Sounds like a big responsibility, but whether you wish to realize this, or ignore it, it IS a choice, as is everything. If we relax into the knowing that we are responsible for our life, then we have the power to change it. Blame to others and to situations that cause problems only leaves us feeling powerless, and actually renders us powerless (as you cannot give away anything that you do not "own"). For, as said in the movie, "The Secret," by Rhonda Bryne, "Whether you think you can't or can...either way you are right."

By taking the initial step of consideration that our thoughts and feelings do indeed create our reality, you have begun to start the experience of a wonderful, joyful, abundant and happy life...that is, once you get the true "feeling" of understanding.

Our thoughts are unlimited, and hence, so are we. We are true reflections of God, which is Love...the Source of Everything, and the only "Real" and true Energy in the Universe....Life, Love, Truth, Abundance, Peace....all these things are God, and we are That. We, therefore, have that "creative" power to create our reality, and we do that simply, effortlessly, and oftentimes, without realization that we are creating our reality, literally all the time! We will create reactively and unconsciously, that is, until we don't; until we are conscious of that truth.

And this concept and realization is my reason for starting this blog. To inform, give to our community, to all of you, to uplift the planet's consciousness, to create a better Now....which is actually giving to myself, as we are all connected...truly there is only One Supreme Being sitting here, and our reality consists of that glorious Being manifested into individual units of Loving Energy, called "Souls," "Life Forms," etc.

We are all on this journey together, to discover this wonderful realization and then to manifest the most glorious experience of Life possible!

This, I know for sure.

Connecting to Source, realizations will occur....we can all do this, and we do...the only question is are we doing this consciously or unconsciously? The more awareness we place on what we feel and think, the more we will be able to create Consciously, rather than unconsciously, or reactively.

Join me to view some realizations that have literally occurred from "The Inside---Out!"

Many Blessings!

Ellen Angelica Pendergast

Feb 16

So many view our “Soul” as something within our physical body. As stated in the wonderful book, “Conversations With God, Book 3, by Neale Donald Walsch, our Soul is much larger than that. It is our Soul that houses the body, not the body housing the Soul!

It is like the air we breathe; the air is in our home, in each room and also outside our home; yet, it is all the same air. In truth, there is no separation from one Soul to the other; there is nowhere that one Soul begins and another ends. Why? Because there IS ONLY ONE!  And that ONE IS GOD!  Therefore, so are WE!

If we see ourselves as having a body that houses a Soul, then of course the confusion will give way to feeling separate from everyone else. And yet, it is very important to have the experience of ourselves as separate Beings, as this is necessary for the ‘illusion’ to continue. But we must “re-member; (that is to become a ‘member once again!’) we must remember who we REALLY ARE, which is God, manifested in physical form, to experience itself, through US.  WE ARE THAT!  And until we realize it, suffering continues, unless it does not; unless somehow, we live a divine dichotomy, which means that we can live two concepts that seem to contradict each other, yet remain in tact. (As Jesus Christ, the Master, pointed out, ‘….to be in the world, but not of it…’)  And the meaning is this: We are separate individuals, living separate lives, and yet all one through our True Selves, which is one Soul, split into different individual bodies, so that GOD may experience itself, all at once, in every form ever created.

And yes, this IS happening all at the same moment; therefore, we are everywhere at once!  The Soul is so big! However, we are choosing to focus on one lifetime at one time, so it appears that there is only this one life, happening in a sequence, taking days, months and years…..but in truth, all our lives are going on at once, and we only have to, and do, focus on the one we wish to experience. The best way to think and to understand this is to consider this example:  think about a disc with music burned into it. There may be 12-20 songs on one disc; they all exist on this disc at once, yet when we ‘choose’ one song to listen to, we can only hear one at a time, even though all the others exist at that moment as we are listening to that one song that is playing.

That is exactly what is going on regarding what we think of as “time.” The truth is our Soul knows only now, as that is all there is, and plays out what we focus on. If we focus on negative, that aspect, that Soul in another dimension having a negative experience becomes our reality/experience.  And, if we focus on good, that Soul in a good dimension with good outcomes, is what we then experience…why? Because we are everywhere at once; and why?  Because we are ALL ONE!  It is just a matter of focusing (with our feelings and thoughts) that produces the experiences we have.  (For more information, see ‘Home With God,’ by Neale Donald Walsch.)

Feelings bring us whatever experience they match. Einstein knew this when he stated:

‘…Everything is energy. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality….it can be no other way; this is not philosophy; this is physics…’

Understanding our Soul, will change our perspective of who we Really Are, knowing we are creating our reality; and with that, all things are possible, as Love is all there really is.  We are always LOVE, which is our true self; and being the Soul, we are therefore, truly unlimited!


Jan 23

Many times we feel unsupported and unloved in our lives….even by people whom tell us they do feel such love and support for us in every way. Why? Why these feelings of emptiness in a world that is so full of wonder and Love/family and friends?

As we have realized, everything is a creation of our own, for as the saying goes, ‘If it’s to Be, it’s up to ME!’ What that implies is two fold…first of all, that we all are responsible for what we manifest; and IF we manifest what we desire. Secondly, that we are responsible for EVERYTHING we experience in our lives, including things we don’t like that occur.

So why do we feel unloved and unsupported? We do this by default…we start feeling bad about something, usually someone else’s behavior, (which only means they are being UNAWARE), and we start feeling the lack of something (love, support, etc.) that we wish to experience from that other, but they fail to give to us. We then make a judgment on what that means, and then assess the behavior, coming up with a feeling of either fear about it, or Love.

If we fear it, we bring to ourselves things to fear….if we feel Love (which can be in the form of understanding, empathy, or compassion), we bring more of that…it’s all about us, individually, all collectively creating our lives, both on a personal scale and globally.

But the intention of this article is to alleviate that feeling, so that we stay free of DIS-EASE!  For a body that does not feel supported or Loved, will suffer through wrong thought, (possibly many health issues) if not resolved. (A wonderful book to view on healing, is by Louise Hay, “Heal Your Body.”)

And how can we feel loved and supported when we perceive we are not, (or do not get what we wish to receive from others in terms of that Love and support we so wish to experience, especially when we Love and support those others so much?!) The answer is that we must remember who and what we Really Are…and that is THE UNIVERSE;  meaning we are so much more than what we ‘see in the mirror!’  The Love we feel we don’t have is an illusion, for WE ARE THAT LOVE!  We are Love, and to not feel it, therefore, only means that we are somehow blocking it with the illusion that we ‘need’ it at all!


And that is the same reason that one CAN cure themselves of any addictions, because the truth is, We are all WITHOUT NEED! The feeling or thought that an addiction of anything is simply an illusion is the start of freedom from it; the illusion that we must have something outside of ourselves to be happy or to live comes from (for the most part), ‘learned behavior.’  We imagine we somehow need something outside of ourselves (including Love, in order to BE happy), and we do not!

We are God, in physical form; our thoughts become our emotions, and our emotions are ENERGY EXPRESSED. To know we are Love, and that we are therefore always supported and Loved by LIFE itself, will change our thoughts and feelings about the illusion that we are all alone, unsupported and unloved. It will become our foundation, and actually IS OUR FOUNDATION that does and will continue to forever Love and Support us!  Why? Because in TRUTH, there is none other THAN US (meaning, there is none other than YOU! ) And therefore ….only one Being here, split into billions of energy units, called Souls, which are all part of the Great WHOLE, the GREAT I AM….US….GOD!  (for more information, please read “The New Earth,” by Echardt Tolle)

With that thought and most importantly, that FEELING, all and everything become that Love and support; for when we desire to feel and experience that only Love is around us and that only Love is always there….it is around, behind, up, down, and through…through everyone and everything, we then will feel we are ALWAYS SUPPORTED AND LOVED…there can be no other way!

And, as for those whom are being ‘unaware,’ all will be taken care of….for with Loving ourselves and realizing that we are the Love and support we ‘need or seek;’ by realizing we need nothing at all, for WE ARE THAT, we will eventually create more of that experience of feeling Loved and supported OUTSIDE of ourselves.  We will experience it in our reality, through situations and people that WILL appear in our lives! And the ones we Love, whom are currently behaving in an unloving and unsupportive way? They will either disappear (which can be figuratively or literally, and we will be FINE with this!), or their behavior will change, according to both our expectations of them, and what they decide to be.

Remember, we all CO-CREATE, but fear not, for everything is always in Divine right order; imagining, feeling, and knowing you are Love and without need, will bring about THAT experience!

For, as stated by author Mary Baker Eddy, in the book, “Science and Health, with Keys to the Scriptures,” Love will always reflect Love.

Blessings to all of you; for we are always Loved and Supported by Love itself….or as some refer to……GOD!

Jan 16

We are all creators, and we are all the created. There is nothing BUT creation. The formless energy some call God, Love, The Great Unseen, etc., IS THAT…IS CREATION!

We are working now within the 5th dimension, in other words, the New Earth is here now, but currently most are behaving as if they are still 3rd dimensional, which is due to fear. As long as we feel fear, we are blocking the experience of The New Earth. It is HERE NOW; however we only see what we want to see, so to speak.

Visualization helps bring it to us, but there MUST be a FEELING of contentment, peace, and most of all Love, free of judgment and condemnation. Only through that state of BEING, does the New Earth appear in our reality. In other words, we must ‘match the vibrational frequency’ of the New Earth, and it will appear. This was stated by Albert Einstein, which is: “Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality; there can be no other way; this is not philosophy…this is physics!”

God IS CREATION, and WE ARE THAT! We are therefore, the creation and the creator, and what we feel and say and think DOES manifest. It may not appear immediately, as we are vibrating a 3rd dimensional vibration match-up, so to speak, but if you’ll notice, what you do think and feel happens faster than it ever has before! And the reason is because the ‘veil’ to enter that frequency/reality is becoming thinner, as we are aligning with that new dimension.

We are the Energy that creates. Gratitude is literally saying, “I have it,” (for why else would you be grateful unless you did?) That statement moves electrons and atoms, and protons in to an alignment to produce the situations to give you WHATEVER it is you are feeling and thinking…..

…so, once again, FEEL GOOD, for whatever you feel will become your reality; your creation is always up to you. No truer words were said, than the expression, “If it’s to BE, it’s up to ME!”


Jan 9

To hold a picture of what is …. repeat this phrase…’….it’s all about Me.’

Now at first this statement seems just so selfish, and actually self-centered! But what we MUST realize is that we can only succeed IF we focus on Self.  Now before you mistakenly assume that I am speaking of not caring about others, you are indeed in error of what this message is indicating.

To be selfish is to, so to speak, fish for oneself; to take CARE of oneself….However, to be self-centered, is to ONLY think of oneself and no one else. All the suffering and all the problems in both our reality and indeed, in our world, are from focusing too much on what others are being, doing, and having. Greed, anger, frustration, violence…all have to do with focusing on others and not on Self. For when we focus on Self only, conscious of what WE are BEING, DOING, and HAVING, we then have taken our power back to change our lives….remember that saying, “all I can change is myself, but that is what changes everything..!’ (And actually it is much easier to change only oneself, than to try and change everyone else!)

Remember, there is really but ONE BEING sitting here, split into billions upon billions of infinite Souls, all the same energy. Some call this energy, God; others Love, The Great I AM, etc.

And that is why, all we have to do is FEEL, and Think and it just happens…But it has nothing to do with anyone else……It has only to do with ourselves….(that is, unless WE ALLOW someone else to affect our thoughts and our feelings!) Therefore, whatever I personally do… …feel…think…It’s all about ME! (And each one of us can say that! Why? Because WE ARE ALL ONE!)

So many times we allow others to have an effect over our own lives, controlling our own positive feelings, our dreams, and our daily lives. We learn to become reactive, instead of empowered. We place ourselves in the hands of those who tell us that they know what is best for us, when oftentimes we see they do not even seem to know what is best for THEM! The Truth is that it is only about Self; what Self is being, doing and having; only then can we aspire to our Greatest and Grandest version and vision of Self. (for more on this topic, please view the book, Conversations With God, Book One, by Neale Donald Walsch).http://amzn.to/1xMOFFa

By choosing to stay centered on Self; focused on your choices that serve you well; be a light to all; for by taking care of Self, you then CAN help others take good care of themselves too, for as living your dreams do you help others know they can also live their dreams.  Remember, as the Great Master Jesus Christ said, ‘what I can do, so can you, and even greater things than I…’

Repeat this empowering affirmation and see what changes occur in your life, but remember, you must FEEL the statement rather than just a repetition of mere ‘words:’

‘As long as I keep true to myself; (meaning, I monitor my feelings)…And tell myself to feel good, I can have anything! I can be anything! I can do anything! This is all about ME, and always has been and always will be…life ever lasting…AMEN!  (Which by the way, AMEN in translation, means ‘ALL MEN….’ ….Women of course are included…really all ‘mankind!’)  Everything I’ve ever wished for is mine now, and this is true because there’s only really ME here now…and all these others in different forms are just many different ‘ME’S!  Therefore,  I can go into the New Earth now, and waiting in their highest form (as everyone is EVERYWHERE!) all I have ever known, and everyone I Love …I no longer have to wait for them to catch up with me, nor do I have to miss anyone, nor do I have to wait for anyone else…for everyone IS also here/there NOW!…..nothing can hold me back; nothing can stop me…!  Let us now CHOOSE to allow all Realizations from our Highest Self to appear in our mind and feelings; in this way we will now consistently experience HEAVEN, Heaven on Earth! We are all unlimited and always have been. It is NOW time for this transformation; blessed be; it is DONE…!’

And THAT is the power of the Universe for which we have all been created, and continuing to create. For we are both the created, and the Creator! There truly is only ONE…therefore, the statement serves it’s purpose in that, it really is ALL ABOUT ME!


Dec 9

What to do when you are so far ahead and then slip behind….?

On your way to Mastery? Or is it just an ongoing process……FOREVER???

Are you thinking that you have reached Mastery, and then feel fear…..AGAIN?

What is going on?

First, tell yourself that you NOW KNOW, and so shall it be~

It really is All Good, …and I KNOW this truth is TRUE….meaning everything is in Divine Order. (For that statement creates THAT experience….the experience of KNOWING!)

So why the fear?

Fear comes from creating the opposite of what you wish for, in order to then create what you wish to see show up….(Something like you cannot have hot without cold; up without down).

The answer is APPRECIATION! Appreciation serves to prevent this problem…for when you truly appreciate EVERYTHING, then there is no need to create the opposite first, as appreciation brings that for what you wish IMMEDIATELY. The reason being that it is a statement that knows that it is already there…In appreciating, we are happy, and more things will manifest to keep us happy. It is focusing on what we do wish and what we have, rather than what we do not.

If we are happy and something shows up that could potentially bring one down from that happy frequency, merely appreciating the problem…(yes the problem!), will eradicate it immediately….for all Masters know this, and therefore never do they ‘curse’ the darkness.

In appreciating what IS at that moment, happiness continues, and however things may change, all paths eventually lead to an Awareness, which brings accepting change (for when in the state of accepting change, all possibilities are seen), which then brings forth Evolution. Therefore, CHANGE IS ALWAYS GOOD; it is Evolution, and that is why we are here…to EXPERIENCE ourselves as the Grandest and Greatest vision and version of ourselves we REALLY ARE!….and you cannot do so without change and therefore, evolution.

By APPRECIATION (we allow thorough our awareness, acceptance, which allows change), and we begin the process, or rather, we flow with it, rather than resist it; fear becomes then the illusion it is, and one that we are free of showing up in our reality.

Therefore, bless the darkness and curse it not, for all is GOD, manifest to perfection through US; through Love, which is who we all Really Are. If you feel fear, allow it to be; free of resistance, look through it, and it will disappear. How? By appreciation; appreciation brings awareness, which brings acceptance, which brings forth gratitude, and Gratitude brings us to a frequency of Love, where there is only joy, abundance and peace.


Nov 13

Are you living the same dream called life, over and over again? Do you find the same partner in different people that you meet? Example? Maybe you marry a gambler, then an alcoholic, then a sexaholic, then a workaholic, etc? Do you find that the same dramas keep showing up?

If so, you are vibrating on the same frequency….the ‘scenery’ may have changed, but the outcome is the same. Are you feeling the same…scared, anxious? Feeling like it’s the other person’s fault? Think AGAIN! Everyone and everything is YOU, (Meaning we are all One); therefore, you must change YOU to change it all!

HOW? Seems hopeless at times; for we do not feel that we are making progress….but we are! Just that you now KNOW this is happening, and that you are creating it (you see the pattern of the re-runs in your life) is a step in the right direction to change it…for once you know something is YOUR responsibility, then you CAN change it, because you have taken back that POWER, that before, you gave away to someone else through blame; reason being: when you blame anyone or anything for your unhappiness, you are giving away your power to change it; for now they have the power…not you.

BUT, when you CHOOSE TO DECIDE that it really is ALL ABOUT YOU, (meaning only how YOU think and feel), then you become the powerful, sacred design and Being of the Universe that you Truly Are….

Fear Not…face whatever is occurring…of course, you did not consciously create that abusive relationship; that car accident, that illness, etc….BUT on a Soul level, sub-consciously, you are creating your life and every single event, by your thoughts and your feelings. It’s all good, as our younger generation states, as we all go Home, eventually and are always safe. And best of all…we CAN at any time, with your change of feelings and thoughts…First step? CHOOSE to Believe that…and most importantly, KNOW THAT!

A Master blesses, therefore, all of it…for what better way to proving Mastery then by a challenge to see how we handle it? We are ‘fine-tuning ‘ ourselves with each challenge; and with that challenge, as we stay centered in Love, knowing and choosing to be aware of the TRUTH OF OURSELVES, which is that WE ARE GOD IN PHYSICAL FORM; staying in that truth will ‘set us free.’ For as Jesus stated that Truth, so it is. The Truth shall set you free…to BE that truth; holding fast to Being Love…all reality changes. (And remember, when you are BEING LOVE, fear cannot enter into your experience.  That is why a Master always reacts the same to everyone, and to everything. Nothing is allowed to interrupt that Peace..that is what is called “Christed.”

Let therefore, that re-run, serve you to become aware that all you need to do is to BREATHE…relaxing into the All of Who you Really Are (some ways to achieve this possibly are meditation, BEING LOVE, etc.)….your reality will transcend into whatever is going on inside of you…Peace reflects Peace; Love Reflects Love*. However, this state of BEING does not imply that you stand idly by while you or another are being abused…remember, sometimes a peaceful man/woman must go to war to create peace again.

It does however mean that you stay true to your conviction that All IS WELL; that God IS taking good care of everyone, including you….and that thought; that FEELING, will create a reality that reflects THAT.

For the New Earth, is not a place we will travel to or enter into….the New Earth is here now; we must only match that vibrational frequency that the NEW EARTH is vibrating to, and as we match it, it will then be OUR EXPERIENCE!

Remember, Einstein stated, ‘….everything is energy; match the vibrational frequency of the reality you wish to experience, and you cannot help but get that reality…there can be no other way….this is not philosophy…this is physics…’

Blessed Be.

*”Love Reflects Love” a phrase by Mary Baker Eddy, from her Book, “Key to the Scriptures.”

Key to the Scriptures





Oct 21

Nothing is permanent…we may think so, especially when we face a problem or major life change…we tend to think things will last FOREVER….we think the same about our relationships with others, especially with our Loved ones (Parents, children, etc.). The truth is there IS a permanence in life, but not as you may think….The ONLY permanence is an ENERGY, which we all are; some call it Love…others, God/Life/The Great I AM.

As we journey through our story/movie called Life, we sometimes realize before we pass on how temporary all things truly are in this reality. It starts to dawn on us when we one day look in the mirror and see an older person standing there; we do not feel that different and sometimes, not at all (depending usually on our health condition). As many have claimed, they still feel ‘young,’ (that is UNTIL they view themselves in that mirror!). The next phase usually comes when we see our children grow into adults, or for some, having a grandchild. For others, whom have not experienced having a child, it may come in the form of retirement, or just watching our parents age, pass on, etc. But sooner or later, we realize that nothing in this so called ‘reality,’ is permanent…not even our problems; not even our joys.

The pure ‘knowing’ of what Permanency really is comes as we Spiritually Awaken. We first realize that we ARE THAT PERMANENCE, and with that, comes our release from fear. We are the infinite; WE ARE THE ALL KNOWING, and if we choose to realize this before we pass on, we will then experience a life that we truly were meant to live when we first incarnated…And, that is Heaven on Earth, Being in the Christed form of Mastery.

And once again…how to do so? Start with Gratitude, which brings Awareness, which brings Clarity, which brings Knowing….a knowing of Permanence, which is God Observing God.


Oct 14
Ever hear of the expression, “resting between takes?”  We usually refer to this in the movie industry, when actors are taking a break between scenes.
Looking at our lives, we are basically in one big illusion, creating the ‘Movie of our Life.”  This realization calls for an immediate ‘change of scene,’ so to speak; for when we decide to take a break between the ‘scenes of our lives,’ a wonderful experience and very important thing occurs…we re-group.  We set up our vibration to match a better outcome.
Remember, everything has already been done.  We literally vibrate in and out of frequencies all day long, (with all having different outcomes for the same situation) and while doing so, we usually do not realize such an amazing metaphysical experience is even taking place…until we do.
Being Christed, is Being Awake.  It is not only remembering who You REALLY are (which is a Spirit/God, having a Human Experience), but it is also remembering that everyone else is also THAT.
When we choose to be aware of this, we consciously decide to take a break, which does not have to take long…it can be whatever we wish it to be.  It can even last for as little as 10 seconds, but in that relaxed moment, we reset our frequency; we calm, we mediate briefly, and we then go into our next scene, or life experience, with a mindset of flow, rather than resistance. This ‘rest between takes,’ may not seem like much, but it makes all the difference in creating a life that has meaning, is in balance, and evolved.  It is what every Master knows and has done.
Remember, to rest is to re-create in our Grandest and Greatest vision and version we ever had about ourselves…it’s no small wonder that ‘recreation’ actually can best be thought of as ‘re-creating our energy.’
Give yourself  a chance to connect to Source….it’s who we all REALLY ARE, and this ‘resting between takes,’ is one way to achieve that bliss.


Oct 8

Oftentimes, (and age, financials, social class, ethnicity, or gender makes no difference) when one may not be ready to Love or accept Love, we accept this as ‘normal,’… however it is not natural….the danger in that is when we find Love, we may take the chance of losing it, and missing it so much later on in life…I cannot pretend to know what brings on those negative feelings…relationships are amazing and help us grow and develop, but honestly, relationships in their HIGHEST and GRANDEST state and purpose are for the other person…in that Relationships purpose is to enhance the other…AND they to enhance you. If you are in it to see what YOU can get out of it, then it is not Love…for truly Love is always wishing to  ENHANCE THE OTHER’S life, and they must be in it for the same reason, TO ENHANCE YOURS….

Anything less than that is need, not Love.; therefore, it may serve one to choose and make the decision to stay in a relationship based on how much you wish to enhance the other’s life….if you do not, find the one you DO wish to BE THAT…, and it may serve you to ask them why they are in this relationship with you…if their answer is because of how you make them feel and what you do for them, then they may not be aware of what Love really is and why a relationship is meant to be experienced; however if they say it is because their desire is to cause you to be happy, then you are on the right track.

I know this because that Love, true Love is unconditional. If you have decided to bring a child into this world, or to care for a child, and/or a pet, you have had no other reason to have taken on that responsibility but to give to them, to enhance their life….Love is Love, whether Love for a child, for a pet, or Love for another in a romantic way. And of course, we must always include….. Love for Self.

Sep 19

My good friend, Frank Daly whom is a Spiritual Teacher has started a blog and is coming out with a book soon! I highly recommend this man and his writings…please check out his blog at:



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